Setting Up Period End Accruals

Follow these steps to set up period end accruals:

  1. Set up a journal generator template.

    When implementing period end accruals for PeopleSoft Expenses, a new journal generator template needs to be created to process period end accrual transactions for expenses. The Expenses Period End Accrual (EX_PACCRUE) journal template is available and is defined for the SHARE SetID.

    See Journal Generator Template - Defaults Page.

  2. Set up the business unit to processes period end accruals.

    Select the type of expense transactions to be processed for the business unit on the Expenses Definition - Business Unit 1 Page.

    Select EX_PACCRUE, or the journal generator template that you created for period end accrual processing, in the Period End Accruals field on the Business Unit 2 page .

  3. Set up period end accrual options for the SetID on the Period End Accrual Options - Document page.

    See Setting Up Period End Accrual Options.