Running the Preventive Maintenance Process

To run the Preventive Maintenance Process, use the Run Preventive Maintenance (WM_PM_RUN_CNTL) component.

To review the results of preventive maintenance information, use the View Preventive Maintenance (WM_PM) component.

This section provides overviews oRunning the Preventive Maintenance Processf the Preventive Maintenance Process, Preventive Maintenance Process log, errors, and Preventive Maintenance Inquiry and discusses how to run the Preventive Maintenance Process and review the preventive maintenance inquiry.

Page Name

Definition Name


Run Preventive Maintenance - Selection Page


Run the Preventive Maintenance Process.

Run Preventive Maintenance - Process Log Page


Track the progress and any messages based on the Preventive Maintenance Processing.

Run Preventive Maintenance - Errors Page


Display and review any error messages that were generated during Preventive Maintenance Processing.

Preventive Maintenance Inquiry Page


Display the status of preventive maintenance work orders.

View Business Calendar Page


Review the business calendar, including holidays, that is associated with the work order business unit for this Preventive Maintenance Inquiry.

Meter Readings History Page


Enter a meter and date range and review the meter reading history for the selected meter.

Meter Reading Details Page


Review comments and the detail information regarding a selected meter reading.

Preventive Maintenance Meter Page


Review the meter-based schedule information details for a meter, projected meter, and meter sample.

PM Exception Page


Review a list of preventive maintenance exceptions, including linking exceptions, after running the Preventive Maintenance ad Projection processes.

Preventive Maintenance Linking Page


Displays secondary schedules linked to the selected primary schedule.

The Preventive Maintenance Process uses the date-based and meter-based preventive maintenance schedule information, the work order job templates associated with the PM Schedule, the effective date in the job template that is closest to the next calculated maintenance date, and the work order header and project information to create a work order that is based on the determination of the next maintenance due date. Preventive maintenance work orders are created for single assets, loops, and locations based on their associated schedules. The system processes both unlinked and linked schedules. Most of the preventive maintenance work order fields are copied from the work order job template that is specified in the preventive maintenance schedule's General Options page or for assets that are defined in a maintenance loop. The rules and formulas that determine the next maintenance due date based on the selections that you make in the schedule are discussed previously in the Understanding Preventive Maintenance Schedules section.

After the preventive maintenance work order is created, it is accessible through the Work Order component. You can access the preventive maintenance work order and schedule resources, if needed. Once you schedule individual technicians or technicians that belong to a crew to a work order, the preventive maintenance work order appears as a link in the technicians' workbench. If a scheduler is assigned in the work order, the work order appears in the scheduler's view of the Work Order Workbench.

Preventive maintenance work orders have the same status values as any other work orders that are created in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Depending on the scheduling options that you selected in the schedule, the Preventive Maintenance Process may not always create a work order. The following is an example of this situation.

  • You select the scheduling option, Generate work order if the prior is Complete. If prior work order is not Complete, update the PM Log to identify that the scheduled work order will be fulfilled by the prior work order.

  • You do not change the status of the current work order to complete, and it is time for the next maintenance based on the due date.

As a result of your actions in the example, the Preventive Maintenance Process creates an audit record every time a work order due date comes around, but does not create a new work order. The Preventive Maintenance Process creates an audit record every time a work order due date comes around, but does not create a new work order.

The Preventive Maintenance Process creates an audit record every time a work order due date comes around, but does not create a new work order.

If you selected Always generate work orders based on the PM Schedule or Generate work order if the prior is Complete in the PM Schedule, the Preventive Maintenance Process uses the previously calculated meter reading instead of the meter reading that is based on the last work order. This applies to all Preventive Maintenance Processes. If the prior work order is not complete, the process updates the Process Log to indicate that the scheduled work order will be fulfilled by the prior work order.

Important! You cannot access a preventive maintenance work order through the Express Work Order component.

The default hierarchy for the Preventive Maintenance Process is set up so that the default values that are set up in the work order business unit are used in the preventive maintenance work order if they are not overridden at one of the subsequent levels. The work order also uses the default orders that are set up for the control default order and the project default order in the work order business unit.

See PM Schedule Linking.

The main default hierarchy is:

  1. Work order business unit.

  2. Service group.

  3. Work order type.

  4. Shop.

  5. Work order job template.

  6. Preventive maintenance schedule.

For WO Business Units enabled to Precheck for Disposed Assets in WO PM Options Page, the Schedule definition or Maintenance Loop definition is set inactive for any active asset and loop-type PM Schedules that reference disposed assets.

Note: For loop-type PM Schedules, all of its constituent loop detail assets must be in disposed status to inactivate.

The Precheck for Disposed Assets enabled WO is processed every time the PM/Projections batch process is run, regardless of the PM Schedules actually selected for a particular processing run. It uses an SQL set processing for efficiency and will supplement the existing functionality.

The following table describes the source of the default values that appear in a preventive maintenance work order header and describes the default hierarchies for the values.

Preventive Maintenance Work Order Default Fields


Default Value Derived From

Business Unit

Defined in the PM Schedule.

PM Schedule.

Work Order Type

Defined in the PM Schedule.

  1. PM Schedule.

  2. Work Order Type specified in a Shop.

  3. If PM Schedule field is blank, uses Work Order Business Unit value.

PC Business Unit

Defined in the Work Order Business Unit.

Work Order Business Unit.

AM Business Unit

Defined in either the PM Schedule setup or the Maintenance Loop setup.

PM Schedule or Maintenance Loop.

Asset ID

Defined in either the PM Schedule setup or the Maintenance Loop setup.

PM Schedule or Maintenance Loop.

Service Group

Defined in the PM Schedule.

  1. PM Schedule

  2. If PM Schedule field is blank, uses Work Order Business Unit value.


Defined in the Location Schedule.

  • For Location Schedule, uses the location that is specified in the schedule.

  • For PM or Loop Schedule, uses Asset Location or Shop Location depending on the asset's definition in the Asset Repository.

Shop ID

Defined in the PM Schedule.

  • PM Schedule.

  • If PM Schedule field is blank, uses the Work Order Business Unit value.

Parent Work Order ID

Defined in the Job Template.

Job Template.

Priority Code

Defined in the PM Schedule.

  • PM Schedule.

  • If PM Schedule field is blank, uses the Work Order Business Unit value.

Approval Status

Defined in the PM Schedule.

  1. PM Schedule.

  2. If PM Schedule field is blank, uses the Control Default Order hierarchy, which can be either unit, work order type, and shop or unit, shop, and work order type.

Project ID

Defined in the PM Schedule.

Dependent on whether this is a work order-managed project or a Project Costing-managed project. You can specify this value in the PM Schedule's Advanced Options page for either type of project. However, you can also leave the field blank for a work-order managed project. If you leave the field blank, the default project is generated in the work order based on the Project Default Order in the work order business unit.

Task Status

Defined in the PM Schedule.

  1. PM Schedule.

  2. If the PM Schedule field is blank, uses the Work Order business unit value.

Asset Up Flag

Defined for the asset in PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Asset Definition in PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Scheduler Code

Defined in the shop.


Job Template

Defined in PM Schedule.

PM Schedule.

Dependent Task and Overlap Percentage

Defined in job template.

Job template that is associated with the PM Schedule.


Defined in the shop.

Shop value in PM Schedule.

  1. Shop value in PM Schedule

  2. If the Shop field is blank, then Work Order Type

  3. If the Work Order Type field is blank, then Work Order Business Unit.

Project Costing Default Rate Set

Defined in the shop. (Rate Set is set up originally in PeopleSoft Project Costing)

Shop value in PM Schedule.

  1. Shop value in PM Schedule

  2. If the Shop field is blank, then Work Order Business Unit.

See Understanding Preventive Maintenance Work Orders.

Scheduling a Preventive Maintenance Work Order

Once the Preventive Maintenance Process applies the formulas and calculations based on your specifications in the schedule, it normally generates a work order on a given date. You can access the work order from the Work Order Workbench component or access it directly in the Work Order component to schedule the work order.

When you access the work order, you may want to override the header values that are supplied by default from the Preventive Maintenance schedule. The labor, inventory, purchase/on-hand, and tool requirements, along with instructions, a checklist, notes, and attachments are derived from the task templates that are associated with the job template that you attached to the schedule.

If you plan to schedule labor and inventory resources, you may need to consider:

  • Crew scheduling.

    PeopleSoft Maintenance Management enables you to schedule individual technicians and crews on preventive maintenance work orders. To enable you to perform crew scheduling, the Schedule Crews check box on the Shop Definition page of the shop that you selected for the preventive maintenance work order must be selected. You must also set up crews and assign them to the shop. Schedulers must access the Crew Scheduling Workbench to determine the capacity of one or more crew to perform the preventive maintenance work order's tasks and schedule the crews from the Labor Assignment Workbench, along with technicians that are not part of a crew, if desired.

  • Inventory parts commitment and reservation.

    To commit and reserve inventory parts for work order tasks, you must apply a combination of commit and reservation rules to the work order. These rules are set up at the work order business unit level, the shop level, and the shop/type level that is defined within the shop. The Preventive Maintenance Process calls the Reservation process when the material is ready to reserve based on the reserve rules.

The Commit Rules that are defined at the business unit, shop, and work order type level are:

  • Commit at Reserve

    Selecting this Commit rule enables you to defer committing the items to PeopleSoft Inventory until the time you choose to reserve the items. The Preventive Maintenance Process will call the commit and reservation processes for transactions and point to this commit rule, as long as the associated reservation rule is either Parts List Creation or Status Change where the task status is equal to the reservation status.

    Important! The Preventive Maintenance Process does not trigger the Batch Reservation process in PeopleSoft Inventory, which means that if you select a combination of the Commit at Reserve rule and the Batch Reservation rule at the business unit, shop, or shop/type level, then the Preventive Maintenance Process will create a work order without triggering the commit or reserve rules. Once the work order is created by the Preventive Maintenance Process, you can run the Batch Reservation process in PeopleSoft Inventory (Inventory > Fufill Stock Orders > Stock Requests > Reserve Materials Process) to commit and reserve the inventory that is identified in the job template that is associated with the PM Schedule.

  • Parts List

    The addition of an inventory item to the parts list means that items are committed when they have been added to the Inventory Schedules grid and a save has been issued. Each subsequent part that is added and saved on the work order task will commit the item to PeopleSoft Inventory.

  • Picking Plan

    You cannot create a picking plan in Preventive Maintenance, which means that the Preventive Maintenance Process does not have access to this option. You can create a picking plan only after the work order is created.

  • Work Order Status Change

    Items are committed when the work order task status is changed to a status of Awaiting Schedule, Scheduled, or Work in Progress.

The Reservation Rules that are defined at the business unit, shop, and work-order type level are:

  • Batch Reserve Only

    You must select Inventory > Fulfill Stock Orders > Stock Requests > Reserve Materials Process in PeopleSoft Inventory to run the Batch Reservation process, which reserves committed rows for all work orders. The Preventive Maintenance Process does not initiate the Batch Reservation process. If you select this reservation rule in combination with the Commit at Reserve rule in the business unit, shop, or shop/type, you cannot reserve the inventory that is specified in the job template of the PM Schedule until after the Preventive Maintenance Process generates the work order. Once a work order is generated, you can access PeopleSoft Inventory and run the Batch Reservation process. The Batch Reservation process does not differentiate between preventive maintenance and other types of work orders.

  • Parts List Creation

    When the parts (items) in the work order task are saved, the parts (items) are reserved.

  • Pick Plan Creation

    This option does not apply to the Preventive Maintenance Process because it can reserve parts only when the picking plan is run

  • Work Order Status Change

    When the status of the work order task is changed to Awaiting Schedule, Scheduled, or Work in Progress, the parts (items) are reserved.

See Setting Up PeopleSoft Maintenance Management Work Order Parameters.

Processing a Preventive Maintenance Work Order

When the Preventive Maintenance Process runs, it calculates the estimated costs for labor, inventory, purchased materials, and tools. It also calculates the required end date based on the duration that is specified in the job template, which assumes that one day has 24 work hours.

The formula for calculating the work order end date is:

WO Start Date + (Duration in Job Template ÷ 24) = Work Order End Date

You can apply work order access security to preventive maintenance work orders just as you do for other work orders. The shop in the preventive maintenance work order serves as the default shop in the Work Order Access page. You can add shops if necessary. If this is a PeopleSoft Project Costing managed work order, work order access security based on resource pools applies.

See Business Unit Setup Options.

Use the Run Preventive Maintenance - Process Log page to track the Preventive Maintenance Process based on its process instances and review any messages that are generated by the process. You can also click the Process Monitor link to view the status of each process instance in a batch. You can view processing details for each process instance from the process monitor, as well as view the status of the servers that are running the processes.

Use the Run Preventive Maintenance - Errors page to view any error messages and their associated details that are generated by the Preventive Maintenance Process. You can also review the asset business unit, asset identification, SetID, maintenance loop ID, and maintenance type that are associated with each error.

After the Preventive Maintenance Process is complete, you can access the Preventive Maintenance Inquiry page to view the results of processing a specific asset ID based on its associated work order business unit, asset business unit and maintenance type. The transactions that are listed in this inquiry are the Preventive Maintenance (PM) audit records. This inquiry uses basically the same format as the Preventive Maintenance Workbench and contains the same tabs.

  • PM Info (information)

    This tab lists all of the PM schedules that were processed, the schedule ID, due date, schedule type, percentage due, if a blackout period existed, if a meter was used, whether the schedule was linked, the threshold percentage, the process type, basis date, and the last date that the schedule was processed. You click an edit link to access and edit the PM schedule as well as review the blackout periods and the Meter Readings Trend chart.

    When the maintenance percentage is 50 percent, for example, then the preventive maintenance work is half way from being due and the Percent Due displays as 50 percent. When the Percent Due value is 100 percent, then the process creates a work order unless the maintenance due date falls in a blackout period.

  • PM Loop

    This tab lists the loop schedule information, if a loop schedule was processed. You can access and edit each loop schedule.

  • Work Order Info (information)

    This tab identifies the last work order that was created for this asset, the work order business unit, and the work order's status. You can click a link to view the work order.

  • Date Options

    This tab identifies the schedule type for each asset, the interval processed, the date of the month, day of the month, week of the month the asset was processed, and whether the due dates were based upon the last PM completion.

  • Scheduling Option

    This tab identifies which scheduling option was selected on the asset's schedule.

  • CBM (Condition Based Maintenance) Alert

    This tab identifies whether the CBM Alert was turned off or on. If it was turned on, it identifies the source of the alert.

  • Estimated Cost

    This tab describes the estimated resource costs of the work order based on the requirements defined in the job template associated with the asset's schedule.

You can also click a link to access the business calendar that is associated with PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, and the Meter Readings History for a meter that is associated with the asset being maintained.

Note: Readings are based only on meter-based schedules.

Use the Run Preventive Maintenance - Selection page (WM_PM_RUN_SEL) to run the Preventive Maintenance Process.


Maintenance Management > Preventive Maintenance > Run Preventive Maintenance

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Run Preventive Maintenance - Selection page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Run Preventive Maintenance - Selection page.

Field or Control


Selection Type

Select the type of data to use to run the Preventive Maintenance Process. Selecting this option displays a list of selection data types, which includes:

  • AM business unit list

  • All business units

  • Asset classification

  • Location list

  • Maintenance type list

  • PM Schedule selection

  • Shop List

  • WO business unit list

AM Business Unit List

Selecting AM business unit list in the Selection Type field makes all subsequent fields inaccessible to the user except for the Selection grid, where you can create a list of Asset Management business units to serve as criteria for which to run the Preventive Maintenance Process.

All Business Units

Selecting All business units in the Selection Type field makes all subsequent fields inaccessible to the user and does not display the Selection grid because the Preventive Maintenance Process is run for both PeopleSoft Asset Management and work order business units.

Asset Classification

Selecting Asset classification in the Selection Type field makes all subsequent fields inaccessible except for the Search grid, where you create a list of asset characteristics, which include asset type, subtype, manufacturer, and model # to serve as criteria for running the Preventive Maintenance Process.

Location List

Selecting Location list in the Selection Type field makes all subsequent fields inaccessible except for the Search grid, where you create a list of work order business units and their associated locations to serve as criteria for running the Preventive Maintenance Process. This list consists of the locations that you can specify in the Location Schedule component.

Maintenance Type List

Selecting Maintenance type list in the Selection Type field makes all subsequent fields inaccessible except for the Search grid, where you create a list of maintenance types to serve as criteria for running the Preventive Maintenance Process.

PM Schedule Selection

Select PM Schedule selection in the Selection Type field.

Selecting this option and then selecting one of the values in the Asset Lookup field enables you to enter active fields as search criteria to search for PM Schedules.

Field or Control


Asset Lookup Field


  • Asset ID.

  • Don't Show (do not show).

  • Serial ID

  • Tag # (tag number).

  • VIN (vehicle identification number).

Asset ID

Select Asset ID for the Asset Lookup Field value.

Important! If you select one of the other lookup fields that are listed previously, such as Serial ID, the following field descriptions apply except the field names and values will pertain to the Asset Lookup Field value that you selected.

Don't Show

Select Don't Show in the Asset Lookup Field. This selection makes the Asset Business Unit, Asset, and To fields inaccessible to the user. However, you can complete the Maintenance Business Unit, Loop, and To fields as search criteria and click the Search button to list the preventive maintenance schedules based on the selected criteria. You can then select the preventive maintenance schedules that you want the Preventive Maintenance Process to use.

Note: You can also select the Show Override Options Only check box, which makes all of the other fields inaccessible.

Serial ID

Select Serial ID in the Asset Lookup Field. All of the subsequent fields and buttons appear and work the same way as your selection of the asset ID, except that you can enter one serial ID or a number or a range of serial IDs instead of one or more asset IDs.

Tag # (tag number)

Select Tag # in the Asset Lookup Field. All of the subsequent fields and buttons appear and work the same way as your selection of the asset ID, except that you can enter one tag number or a range of tag numbers instead of one or more asset IDs.

VIN (vehicle identification number)

Select VIN in the Asset Lookup Field. All of the subsequent fields and buttons appear and work the same way as your selection of the asset ID, except that you can enter one VIN or a range of VINs instead of one or more asset IDs.

Field or Control


Asset Business Unit

Select an Asset Management business unit to associate with one or more selected asset IDs.

Field or Control


WO Business Unit (work order business unit)

Select the work order business unit to associate with one or more selected preventive maintenance loops.

Field or Control


From Assets and to

Select a single asset ID or select a second asset ID to create a range of assets to use as search criteria to narrow your search for PM Schedules.

Field or Control


From Loop ID and to

Select a single loop ID or select a second loop ID to create a range of loops to use as search criteria to narrow your search for PM Loop Schedules to process.

Field or Control


From Schedule and to

Select a single schedule ID or select a second schedule ID to create a range of schedule IDs to use as search criteria to narrow your search for PM Schedules to process. If you select a primary schedule with linked secondary schedules, the Preventive Maintenance process will automatically process any secondary schedules associated with this primary schedule and check the linkage of the maintenances.

Field or Control


From Location and to

Select a single location or select a second location to create a range of location schedules to use as search criteria to narrow your search for Location Schedules to process.

Force WO. Disregard Options

Select to identify the preventive maintenance schedules that have the Override Options - Generate One Timecheck box selected in a schedule's General Options page. The available options are:

  • None: Select this checkbox and click the Search button to display a list of preventive maintenance schedules without accounting for the override option.

  • All business units: Select this check box and click the Search button to display schedules that have the override option enabled for all business units.

  • Business Unit: You can select a business unit. The result for the search shows override options only for the selected Business unit.

  • Selection Criteria: You can add a selection criteria. The result shows only the override options that met the predefined selection criteria.

Note: If you select this field, the Asset Lookup, Asset Business Unit, Asset, To, Maintenance Business Unit, Loop, and To fields become inaccessible.

Asset Classification

Field or Control


Asset Type

Select the desired type of asset.

Field or Control


Asset Subtype

Enter the desired sub type of asset.

Field or Control


Manufacturer ID

Enter the ID of the desired Manufacturer.

Field or Control



Enter the desired model

Other Criteria

Field or Control


Maintenance Type

Enter the desired type of maintenance.

Work Type

Enter the desired type of work.

Service Group

Enter the service group.


Enter the desired shop.

Field or Control



Click to search for preventive maintenance schedules that match the search criteria. A list of preventive maintenance schedules appears in a grid based on the criteria that you selected. You can then select the schedules that you want to include in the Preventive Maintenance Process.

Use the Preventive Maintenance Inquiry page (WM_PM) to display the status of preventive maintenance work orders.


Maintenance Management > Preventive Maintenance > View Preventive Maintenance

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Preventive Maintenance Inquiry page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Preventive Maintenance Inquiry page

Search Criteria

You can search for all work orders that were created by the Preventive Maintenance Process by leaving the Business Unit, AM Business Unit, Asset Identification, Maintenance Type, Location Code, and Loop ID fields blank and clicking the Search button on the Preventive Maintenance search page.

Field or Control



Click to review the business calendar.

View Meter History

Click to view the Meter Reading History for the meter that is associated with this asset.

Due Date From and To

Enter a range of preventive maintenance due dates to display the associated preventive maintenance work orders that were generated by the Preventive Maintenance Process.

Note: In case a major maintenance is due but minor is not due yet (This can happen when you enter a WO meter reading for the minor WO greater than the meter interval), the system generates the major WO and not link them. The next time the PM process is run with the minor due, and the occurrences per cycle is reached, then the system links maintenances with WO creation. If the previous major WO is still in process the system creates a PM Exception so you can take proper action.

Reading From and To

Enter a range of meter reading values to display a list of work orders that were generated for the selected asset based on meter readings.

Percent From and Percent Through

Enter a range of percentage due values to display a list of work orders with percentage due values that fall within this range for the selected asset.

Work Order Status

Select the work order status from the following options:

  • Awaiting Schedule

  • Closed

  • Complete

  • Cancelled

  • On Hold

  • Open NOW

  • Scheduled

  • Work in Progress

PM Info

After specifying the search criteria, click Search to display work orders in the grid. Select the PM Info tab.

Field or Control



Click to access and edit the schedule that is associated with the row.

Due Date

The PM Inquiry screen displays the due date of the PM process. The due date is calculated by the PM process (WM_PM) based on the following criteria:

  • The due date is blank if the calculation of the next due date is dependent on WO completion date.

  • The due date is blank if the calculation of the next due date is dependent on the meter readings recorded on the last completed WO.

  • If the WO is due today, the next due date that displays is the current date.

  • If a PM schedule is brand new, the scheduled due date will be calculated using the PM schedule's basis date.

Schedule Type

Identifies the calculation method that was used to trigger the creation of the work order.

The listed schedule type can be:

  • Day interval.

  • Week interval.

  • Month interval.

  • Specific date.

  • Meter reading.

  • CBM alert.

  • Sampling days.

  • Sampling reading.

  • Cycles.

  • Average from asset.

Percent Due

Displays the maintenance percentage due amount based on the calculation of the maintenance due date. This calculation is performed by the Preventive Maintenance Process to generate a work order. The formula for calculating this percentage is Percent Due = 100 × Current Reading − Previous Work Order Reading ÷ Meter Interval

This field may have a value:

  • Of zero if you created a work order from a projection.

  • Greater than 100 percent if the Preventive Maintenance is overdue.

See Understanding Preventive Maintenance Schedules.


Click to display the blackout periods that are associated with the selected schedule.

Meter Trend Chart

Click to access the Preventive Maintenance Meter page. You can click an icon on this page to access and view the Meter Readings Trend Chart, which charts the meter reading date and time against the meter reading over a period of time. You can also view project meter readings based on a specific projection method and view the meter sample, if used.


Identifies whether the PM schedule is linked. You can click the Linked link and review any linked secondary schedules on the Preventive Maintenance Linking page.

Primary Schedule

Displays the primary schedule ID to which this secondary schedule is linked. This field only appears for secondary schedules that are linked to primary schedules.

PM Loop

Select the PM Loop tab to display the SetID that is associated with a maintenance loop ID if this is a preventive maintenance Loop Schedule.

Work Order Info

Select the Work Order Info tab to display the work order business unit, the work order number, and the current work order status. You can also click a View link to view the actual work order. You cannot modify the work order using this link.

Date Options

Select the Date Options tab to view the date option (if applicable) that was selected for each of the listed schedules.

Scheduling Options

Select the Scheduling Options tab to view the scheduling option (if applicable) that was selected for each of the listed schedules.

CBM Alert

Select the CBM Alert (condition-based maintenance alert) tab to view the CBM alert, the source of the CBM alert, the alert ID, and the CBM alert date and time. This appears only for preventive maintenance schedules that are associated with condition-based maintenance work orders and indicates whether the CBM was used (On) or not used (Off.)

Estimated Costs

This tab lists the estimated labor, tools, inventory, and procurement costs. These estimated costs are calculated first in the Preventive Maintenance Process. They can be recalculated later based on changes made to the work order.

Use the Preventive Maintenance Meter page (WM_PM_MTR) to review the meter-based schedule information details for a meter, projected meter, and meter sample.


Click the Meter icon in the PM Info grid of the Preventive Maintenance Inquiry page.

This page includes these three grids.

Field or Control



This grid describes the meters that are used by the PM Schedule. This information includes:

  • View.

    Click to access the Meter Readings History page for this meter. The Meter Readings History page lists each meter reading date, whether the meter was rolled over or replaced, the meter reading on that date, the accumulated meter reading, he variation between the meter reading on that date and the accumulated meter reading, and the unit of measure that is used for the meter reading, such as miles. You can click a Details link to access the Meter Reading Details page, which lists the current reading, the increment or decrement amount, the cumulative reading, and the actual daily average reading, and indicates whether the reading was replaced, allows for rollover, or is out of sequence. You can also review comments about this meter and meter reading.

  • Meter Reading Trend Chart.

    Click to access a Meter Reading Trend Chart for this meter, which enables you to compare meter readings that were taken on different dates and times with one another in graphic form.

  • Meter Type.

    Identifies the type of meter, which is identified in the PM Schedule.

  • Meter Options.

    Indicates whether this is an increasing or decreasing meter.

  • Percent Due.

    Displays the maintenance percentage due amount based on the calculation of the maintenance due date. This calculation is performed by the Preventive Maintenance Process to generate a work order. The formula for calculating this percentage is Percent Due = 100 × Current Reading − Previous Work Order Reading ÷ Meter Interval

  • Due Date.

    Indicates the calculated next maintenance due date, which the system uses to generate a work order.

  • Interval.

    Displays the measurement between readings, which is used to determine the next meter reading.

  • UOM. (unit of measure)

    Indicates the unit of measure that applies to the interval measurement.

  • Last reading.

    Indicates either the reading that is entered against the last work order when the selected scheduling option is "Generate WO (work order) when prior is complete," or the last PM transaction calculated reading when the selected scheduling option is "Always Generate WO based on PM Schedule."

  • Current reading.

    Indicates the latest reading that is entered for the asset before the Preventive Maintenance Process is run.

  • Reading.

    Indicates the reading that is calculated in the Preventive Maintenance Process based on PM Schedule rules and methods.

Projected Meter

If this meter is used to perform projected meter readings, this grid describes the methods that were used to create the projections. The columns on this grid include:

  • Project Usage.

    Indicates how the projections will be calculated (Average from Asset or Sampling)

  • Sampling Method.

    Indicates whether the sampling will be based on cycles, days, or readings.

  • Sampling Size.

    Indicates the size of the sampling based on the sampling method.

  • Projected From.

    Indicates whether the sampling will be projected from the current system date or the last PM completion date.

  • Estimated Daily Average

    Indicates the calculated average meter reading measured per day based on whether you use one of the sampling methods or the average from asset method.

    See Understanding Projected Meter Readings.

  • Projected days.

    Indicates the number of days until the next maintenance due date.

  • Projection Basis Date.

    Indicates the date on which the projection was based, which is either the current system date or the last PM completion date.

Meter Sample

Describes the details of the sample taken if the sampling method was used for a projection. The columns are:

  • Sampling Method

    Indicates whether the sampling method was cycles, days, or readings.

  • Sampling Size

    Indicates the number of cycles, days, or readings that were used in the sample.

  • First Date and First Reading

    Indicates the date and value of the first reading that was taken for the sample.

  • Last Date and Last Reading

    Indicates the date and value of the last reading that was taken for the sample.