Understanding Project Administration

This topic discusses:

  • Project award requirements.

  • Transaction flow control.

  • Project analysis.

  • Transaction review.

  • Analysis inquiries.

  • Project data deletion.

A project in PeopleSoft Grants represents a portion of an award. Every award in PeopleSoft Grants requires a minimum of one project, and each project requires a minimum of one activity. Awards can have multiple projects, and projects can have multiple activities. To enter a transaction line into the transaction table (PROJ_RESOURCE), a project and activity must exist.

You may choose to control project budgets separately and, therefore, establish separate projects based on different principal investigators, departments, research phases, and locations. You can systematically create projects during award setup, or you can add projects manually through the Project component. You can also attach a project to an award and an award line from the Related Projects page in PeopleSoft Contracts.

Three basic ways are available to control the flow of data coming into PeopleSoft Project Costing:

  1. Set a project or activity to Inactive status.

    In this case, the project and activity do not appear in the prompt lists of the PeopleSoft feeder systems.

  2. Use status control options.

    On the Status Types page, select the analysis types that each feeder system uses; and then select a project control action to associate with the analysis type.

    Note: No project control action occurs if the Project Control Action check box is deselected.

    Values include:

    Warning: Displays a warning before the system accepts the transaction.

    Reject: Rejects the transaction.

  3. Use the PeopleSoft Commitment Control tolerance percentage.

    After you create a budget, you can establish a setting to trigger a commitment control exception that allows up to a specified percentage over the budget.

Instructions on controlling incoming transactions appear in the PeopleSoft Project Costing documentation.

PeopleSoft Project Costing provides several different ways to analyze project data. Before you can begin analyzing project data, you must create:

  • At least one project.

  • Project activities.

  • Transactions that have been assigned resource IDs.

After you establish a project and enter data directly though interfaces with other PeopleSoft applications, you can use the pages in PeopleSoft Project Costing to:

  • View a list of all project manager projects.

  • Display real-time project information that is imported from the project summary tables.

  • Display all resource transactions for a selected project.

The system automatically populates the lines and analysis types that appear in the Project Analysis pages. When you post lines in the Project Budget pages to PeopleSoft Project Costing, the system adds BUD (budget) lines to the Project Analysis pages. After you run the Integrate Enterprise Data processes, you can use the Project Analysis pages to make inquiries on the data that originated from PeopleSoft General Ledger, PeopleSoft Inventory, PeopleSoft Payables, PeopleSoft Purchasing, and PeopleSoft Time and Labor.

Instructions on analyzing project data appear in the PeopleSoft Project Costing documentation.

PeopleSoft Project Costing provides a series of pages that enable you to review costs for a project and an activity based on different integration criteria. From these pages, you can navigate back to the related PeopleSoft application and view transactions in greater detail.

Instructions on reviewing project costs and transactions appear in the PeopleSoft Project Costing documentation.

PeopleSoft Project Costing provides a series of pages that you can use for online project analysis to view a financial or resource summary of a project, the projected costs to complete a project, under and over budget resources, and budget to actual variances.

Instructions on performing online project analysis appear in the PeopleSoft Project Costing documentation.

The Projects Delete Utility page provides a means of deleting projects, activities, and resources that you created by mistake. The system purges transactions from the Project Resource table (PROJ_RESOURCE) without purging the corresponding projects-related data from the feeder system applications (for example, PeopleSoft Payables).

Instructions on deleting projects appear in the PeopleSoft Project Costing documentation.