Using Change Order Rules

The following sections describe change rules for specific fields on the a demand line from any source besides PeopleSoft Order Management.

Shipping information fields control when an order is shipped, where it is shipped, and how it is transported. These fields also control shipping documentation printing and freight calculation.

Ship Via, Carrier ID, and Load ID

You can change the Ship Via, Carrier ID, and Load ID fields on a material stock request until the order is shipped. For material stock requests associated with a pick batch ID, use the Maintain Stock Request component.

If you change any of these fields for unpicked material stock requests assigned to a route in PeopleSoft Inventory, a message indicates that the order may be automatically reassigned to a new route when the change is saved, depending on the definition of the existing route. If you change the ship via for an interunit transfer, the transfer yield and the interunit arrival date are also recalculated when you save the change.

When you change any of these fields on material stock requests that have been released for picking, a message warns that the route may be unassigned. However, a new route is not automatically reassigned; instead, you must manually reassign a route.

Note: If you change the load ID, you cannot modify the ship via or carrier ID, regardless of order source or fulfillment status.

Route Codes and Stops

If the Inventory business unit uses routes, you can change route and stop data for material stock requests. For material stock requests that have not been associated with a pick batch ID:

  • PeopleSoft Inventory validates the route and returns the ship via, carrier, and the scheduled shipment date for the new route.

    If the scheduled ship date for the returned route differs from the original scheduled date, a warning appears and you can accept or decline the new route assignment.

    Note: If you change the route for an order that has been assigned to a load, and the existing ship via and carrier for this load differ from that of the new route, the load is not unassigned. There is no cross-validation between loads or routes.

  • You can modify the stop numbers for order lines assigned to a route.

  • You can unassign (or clear) route codes; however, the route-related fields such as Ship Via and Scheduled Shipment Date remain unchanged.

For material stock requests that have been associated with a pick batch ID, the route can be overridden, but route-related information (such as schedule shipment date and time, ship via, carrier, load ID, and so forth) is not changed.

Note: If you override the location, ship to, address sequence number, carrier, ship via, or scheduled ship date for a demand line that already has a route assignment, the original assignment is canceled.

Schedule Shipment Date and Time

You can modify the schedule shipment date and time for material stock requests until the order is shipped. If the business unit requires closure-calendar validation for shipping activities, the new scheduled shipment date and time are validated against the calendar. If the scheduled shipment date and time are not valid for shipping activities at the business unit, a warning message appears when you save the change. You can ignore the warning or reschedule the shipment date. If you reschedule, the system calculates and returns the next valid date for shipping operations at the source business unit.

If you change schedule shipment date and time for unpicked material stock requests assigned to a route in PeopleSoft Inventory, a message indicates that the order may be automatically reassigned to a new route when the change is saved, depending on the definition of the existing route. When you change the schedule shipment date and time on material stock request lines that have been released for picking, a message warns that the route may be unassigned. However, a new route is not automatically reassigned; you must do this manually.

You can also modify the shipment date for promised order lines (those that have been ATP-reserved). If you select an earlier shipment date, the system warns you that the date change may drive the ATP quantity balance negative. If you receive a warning that an order change may have driven the ATP balance negative, confirm the ATP balance on the Item/Product Availability page. If the change has driven the ATP balance negative, you will not have enough quantity to fulfill the promised order line. You can unpromise the order or decrease the pick quantity on other order lines using the Picking Adjustments page.

Account information fields determine how debits and credits for the order line are posted in PeopleSoft General Ledger. You can modify these fields on an order line until the line has been depleted.

You can change the Distribution Type field for material stock requests until the order is depleted. You can override ChartFields for a material stock request until the order is depleted. You cannot override ChartFields for interunit transfers.

Order processing fields determine whether you can:

  • Ship partially fulfilled orders.

  • Create backorders for unfulfilled quantities.

  • Substitute for requested items.

  • Ship orders earlier than scheduled.

The following fields are located in several places and default from the system setup, such as the Setup Fulfillment component and the Setup Item Fulfillment component.

Reservation and Backorder Rules

The line-level reservation rule, line reservation-backorder rule, and order-level reservation rule can be changed before the demand line is set to the releasable state. Demand lines in the releasable state no longer use the reservation rules.

The backorder rule is applied to the demand line by reservations processing and then later during the shipping process. The backorder rule can be changed anytime before shipping.

Cancel Backorder Flag

The Cancel Backorder check box on the demand line is used if there is no backorder rule on the line. You can always change the Cancel Backorder setting from No to Yes for material stock requests before shipping. You can change the option from Yes to No only for demand lines in the pending or unfulfilled states. You can also change the Cancel Backorder setting for backorder demand lines (those with a demand line greater than 1). If a backorder associated with the material stock request line exists, a warning message indicates that the backorder line must be canceled manually. You can cancel backorders for both sales orders and material stock requests using the Cancel/Hold Stock Requests page in PeopleSoft Inventory.

Partial Qtys Can Ship Flag

You can always change the Partial Qtys Can Ship setting from No to Yes for material stock requests before shipping. You can change the setting from Yes to No only if backorders do not exist for the order.

Partial Orders Can Ship Flag

The Partial Orders Can Ship setting is an order-header level option; therefore, a change made at the schedule or demand-line level is automatically duplicated for all other lines associated with the order. You can change this setting before the order is in the shipped state.

Allow Item Substitutes Flag

For material stock requests created using the Create/Update Stock Request component or the PO sourcing processes, the default Allow Item Substitutes setting comes from the Setup Item Fulfillment page, if defined, or the Setup Fulfillment page. The default on orders created by the Create Par Replenishment Requests process and through planning messages is the disabled setting. You can override the Allow Item Substitutes setting for all material stock requests on the Maintain Stock Request page until the order line has been shipped.

The Allow Item Substitutes flag is located on the Setup Fulfillment page.

Ship Prior to Sched Date Flag

The Ship Prior to Sched Date (ship prior to schedule date) option, which enables an order to ship before scheduled, is not evaluated until a sales order or material stock request is shipped. Therefore, it can be changed at any time until the order is marked as shipped. Changing the Ship Prior to Sched Date setting from Yes to No only affects the demand lines of the order that have not yet shipped.

Note: The shipment date is not checked by the shipping programs unless the Verify Ship Date check box is selected on the Setup Fulfillment-Shipping page.

Increases or decreases to the originally requested quantity are common types of changes made to demand lines.

Increasing Requested Quantity

For material stock requests, you can increase the requested quantity only if the demand line is not in the releasable state, reserved, promised, or if no backorders exist. After reservation processing, you can increase order quantity by creating a new schedule or demand line for the order.

Note: In some cases, reducing the quantity cancels backorders. Under these circumstances, you cannot increase the quantity after it is reduced even though the demand line is not in the releasable state. If you cancel backorders in response to a quantity reduction, you cannot change the Cancel Backorder setting, the Ship Partial setting, or the lot allocation.

In the Maintain Stock Requests component, changes to the requested quantity must be entered in the existing ordering unit of measure. You cannot change the unit of measure.

Decreasing Requested Quantity

You can reduce the requested quantity on a material stock request by the quantity that has not been shipped. For example, if the requested quantity for an order is 100 each and 40 each have been shipped; you can reduce the order quantity up to 60 each (the portion of the requested quantity that has not been shipped). The order quantity cannot be reduced to less than 40 each.

When you reduce the quantity for material stock requests, all unpicked demand quantity is automatically canceled. If the full requested reduction cannot be satisfied, a warning appears indicating the quantity that was canceled. To account for the remaining portion of the reduction quantity, you can underpick or short ship the order in PeopleSoft Inventory.

Note: Underpicking and short shipping do not change the quantity requested. Before shipping an underpicked or short-shipped line, confirm that a demand line has a backorder rule defined to cancel backorders or the Cancel Backorder check box is Yes so that backorders are not created at shipment. You can change the backorder settings for material stock requests and sales orders associated with a pick batch ID in the Maintain Stock Requests component.

Depending on the amount of the reduction and the backorder settings, when you decrease the quantity for an order, the system determines whether to cancel existing backorders, create canceled backorders, or deallocate existing allocations. You cannot directly reduce backorder quantity; it is decreased only as a result of a quantity decrease for a demand line.

In the Maintain Stock Requests components, you must enter changes to the requested quantity in the existing ordering unit of measure. You cannot change the unit of measure.

Decreasing Requested Quantity for Promised Demand Lines

When you decrease the requested quantity for a demand line that has been fully promised, the promised quantity for the demand line is also decreased. When you decrease the quantity for a demand line that has been partially promised and allows backorders, the unpromised part of the demand line quantity is decreased first on the associated backorder; any remainder of the total decrease quantity is then subtracted from the promised quantity. If backorders are not allowed (by the backorder rule or Cancel Backorder check box is yes) for the partially promised order line, then unpromised quantities do not exist. In this case, the decrease in quantity is added to the backorder quantity and a canceled backorder with this quantity is created. The promised quantity is also decreased as necessary.

For example, suppose the original demand line quantity is 10 each and 7 each were promised. The demand line's backorder rule was set to cancel backorders, so unpromised quantity does not exist. If you decrease the demand line to 8 each, the backorder quantity is set to 2 each and a canceled backorder with requested quantity of 2 each is created, regardless of the definition in the backorder rule. The promised quantity is updated because it is less than the difference between the original order quantity (10 each) and the backordered quantity (2 each). If you decrease the order quantity to 5 each, however, the system also decreases the promised quantity to 5 each because the original promised quantity of 7 each is greater than the difference between the original quantity (10 each) and the backorder quantity. In this case, the backorder quantity of the demand line is set to 5 each and a canceled backorder for 5 each is created.

This section summarizes the changes to material stock requests that you can perform, based on the component you are using and the fulfillment state of the demand line.

The table below includes the following column headings:



Field or Change Type

The field modification or type of change.


A fulfillment state indicating that the demand line has not been processed by any type of reservation processing. This can include soft reserve, non-soft reserve, ATP reserve (promised), and lot allocated orders.


A fulfillment state indicating that the demand line have passed reservation processing and can be released for picking. This can include soft reserve, non-soft reserve, ATP reserve (promised), and lot allocated orders.


A fulfillment state indicating that the demand line has been associated with a pick batch ID.


A fulfillment state indicating that the demand line has been shipped.

If an order change is allowed, or if it is not allowed only under certain conditions, the table includes a reference number to a footnote detailing those conditions.

Field or Change Type





Quantity Information Changes

Decrease Schedule Qty



Not Allowed (1)

Not Allowed

Increase Schedule Qty

Allowed for non-lot allocated lines without backorders

Not allowed (2)

Not allowed (2)

Not allowed (2)

Shipping Information Changes

Ship to Cust ID



Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Ship Via




Not Allowed

Carrier ID




Not Allowed

Freight Terms




Not Allowed

Route Code




Not Allowed

Load ID




Not Allowed

Cancel Backorder




Not Allowed

Ship Partial Qty

Allowed (3)

Allowed (3)

Allowed (3)

Not Allowed

Ship Partial Order




Not Allowed

Ship Prior Flag




Not Allowed

ChartField Overrides




Allowed (4)

Distrib Type




Allowed (4)

Project Fields




Allowed (4)

Ship-To Name




Not Allowed





Not Allowed

Sched Shipment Date




Not Allowed

Allow Item Substitutes




Not Allowed




Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Export Flag




Not Allowed





Not Allowed

Other Types of Changes


Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Not Allowed


Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Delete (5)

Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Not Allowed

Not Allowed

(1) If the demand line has been released for picking but not confirmed as picked, you can implement the decrease in the quantity shipped by underpicking using the Material Picking Feedback component. If the demand line has been confirmed as picked, you can short ship the demand line using the Shipping/Issues component until the demand line is depleted.

(2) To add a demand line to a material stock request, use the Create/Update Stock Request component in PeopleSoft Inventory.

(3) This modification is permitted only if the Ship Partial Order setting is Yes.

(4) This modification is permitted only if the demand line has not been depleted.

(5) You can delete canceled or depleted order and schedule lines from PeopleSoft Inventory tables using purge routines.