Canceling Payments

This section provides and overview of payment cancellation and discusses how to review payments to be cancelled and confirm payment cancellations.

Page Name

Definition Name


Cancel Payments - Inquiry Page


Search for and identify payments to be cancelled.

Cancel Payments - Confirm Payment Cancellation Page


Specify whether you are voiding or stopping a payment and the action to take for the cancelled payment.

Payment Cancellation - Document Sequence Page


Override the default document type and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.

See Cancel Payments - Confirm Payment Cancellation Page

Buyers can cancel (void or stop) payments either through PeopleSoft eSettlements or through PeopleSoft Payables. They can then reissue the payment, reissue the payment with a hold, or close the liability. In PeopleSoft eSettlements, a cancelled payment triggers an email notification to the supplier user if this notification type has been set up and if payment was made electronically. PeopleSoft Payables provides no email notification. Whether you use PeopleSoft eSettlements or PeopleSoft Payables depends on your business requirements.

Note: If a buyer cancels a payment in PeopleSoft eSettlements and then further modifies the payment in PeopleSoft Payables (such as uncanceling or changing a void to a stop), the supplier will not receive email notification of the modification.

For payments submitted through the PeopleSoft Financial Gateway, the payment cancellation processing logic in PeopleSoft eSettlements is similar to the PeopleSoft Payables cancellation logic. Payments loaded but not yet processed through the bank can be canceled. However, for payments that are undergoing processing, you must wait for the system to finish processing and display a Complete status. You can then cancel the payment and resubmit the payment.

Use the Cancel Payments - Inquiry page (EM_PYMNT_CANCEL) to search for and identify payments to be cancelled.


eSettlements > Payments > Cancel Payment > Cancel Payments - Inquiry

Expand the Advanced Search group box to enter additional search criteria.

Field or Control


Payment Amount

Click a link in the Payment Amount column for a payment, and then specify whether you are voiding or stopping a payment and whether to reissue the payment.

Payment Information

Click the Payment Information button to view details about the invoices included in this payment.

Use the Cancel Payments - Confirm Payment Cancellation page (EM_PYMT_CNCL_CNFRM) to specify whether you are voiding or stopping a payment and the action to take for the cancelled payment.


Click a link in the Payment Amount column on the Cancel Payments - Inquiry page.

Field or Control


Document Sequencing

Click this link to access the Document Sequence page, where you override the default document type and enter a document sequence number, if applicable.

Payment Status

Select an option for cancelling the payment: Void or Stop.

Cancel Action

Select the action to take on the cancelled payment:

Re-Open Vouchers(s)/Re-Issue: Select to reissue the related invoices in the next pay cycle.

Re-Open Vouchers(s)/Put on Hold: Select to reissue the related invoices, but to place them on hold.

Do Not Reissue/Close Liability: Select to eliminate the payment and to create accounting entries to remove the liability from the books.


Enter a reason why you cancelled or stopped the payment.

Confirm Cancellation

Click this button to cancel the payment. Once you confirm the payment cancellation, email notification is sent to the supplier.

Click the Document Sequencing link on the Cancel Payments - Confirm Payment Cancellation page to access the Payment Cancellation - Document Sequence page.

Note: You must run the PeopleSoft Payables Payment Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTPYMNT) to reissue the invoices. Once you do so, the system cancels the original payment schedule and creates another one. Running this process creates another payment installment against the voucher and, depending on the option you select, places the installment on hold.