TCSI Reporting

Education providers and universities that previously report data through the HEPCAT system and CART should now use the TCSI system to report data to the Australian government.

To submit new data as well as update existing data in TCSI, Campus Solutions (CS) uses the RESTful APIs that TCSI provides.

This section discusses:

Page Name

Definition Name



TCSI Data Migration


Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > AUS Regulatory Reporting > TCSI > TCSI Data Migration Process

Import existing data from TCSI.

TCSI Campus/Program Process


Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > AUS Regulatory Reporting > TCSI > TCSI Campus/Program Process

Report campus and program data.

Student/Course Admissions/Unit Enrolments Data Transfer


Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > AUS Regulatory Reporting > TCSI > TCSI Student Data Process

Report student data.

TCSI Commonwealth Scholarships


Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > AUS Regulatory Reporting > TCSI Commonwealth Scholarships

Submit new or update existing scholarships after 01/01/2019.

TCSI Higher Degree By Research


Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > AUS Regulatory Reporting > TCSI Higher Degree By Research

Record research engagements.

TCSI Research Scholarships


Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > AUS Regulatory Reporting > TCSI Research Scholarships

Record research scholarships. Records of the same scholarship type can’t have overlapping start and end dates.

TCSI Apps/Offers/Prefs Process


Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > AUS Regulatory Reporting > TCSI > TCSI Apps/Offers/Prefs Process

Identify new or updated application records.

TCSI Purge Transactions


Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > AUS Regulatory Reporting > TCSI > TCSI Purge Transactions

Delete old TCSI transaction data.

Access the TCSI Data Migration page (Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > AUS Regulatory Reporting > TCSI > TCSI Data Migration Process ).

Use the TCSI Data Migration page to retrieve information from TCSI about records you have previously submitted to HEIMS. A TCSI record has a unique identifier (UID), which is used to identify a record. When you know a record’s UID, you can use the UID to update or delete a record.

Note: It is likely that institutions will only migrate campus and course of study data during their TCSI implementation. After the initial implementation, you can continue to migrate students, course admissions, and unit enrolments for groups of students as needed.

The migration process looks at each data in TCSI and tries to find a matching record in Campus Solutions (CS). If there’s a match, the process collects the UIDs of the existing records in TCSI, then creates a record in the CS UID table. The UID links TCSI and CS records. The migration process also creates a transaction match record to store a copy of the data that’s in TCSI. The match transaction record allows the TCSI Campus/Program and TCSI Student Data processes to determine if the data has changed since it was last reported to HEIMS.

You can use the transaction tables to troubleshoot any error that appears when you’re submitting or updating records in TCSI. See Reviewing Transaction Data From TCSI.

Field or Control


Transaction Date

The TCSI Student Data process uses this date to compare when CS student data has been added or updated, and determines if any changes have been made since the transaction date.

For example, you want to mark records retrieved from TCSI as records dated 01/01/2020 because you know you haven’t reported any updates to your records since then. When you run the migration process, the transaction records that are stored in CS will be dated 01/01/2020. When you run the TCSI Student Data process, it determines if there have been changes to CS records since the transaction date. If there are changes, the process compares the CS record with the transaction record, then it updates (patches) the record in TCSI.

Include in Processing

Use this region to identify the records you want to import from TCSI. When you select TCSI Course of Study or TCSI Course, the process retrieves all records from TCSI. These elements don’t have a high volume of records and you can’t retrieve this data individually. The TCSI Course records are dependent on the TCSI Course of Study records, so those must be migrated either in the same process run or in a previous run.

When you select Students, Course Admissions, and Unit Enrolments, you must select Population Selection so you can identify a smaller set of data to import. Because of the sheer volume of records for students, courses, and unit enrolments, processing them would take a longer time. It’s recommended to identify a smaller set of records to facilitate a quicker processing and to allow a subset of students to be targeted. For example, organizations may choose to migrate only students who were active in the last two years and defer migrating other historic student data until it is needed.

Field or Control


Use Short description to match

Select to match the data for TCSI Course of Study based on the program’s short description.

Use this option only with TCSI Course of Study. The data is based on the short description instead of the program code. This may vary for each institution, so select this option to indicate that the process should match TCSI data with CS data based on either program code or short description.

Population Selection

Population selection is a method for selecting the IDs to process for a specific transaction. The Population Selection group box is a standard group box that appears on run control pages when the Population Selection process is available or required for the transaction. See Understanding the Population Selection Group Box.

Use this group box to select a PS query to specify a set of records for migration together with this bind record: SSR_HM_BND_STU - Data Migration Bind Record.

Use a query when importing data about students, course admissions, and unit enrolments. This allows institutions to run the migration process against smaller chunks of data. You can also use a query to identify students using a specific set of criteria. For example, import data only for students who are currently active or those who have been active for the last three years.

Access the TCSI Campus/Program Process page (Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > AUS Regulatory Reporting > TCSI > TCSI Campus/Program Process).

Note: Most institutions will run the migration process first. See Importing Existing Data From TCSI.

You must run this process before running the student data process. The campus and course elements must exist before student records can be created.

Use the TCSI Campus/Program Process page to submit new or update existing campus, course of study, course, or course on campus records to TCSI. Courses are called programs in CS.

The data transfer process goes through all the records you include in the processing. Each record has a related view that maps CS data to the HEIMS record. For each record, the process looks at the related view to determine if there are new or updated rows.

When a new row is found, a POST call is made using the data in the view. This creates an entry for the record in TCSI. When posting is:

  • Successful, TCSI responds with the UID that it assigned to the record. CS stores this UID in a table and the data that was submitted is written to the transaction data table for that record.

  • Unsuccessful, the record you submitted is still written to the transaction data table, but no UID is stored. The accompanying error message is stored in the error table.

When an updated row is found, a PATCH call is made using the data from the view and the UID from the UID table. This updates the existing record in TCSI. When patching is:

  • Successful, the data you submitted is written to the transaction data table.

  • Unsuccessful, the data you submitted is still written to the transaction data table and an error message is written to the error table.

Field or Control


Records per POST Request

Enter the number of records you want to submit to TCSI. It’s recommended that you limit this to 1 record per transaction to maintain performance.

Note: While you can enter a number greater than one, doing so may result in performance issues. If you enter 1000, for example, it may take too long for a response from TCSI to come back. Between updating records and waiting for responses, failures may also occur.

Include in Processing

Use this region to select the entities you want to submit or update. While you can choose one or more entities, there’s an order to how submissions or updates are processed. For example, in order to submit new or update existing TCSI Course of Study records, the TCSI Campus must exist. The same is true when processing TCSI Courses: the TCSI Course of Study and TCSI Campus must exist before courses can be created, and so on.

If you process other elements without processing records for the elements that precede it, you will get an error because the records don’t exist. For example, if you select TCSI Course without selecting TCSI Campus and TCSI Course of Study, and then you run the process, you will get an error.

Access the TCSI Student Data Process page (Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > AUS Regulatory Reporting > TCSI > TCSI Student Data Process).

Use the TCSI Student Data Process page to submit new or update existing student records as well as other information like Commonwealth scholarships, academic load, research scholarships, and so on.

The data transfer process goes through all the records you include in the processing. If a transaction record and UID does not exist for the record, the element values are derived from CS and posted to TCSI. If a transaction record and UID exist and if there have been updates to the CS records after the transaction date, the element values are derived from CS and any updated element values are submitted to TCSI.

Note: Student processing doesn't use views like the Course/Campus Process because the data derivation is too complex.

When a new row is found, a POST call is made using the data derived from CS. This creates an entry for the record in TCSI. When posting is:

  • Successful, TCSI responds with the UID that it assigned to the record. CS stores this UID in a table and the data that was submitted is written to the transaction data table for that record.

  • Unsuccessful, the data you submitted is still written to the transaction data table, but no UID is stored. The accompanying error message is stored in the error table.

When an updated row is found, a PATCH call is made using the data derived from CS and the UID from the UID table. When patching is:

  • Successful, the data you submitted is written to the transaction data table.

  • Unsuccessful, the data you submitted is still written to the transaction data table and an error message is written to the error table.

Field or Control


Academic Institution

Students are selected from the institution you have selected.

Provider Type

The value you select, HEP or VET, controls what endpoints and data are included. For dual sector providers, you need to run the processes separately for your HEP and VET students.

The CS TCSI process determines if a student is HEP, VET, or not reported based on what’s indicated on the Academic Career AUS page (Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Academic Structure > Academic Career Table > Academic Career AUS).

Records Per POST Request

Enter the number of records you want to submit to TCSI. It’s recommended that you limit this to 1 record per transaction to avoid issues with dropping large TCSI transactions.

Update All Records

When you select this check box, the current CS data is derived and compared to the last transaction data to determine if any changes need to be patched. This process skips the logic that looks for records based on whether the CS record has a more recent add, update date/time than the last transaction date/time.

Select this option if you believe some updates to local CS data may have been missed, or if the CS and TCSI data may have become out of sync.

Census Start Date, Census End Date

The census date range can be whatever dates are required to target the data your institution wants to report to TCSI. For nightly runs, it’s expected that this would cover the current term and next term. When reporting changes to specific data that were previously reported (revisions), this date range could span several years, and you can select the student population using PS Query.

Population Selection

Population selection is a method for selecting the IDs to process for a specific transaction. The Population Selection group box is a standard group box that appears on run control pages when the Population Selection process is available or required for the transaction. See Understanding the Population Selection Group Box.

Use this group box to select the population of student careers to narrow down the number of records the process considers. The initial student population is based on the student EMPLIDs, Academic Careers, and Career Numbers that the query selects.

If you don’t use population selection, the student data process finds the student career population using Census Start Date and Census End Date. A student career is included in the process if it falls under one of these conditions:

  • A related enrolment with a census date that falls between the census start and end dates.

  • An admit term with a start date that falls within the census tart and end dates, and has a program action of ACTV or MATR.

  • An effective date that falls within the census start and end dates.

Field or Control


Selection Tool

Select PS Query.

In creating either a query to use in this process, the bind record SSR_HM_STDT_BND must be included in the query. If the bind record is not included, then the query will not appear as prompt value for the Query Name field.

After selecting the student population, you need to choose the TCSI packets, which contains additional logic to determine whether any data must be posted or patched.

Include in Processing

Select the TCSI packets you want to submit or update. While you can choose one or more packets, there’s an order to how submissions or updates are processed. For example, in order to submit new or update existing Commonwealth scholarships, the student must exist. The same is true when processing course admissions: you can’t create these without a student record. Course admissions must exist before you can create research scholarships.

When you select any one of these packets, records are:

  • Posted if there’s no UID for the EMPLID in the UID mapping table.

  • Patched if there’s an existing UID for the EMPLID in the UID mapping table, and there was an update to one of the CS records (there’s an add/update date after the most recent successful transaction record).

Field or Control



Records are processed if the student is in the selected population.

The process considers the standard SCC_ROW_ADD_DTTM and SCC_ROW_UPD_DTTM columns in most tables, such as PS_SSR_STDNT_DATA. For Person data, it also uses PS_PERSON.LAST_CHILD_UPDDTM to identify updates to the person and child records.

This packet contains Disability and Citizenship child records.

Commonwealth Scholarships

Note: After 01/01/2019, TCSI will use the TCSI Commonwealth Scholarships page (SSR_HM_TCSI_CWS). This page is designed so that there’s one record created for each record that’s sent to TCSI. See Reporting Scholarships.

Records are processed if the student is in the selected population and if any part of the year/period falls between the census start and end dates. For example, for census dates 15/03/2021 to 15/09/2021, the process reports both 2021/1 and 2021/2.

Course Admissions

Records are processed if the student program EMPLID/Academic Career/Career Number is in the selected population.

This packet contains Basis of Admission, Course Prior Credit, Specialisations child records.

HDR End-User Engagements

Records are processed if the student program EMPLID/Academic Career/Career Number is in the selected population.

Research Scholarships / RTP

Records are processed if the student program EMPLID/Academic Career/Career Number is in the selected population.

Unit Enrolments

Records are processed if the student program EMPLID/Academic Career/Career Number is in the selected population.

This packet contains AOU child records.


Records are processed if the student program EMPLID/Academic Career/Career Number is in the selected population and if the incurred date falls between the census start and end dates.


Records are processed if the student program EMPLID/Academic Career/Career Number is in the selected population and if the incurred date falls between the census start and end dates.

Aggregated Awards

Records are processed if the:

  • Student program EMPLID/Academic Career/Career Number is in the selected population.

  • Aggregate Award check box is selected in the academic program.

  • Aggregate Award student program has an effective date that falls between the census start and end dates.

Exit Awards

Records are processed if the:

  • Student program EMPLID/Academic Career/Career Number is in the selected population.

  • Exit Award check box is selected in the Exit Award student program.

  • The Source Award student program is selected in the Source Award field on the Exit Award student program.

  • Exit Award student program has an effective date that falls between the census start and end dates.

Access the TCSI Commonwealth Scholarships page (Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > AUS Regulatory Reporting > TCSI Commonwealth Scholarships).

Use the TCSI Commonwealth Scholarships page to report scholarships after 01/01/2019. The process creates one record for each student record that’s reported to TCSI.

Once a scholarship is current, a record is created for each current period with the reporting year, period, and amount. If a scholarship is terminated, a new offer record must be created in the next active reporting year and period.

Here are examples of a scholarship being initially offered in 2019/1, made current with a scholarship amount in 2019/1, terminated in 2019/2, then re-offered in 2020/1.

Access the TCSI Apps/Offers/Prefs Process page (Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > AUS Regulatory Reporting > TCSI > TCSI Apps/Offers/Prefs Process).

Use the TCSI Apps/Offers/Prefs Process page to run a process that identifies new and updated application records, then posts new records or patches existing ones.

This process uses the same profile records and mapping pages as the HEIMS process that it replaces.

Population Selection

Population selection is a method for selecting the IDs to process for a specific transaction. The Population Selection group box is a standard group box that appears on run control pages when the Population Selection process is available or required for the transaction. See Understanding the Population Selection Group Box.

Use this group box to find a student population. If you don’t use a PS query, the student is selected based on institution, profile, and admit term.


Field or Control



Use this to specify parameters that determine which students are chose. Examples of these parameters are: Application Center, Admit Type, Application Method, Citizenship, and Course of Study Type Code.

Reference Date

The date you specify is used to determine which effective-dated rows should be used in processing.

Current Year 12 Year

The year you specify is used to find related records based on the year the student finished their previous studies.

Admit Term

The term you specify allows applications for processing to be selected across one or more admit terms.

Access the TCSI Purge Transactions page (Records and Enrollment > Enrollment Reporting > AUS Regulatory Reporting > TCSI > TCSI Purge Transactions).

Use the TCSI Purge Transactions page to permanently delete old CS TCSI transaction data and related CS TCSI records that are no longer required. The most recent successful transaction record is always retained for each posted TCSI record to allow comparison and ongoing patching of data when required.

Purge Transactions By

Field or Control



When selected, the oldest transaction records are deleted when they're greater than the value in Transactions delete more than.


When selected, the oldest transaction records are deleted when they're older than the value in Transactions older than days.

Include in Processing

Use this region to select the groups of TCSI records you want to process. This section is similar to the ones in the other TCSI processes.