Working with Shipping Containers and Shipping Serial IDs Using an Electronic Data Collection System

If you have an electronic data collection system, you can use the shipping container and shipping serial ID transactions to associate shipping containers or shipping serial ID numbers with demand lines. You can associate a shipping container with all or part of a demand line or pick batch, or you can cancel existing associations. For example, you might pick a quantity of four of an item but decide to associate only half of this quantity with a shipping container. If you later decide to associate the remaining quantity with the container, you can add it using these transactions. Similarly, if you change your mind and opt to remove the quantity from the container, you can use one of the disassociation transactions.

Note: You can only create single-level shipping containers using the electronic data collection transactions. To create multilevel shipping containers, use the Packing Session component.

Follow these steps to enter shipping container and shipping serial ID electronic data collection transactions:

  1. Enter transaction details on the Ship Containers/Serials page.

    When you save the transaction, PeopleSoft Inventory inserts the information into the transaction log.

  2. Run the Inventory Shipping Containers/Shipping Serial ID process (INPFSHPM), which retrieves the information from the transaction log, processes the transactions, and updates the appropriate system tables.

    If errors are found, PeopleSoft Inventory sets the transaction status to Error and generates an error message. Use the Transaction Maintenance component to correct the errors and resubmit the transaction.

Not all of the delivery keys selected on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options: Delivery Management page are used when the Inventory Shipping Containers/Shipping Serial ID process (INPFSHPM) creates a new delivery. The following required fields are used: Ship ID, Scheduled Shipment Date (SCHED_SHIP_DATE), Carrier ID (CARRIER_ID), Ship To Customer (SHIP_TO_CUST_ID), Address Line Sequence Number (ADDRESS_SEQ_NUM), Location Code (LOCATION), Ship Via Code (SHIP_TYPE_ID), Freight Charge Method (FRT_CHRG_METHOD), and Freight Charge Override field. The following optional fields are used: Demand Source (DEMAND_SOURCE), Source Business Unit (SOURCE_BUS_UNIT), Order Number (ORDER_NO), Commodity Code (COMMODITY_CD), Freight Terms Code (FREIGHT_TERMS), Harmonized Code (HARMONIZED_CD), Item Group (INV_ITEM_GROUP), Item ID (INV_ITEM_ID), Load ID (LOAD_ID), Product ID (PRODUCT_ID), Route Code (ROUTE_CD), and TMS Load Stop Number (TMS_LOAD_STP_NBR). None of the other fields on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options: Delivery Management page are used in the Inventory Shipping Containers/Shipping Serial ID process.

Setting Up the Inventory Shipping Containers EIP

The Inventory Shipping Container EIP is an asynchronous inbound service operation that receives shipping container data packed by a third-party application, such as, electronic data collection systems and warehouse management systems. Shipping containers are packed with demand lines to consolidate stock for shipment to a customer.

PeopleSoft delivers the service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system.

To set up the Inventory Shipping Container within PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Enterprise Components, use the information in the table below and refer to the setup instruction in the , "Implementing Integrations" topic, Setting Up Service Operations section.

Service Operation

Direction and Type


Chunking Available?

Integrates With






Third-party EDC or WMS

Setting Up the Inventory Shipping Serial ID EIP

The Inventory Shipping Serial ID EIP is an asynchronous inbound service operation that receives data to assign shipping serial IDs from an electronic data collection system. The electronic data collection system can assign shipping serial IDs after the item has been allocated using a push picking plan or after it has been picked using either online picking feedback or the inventory picking data collection transaction.

PeopleSoft delivers the service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source or another PeopleSoft system.

To set up this EIP within PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Enterprise Components, use the information in the table below and refer to the setup instruction in the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Integrations , "Implementing Integrations" topic, Setting Up Service Operations section.

Service Operation

Direction and Type


Chunking Available?

Integrates With






Third-party EDC

Page Name

Definition Name


Ship Containers/Serials Page


Associate shipping containers and shipping serial IDs with demand lines; cancel existing associations.

Ship Containers/Serial IDs Page


Define run control parameters for the Inventory Shipping Containers/Shipping Serial ID process.

Use the Ship Containers/Serials page (BCT_INV_SHIPPING) to associate shipping containers and shipping serial IDs with demand lines; cancel existing associations.


SCM Integrations > Create Transactions > Inventory > Containers and Serial ID Trans

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Ship Containers/Serials page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Ship Containers/Serials page

Note: The business unit defaults established on the Inventory Display Options page govern whether lot, serial, staged date, and configuration fields appear upon entry to this page. Any fields for which the default is Yes always appear. Any fields for which the default is No appear when you save or refresh the page, and only if they apply to the item in question.

Field or Control


Last Control ID

Identifies the most recently entered transaction.

Transaction Code

Identifies the transaction being entered. Values are:

0620 - Associate Ship Cntr w/ Demand (associate shipping container with demand): Use a concatenated demand key as the basis for associating a shipping container with a demand line.

0621 - Asso Ship Cntr w/ Pick Batch: Use a pick batch ID and pick line as the basis for associating a shipping container with a demand line.

0622 - Asso Ship Cntr w/ Cntr & Demand: Use a concatenated demand key and a storage container as the basis for associating a shipping container with a demand line. This transaction associates the shipping container with all picked stock for the specified demand line and storage container.

0623 - Asso Ship Cntr w/ Cntr & Batch: Use a pick batch ID, a pick line, and a storage container as the basis for associating a shipping container with a demand line. This transaction associates the shipping container with all picked stock for the specified pick batch, pick line, and storage container.

0624 - Deassociate Ship Cntr w/ Demand: Use a concatenated demand key as the basis for releasing the association between a shipping container and a demand line.

0625 - Deassociate Ship Cntr w/ Batch: Use a pick batch ID and pick line as the basis for releasing the association between a shipping container and a demand line.

0626 - Deassociate Ship Cntr w/ C & D (deassociate shipping container with container and demand): Use a concatenated demand key and a storage container as the basis for releasing the association between a shipping container and a demand line. This transaction detaches the shipping container from all picked stock for the specified demand line and storage container.

0627 - Deassociate Ship Cntr w/ C & B (deassociate shipping container with container and batch): Use a pick batch ID, a pick line, and a storage container as the basis for releasing the association between a shipping container and a demand line. This transaction detaches the shipping container from all picked stock for the specified pick batch, pick line, and storage container.

0630 - Associate Shipping Serial #: Use a concatenated demand key as the basis for associating a shipping serial ID with a demand line. Shipping serial numbers can be added after production and before shipping.

0631 - Associate Ship Serial # With Batch: Use a pick batch ID and pick line as the basis for associating a shipping serial ID with a demand line. Shipping serial numbers can be added after picking and before shipping.

0632 - Deassociate Ship Serial #: Use a concatenated demand key as the basis for releasing the association between a shipping serial ID and a demand line. This transaction makes the serial ID number available for reuse.

0633 - Deassociate Ship S # w/ Batch: Use a pick batch ID and pick line as the basis for releasing the association between a shipping serial ID and a demand line. This transaction makes the serial ID number available for reuse.

Ship Container ID

Enter the appropriate shipping container ID if you are conducting one of the shipping container transactions.

Pick Batch ID and Pick Line

Select if you are using a pick batch as the basis for the transaction.

Note: PeopleSoft Inventory uses the pick batch ID to verify the existence of the pick batch line. This verification can only occur after the generation of a picking plan and before depletion.

Demand Source, Source Bus Unit (source business unit), Order No (order number), Order Line, Sched Line (schedule line number), and Demand Line No (demand line number)

Select if you are using a demand key as the basis for the transaction. If you are using a demand key, you must also select an item ID. For pick batch associations, the system supplies the appropriate default item ID.

Lot ID and Serial ID

If the selected item is lot-, serial-, or shipping serial-controlled, you can enter either a lot ID or a serial ID.

Note: Although the Serial ID field looks the same for both shipping container and shipping serial transactions, it serves different purposes. For the shipping container transactions, it refers to the serial ID; for the shipping serial transactions, it refers to the shipping serial ID.

Container ID

If you are using a storage container as the basis for the transaction, enter a storage container ID.


Enter the item with which you want to work. If you have already entered a serial ID, the quantity is by default 1. For shipping container associations, the quantity must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to the amount picked for the pick batch line. For shipping container detachments, the quantity must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to the amount associated with the shipping container.

This field is unavailable for entry when you are conducting transactions involving storage containers. The item's standard unit of measure appears next to the quantity; you can override this value with any valid shipping unit of measure for the item.