Creating RFI Events

This topic discusses how to create RFI events.

Page Name

Definition Name


Event Settings and Options Page


Enter basic RFI information.

Enter Copy Criteria Page


Use a previous RFI or sourcing template as the basis for the new RFI event.

Event Lines to Copy Page


Select the bid factors to be copied to the new RFI event.

Enter Copy Criteria Page

Event Comments and Attachments Page


Enter comments or attachments to appear at the header level for the RFI. Display the attachments and comments to the bidders.

Standard Comments Page


Create a standard comment to use on the Header Comments and Attachments page.

Event Comments and Attachments Page

Invite Bidders Page


Announce an event. Solicit bids from registered bidders, suppliers, or customers. Invite bidders who are not currently suppliers or customers.

Search for Bidders Page


Search for bidders and select bidders to invite to an event.

Invite Bidders Page

Template Info (template information) Page


Save the event as a template.

Event Settings and Options Page

Event Collaboration Details Page


Invite collaborators to participate in creating the event.

Find Collaborators Page


Search for collaborators and select collaborators for an event.

Event Collaboration Details Page

RFI Bid Factor Comments and Attachments Page


Add attachments to the RFI event.

Event Comments and Attachments Page

You create RFIs similarly to how you create events.

  1. You can copy from an existing RFI or sourcing template using the Enter Copy Criteria page.

    See Enter Copy Criteria Page.

  2. Add basic RFI information using the Event Settings and Options page.

    Add RFI details, such as whether you want the event scored and whether you want to associate the RFI with a specific item category, whether you want to display the round and version to bidders, and whether bidders must respond to all bid factors.

  3. Invite bidders to participate in the event.

    See Inviting Bidders.

  4. Save the event as a template to copy it later.

    See Adding and Maintaining Sourcing Event Templates.

  5. (Optional) Invite internal collaborators to participate in the event creation.

    See Understanding Event Collaboration.

  6. Request bidder responses to event questions using the Bid Factor Question page.

    If the questions require a list, enter the items on the Bid Factor List Items page.

  7. Add bid factor comments and attachments to send to the bidder or include on the award.

  8. Display the bid factors to the bidders by selecting the Display check box.

Use the Event Settings and Options page (AUC_OPTIONS_PG) to enter basic RFI information.


Sourcing > Create Events > Create Event Details

Click the Event Settings and Options link on the Event Summary page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Event Settings and Options page (RFI). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Event Settings and Options page (RFI)

Field or Control


Score RFI Event (score request for information event)

Select to calculate a score for RFI responses. If this option is deselected, the system hides the Best, Worst, Ideal, and Weighting fields on the Bid Response page.