Using the SSF_FINANCIALS Web Service

Student Financials provides the SSF_FINANCIALS web service with the service operation SSF_GET_STUDENT_ACCOUNT. SSF_GET_STUDENT_ACCOUNT allows an external user interface to access Student Account Information - Charges Due, Account Balance, Recent Payments and Pending Financial Aid.

This section provides an overview of SSF_FINANCIALS web service and discusses:

The SSF_FINANCIALS web service can be used by end-user devices (such as a browser or a PDA), enterprise applications, or other third-party software that can interface through standards-based means. For example:

  • Oracle presentation technologies, such as Portal, Application Development Framework (ADF), and PeopleSoft components and pages

  • Oracle Middleware, such as Enterprise Service Bus and BPEL

  • Oracle Applications, such as Enterprise, EnterpriseOne, and E-Business Suite

  • Third-party presentation technologies

  • Third-party middleware and applications

SSF_FINANCIALS web service provides the following SOAP and REST services that enable you to access student accounts in Campus Solutions Student Financials:


Service Operation




Get Student Account



Get Student Account REST POST

The SSF_GET_STUDENT_ACCOUNT operation returns a subset of student data that is normally accessible through the Campus Solutions Self Service inquiry pages. This operation is currently available only in self-service mode.

Note: SSF_GET_STUDENT_ACCOUNT invokes the Tuition Calculation process to ensure that the data returned is the most recent student account information. The invocation depends on the tuition calculation, self-service and other related setup.

The service operations use PeopleTools Integration Broker. Any user interface that is web-service enabled and complies with web service standards can access the service operations. SSF_FINANCIALS web service adheres to open web service standards that are currently supported in the latest release of PeopleTools.

Before you develop your own user interface, it is recommended that you use a SOAP service tester to become familiar with how the web services process the student account data and user information. One way to use a service tester is to pass the input parameters to a service operation, and then view the service operation output.

Assessing Staff Skills

Developers who implement SSF_FINANCIALS web service must have strong skills in:

  • A tool or technology to build and deploy user interfaces

  • PeopleSoft Integration Broker

  • PeopleCode

  • Web services concepts mainly XML, SOAP, REST and WSDL

  • Campus Community Entity Registry functionality

  • Student Financials functionality

Setting up SSF_FINANCIALS Web Service

The following components that apply to SSF_FINANCIALS web service and must be set up are:

  • PeopleTools Integration Broker

  • Student Financials: SF Institution Set

You should review the following documentation as part of your SSF_FINANCIALS web service implementation.


SSF_FINANCIALS web service uses the entity registry to provide the structure in which to return student account data.

Student Financials provides basic and work entities to represent Student Financials student account data. These entities are not directly related to existing records. The Get Student Account service returns data in 'Views'. Each view represents an amalgamation of data retrieved from the Student Account.

During setup, the system generates the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) for SSF_FINANCIALS.

The following diagram lists the SSF_FINANCIALS web service operations and their messages:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the SSF_FINANCIALS WSDL. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

SSF_FINANCIALS WSDL (Web Service Definition Language)