Setting Up the Approval Framework for PeopleSoft Purchasing

Set up the Approval Framework in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Set up Email Approvals for PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Page Name

Definition Name


User Profiles - Roles Page


Attach workflow roles to users.

"Defining Users for Approval," PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2 : Approval Framework.

User Profiles - Workflow Page


Define supervisors.

"Defining Users for Approval," PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2 : Approval Framework.

User List Definition Page


Define user-list definitions.

"Defining User Lists," PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2 : Approval Framework.

Requester Setup Page


Establish default information for requesters.

User Preferences: Procurement - Requisition Authorizations Page


Authorize users to initiate and update requisitions for applicable requesters. Enable users to approve requisitions. Define a user's requisition processing authority in relation to applicable requesters.

Buyer Setup Page


Establish default information for buyers.

User Preferences: Procurement - Purchase Order Authorizations Page


Authorize users to initiate and update purchase orders for applicable buyers. Enable users to approve purchase orders. Define a user's purchase order processing authority.

Change Template Page


Identify the fields on a requisition, purchase order, or contract that can initiate the following actions when the field is changed. For a requisition identify the field changes that create change tracked records, require approval by the approval framework, and creation of a change request. For a purchase order identify the field changes that create change tracked records and require approval by the approval framework.

Purchasing Definition-PO Change Options Page


Define purchase order approval requirements for each business unit.

Purchasing Definition-Req Change Options Page


Define requisition approval requirements for each business unit.

Register Transactions Page


Register an application with the approval framework.

Configure Transactions Page


Use the Configuration Transactions page to configure how the system uses the particular implementation of approval triggers.

Setup Process Definitions Page


Define workflow approval process stages.

Approval Authorization Page


Authorize roles and approvers for dynamic paths.

Approval Monitor Configuration Page


Configure the approval monitor.

Monitor Approvals Page


View into all approvals to which you have access, as well as take necessary actions on pending approvals.

Generic Template Definition Page


Use the Generic Template Definition page to establish a common format for all ad hoc notifications.

Event Types Page


Associate events to a server.

Setup Event Page


Set up an escalation event and define the evaluation and action details.

Event Status Page


Check status of notification.

Schedule Job Set Definitions Page


Set up a NEM to define the job to run, and how often you want it to run.

Installation Options- Purchasing Page


Set up PeopleSoft Purchasing installation options including the maximum number of lines to be displayed at one time in the Review/Edit Approvers section of the workflow approval components.

Use the PO Approval Monitor Max Rows field to define the maximum number of purchase order lines.

Use the Req Approval Monitor Max Rows field to define the maximum number of requisition lines.

Within PeopleSoft Purchasing, the approval of requisitions and purchase orders can be handled by the approval framework. Most of the work has already been done for you and is delivered with your PeopleSoft system. You need to activate the workflow and adjust the approval setup to identify your individual users, templates, and servers. This topic discusses the setup of requisition and purchase order approval within PeopleSoft Purchasing.

After a requisition or purchase order is created, the system routes the transaction to an approver. The approver can view and take action in two ways: using their worklist or navigating directly to an approvals page. The approver can preview, in a graphical format, the path that the transaction approval will take, view who has already approved the transaction, and see any comments that previous approvers have entered.

While the system awaits approval action, the approval framework maintains the overall state of the requisition or purchase order, invokes routings, and interacts with the application classes.

The approval framework enables you to perform a number of approval tasks, including:

  • Approving a transaction (requisition or purchase order) at the header or line-level. You can approve the entire transaction at the header level or approve individual lines at the line level.

  • Performing mass approvals. Using the Manage Requisition Approvals page or the Approve Purchase Orders page, you can select multiple transactions to be approved or denied at one time. Use the Mark All icons to perform mass approval.

  • Denying a transaction. Once a transaction is denied, the workflow stops.

  • Hold a transaction or transaction line. The hold action enables an approver to stop the approval process and research an issue. When hold is used, the system automatically adds the person who created the transaction as an ad hoc reviewer so that a comment can be sent. Once the transaction is placed on hold, it cannot move to the next approval step until the approver removes the hold.

  • Pushing back a transaction or transaction line. A pushback returns the transaction to the previous approval step. The meaning of push back is that the approver is questioning the prior step's approval and is requesting clarification.

  • Adding or removing ad hoc approvers or reviewers. During the approval process, approvers can add other approvers or reviewers to the current or a later stage of the approval process. For example, if a buyer wants input from an inventory analyst, she can add the analyst as an approver. This action is called ad hoc approval, and it applies only to the approval instance in which the addition occurs and does not affect the underlying process definition used for other requests.

  • Reviewing an online transaction that shows the layout of the printed version. The transaction opens up as a second window and can be printed. The Oracle BI Publisher is used to generate this report, and you can customize it.

  • Making comments to be viewed by other approvers or reviewers.

  • Approving a transaction that has been changed. When a transaction is changed during or after the approval process, the approval framework can require re-approval of the changes using the same approval component as the original transaction.

  • Approving or denying a transaction using email rather than PeopleSoft pages.

  • Self approval of transactions. This feature can be restricted or turned off.

    Note: Users with the system administrator role can self approve transactions, regardless of the transaction amount.

  • Alternate approvers who are assigned to receive emails and Worklist notifications for the primary approver when the primary approver is not available.

For a complete list of approval features, see the Understanding Approval Features section of the Understanding the Approval Framework topic of the PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2: Approval Framework.

During the approval process these actions take place:

  • The system notifies approvers and reviewers that there is a pending transaction (requisition or purchase order) that needs their attention.

  • Approvers and reviewers access the transaction details, provide comments, and take action (approve, deny, or push back) for the requisition or purchase order. In addition, approvers and reviewers can be granted the authority to add additional ad hoc approvers or reviewers to the workflow for a pending transaction.

  • The system checks for additional routings in the same routing path.

    If all steps have been completed for the stage, then the next step is started in the next stage. If there are multiple routing paths, the system routes them in parallel.

  • Once all approvers of a transaction have approved it, the approval framework notifies the PeopleSoft Purchasing application. The requisition or purchase order is then ready for the next step.

See PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2 : Approval Framework.

Complete information about the setup and use of the approval framework is located in the PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2 : Approval Framework.

Use the following steps to set up the requisition and purchase order approval process within PeopleSoft Purchasing:

Set Up the User Profile Component

For the users with PeopleSoft Purchasing:

  • Use the User Profile-Workflow page to identify the supervisor who should approve the user's new requisitions or purchase orders.

  • Use the User Profile-Roles page to enter the roles of the user. A role is a class of users who perform the same type of work, such as a requestor, buyer, or manager. A role describes how people fit into workflow. Roles are defined under PeopleTools, Security, Permissions & Roles, Roles.

See "Defining Users for Approval Framework," PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2 : Approval Framework.

Define User Lists

Use the User List Definition page to define lists of users who can approve transactions. These lists are used with steps in the approval process. The PeopleSoft product delivers a set of default user list roles corresponding to the roles within an organization. For PeopleSoft Purchasing, default user lists include buyers, buyers for hardware, buyers for Software, line level approvers, department managers, and project managers.

See "Defining User List," PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2: Approval Framework.

Grant eProcurement Role Actions to the Appropriate User Roles

If your environment includes PeopleSoft eProcurement as well as PeopleSoft Purchasing and the approval framework is used in PeopleSoft Purchasing, then the following eProcurement role actions enable approval features for requisitions in PeopleSoft Purchasing:

  • ALLOWHOLD: Displays the Hold button on requisition approval pages.

  • ALLOW_ADHOC_ONSUBMIT : Allows for adding or removing ad hoc approvers after you submit the requisition.

  • ALLOW_ADHOC_ONPREVW : Enables users to add or remove ad hoc approvers on requisition preview.

  • CANCHANGEALL: Enables a requester to change any field on the requisition without restarting the approval process while the requisition is in a pending approved status.

  • CANCHANGEDISTRIB: Enables the requester to change any field on the requisition distribution without restarting the approval process while the requisition is in a pending approved status.

  • CANCHANGEHEADER: Enables the requester to change any field on the requisition header without restarting the approval process while the requisition is in a pending approved status.

  • CANCHANGELINE: Enables the requester to change any field on the requisition line, with the exception of quantity and price, without restarting the approval process while the requisition is in a pending approved status.

  • CANCHANGESCHEDULE: Enables the requester to change any field on the requisition schedule without restarting the approval process while the requisition is in a pending approved status.

  • MASS_APPROVER: Enables a requester to approve multiple requisitions at one time. The Approve Requisitions component is where the actions are enabled.

  • WF_EXPAND_APPROVER: Enables users to always see the Review/Edit Approvers section in the eProcurement Approval page when it is expanded.

If PeopleSoft eProcurement is not installed in your environment, then the eProcurement role actions do not need to be setup.

See Maintaining System Users and Roles

Establish the Requisition Status at Save

Use the Requester Setup page to establish the status of a requisition when it is saved. The requisition status of Pending is immediately submitted to workflow when the new requisition is saved, however, the status of Open is not submitted to workflow. An open requisition cannot be viewed on the approver's worklist, in the Manage Requisition Approvals page or the Requisition Approval page.

In addition, you must authorize the user to approve requisitions by selecting the Approval check box in the Allowed Requisition Actions group box of the User Preferences: Procurement - Requisition Authorizations page.

Establish the Purchase Order Status at Save

Use the Buyer Setup page to establish the status of a purchase order when it is saved. The purchase order status of Pending is immediately submitted to workflow when the new PO is saved, however, the status of Open is not submitted to workflow. An open purchase order cannot be viewed on the approver's worklist or in the Approve Purchase Orders page.

In addition, you must authorize the user to approve purchase orders by selecting the Approval check box in the Allowed Purchase Order Actions group box of the User Preferences: Procurement - Purchase Orders Authorizations page.

Create Change Templates

Define change templates for requisitions and purchase orders to identify when a field change should initiate the re-approval of the transaction by the approval framework.

To create a change template for requisitions, use the change template type of Requisition. When you first create the change template, the system defaults the re-approval workflow trigger for the following fields in both the REQ_LINE and REQ_LINE_SHIP records:



  3. QTY_REQ

Once you have created the change template for requisitions, attach the template to the Purchasing business unit using the Purchasing Definition-Req Change Options page. The change template entered in this page are shared by the same business unit across the PeopleSoft Purchasing, eProcurement, and Services Procurement applications. If no requisition change template is defined for the business unit, then any field changes start the re-approval of the requisition line using the approval framework feature.

To create a change template for purchase orders, use the change template type of Purchase Order. When you first create the change template, the system defaults the re-approval workflow trigger for the following fields in the PO_LINE_SHIP record:



  3. QTY_PO

After you create the change template for purchase orders, attach the template to the Purchasing business unit using the Purchasing Definition-PO Change Options page. The change template entered in this page are shared by the same business unit across the PeopleSoft Purchasing, eProcurement, and Services Procurement applications.

See Creating Change Templates.

See Establishing Change Options and Approval Rules.

Review the Approval Transaction Registry

The approval transaction registry is the interface application used to register an application with the approval framework. You use the Register Transactions page to link the components, event handler, records, and classes that you created into the approval process for an application transaction, such as a requisition or purchase order. The main records and components that make up the transaction are registered, along with the approval transaction on which to base the approval process definition.

Any PeopleSoft delivered approvals already have the Approval Transaction Registry populated. No additional configuration is typically needed. This includes the transaction registry for requisition approval (process ID Requisition) and for purchase order approval (process ID PurchaseOrder).

The transaction registry with the process ID of Requisition uses the cross-reference table PV_REQ_AW and the default approval component of PV_REQ_APPROVAL. Keep in mind that a changed requisition uses the same workflow setup as the original requisition; it is a re-approval of the requisition. PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft eProcurement share the same setup data, even though the objects begin with PV.

The transaction registry with the process ID of Purchase Order uses the cross-reference table PO_AW and the default approval component of PO_APPROVAL.

See "Defining the Approval Transaction Registry," PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2: Approval Framework.

Configure the Approval Transactions

Use the Configure Transactions page to select and define elements that determine what triggers a notification, who receives the notification, and the content of the notification. Notifications are mapped to work with the approval transaction registry and include menus and components and SQL definitions.

For the process ID of Requisition, use the approval component of PV_REQ_APPROVAL.

For the process ID of Purchase Order, use the approval component of PO_APPROVAL.

Configure Transactions Page

Set Up Reminder Approvals for PeopleSoft Purchasing

Configure the Request Information event to send Ad-hoc header and line level reminder approvals from the Buyer’s Workbench or Requester’s Workbench by adding a row in the Notifications with Participant of "User List", User List of ‘PO_Req Approval Reminder’, Email and Worklist check boxes enabled. Use the Template Name of "PO Approval Reminder" if using Header Level reminders or "PO Approval Reminder Line" if using Line level reminders from the Buyer’s Workbench. Use the Template Name of "Req Approval Reminder" if using Header Level reminders or "Req Approval Reminder Line" if using Line level reminders from the Requester’s Workbench.

Set Up Process Definitions

Use the Setup Process Definition component to define an approval definition process. This definition is made up of the stages, paths, steps, and criteria that build a workflow.

See Setup Process Definitions Page

Authorize Approvers and Roles for Dynamic Approval

PeopleSoft applications use workflow to configure approval paths in two manners. The first configuration is to define every approval in step-by-step fashion. The second manner is to create dynamic approvals. Use the Approval Authorization component to authorize roles and approvers for dynamic paths.

See Defining and Mapping EMC Forms

Set Up the Approval User Monitor

The approval monitor gives administrators a view into all approvals to which they have access, as well as the ability to take necessary actions on pending approvals. Each process ID can be configured using the Approval Monitor Configuration page (Enterprise Components, Approvals, Approvals, Monitor Configuration).

Once configured, the Monitor Approvals page can be accessed from Enterprise Components, Approvals, Approvals, Monitor Approvals.

See "Using the Approval Monitor," PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2: Approval Framework.

See Setting Up Event Notifications and Escalations.

Define Ad Hoc Notification Templates

Use the Generic Template Definition page to establish a common format for all ad hoc notifications. This provides functionality similar to the Approval Monitor but not limited to the administrators. Add templates for:

  • PO Approval

  • PO Approved

  • PO Cancelled

  • PO Denied

  • PO Escalation

  • PO Information Added

  • PO Information Requested

  • PO Line Approval

  • PO Line Approved

  • PO Line Information Added

  • PO Line Information Requested

  • PO Line Pushback

  • PO Line Reviewed

  • PO Pushback

  • PO Review

  • PO Approval Reminder

  • PO Approval Reminder Line

Similar templates exist for requisitions.

See Defining Notification Templates for Approval Framework

Set Up Reminder Approvals for PeopleSoft Purchasing

Configure the Request Information event to send Ad-hoc header and line level reminder approvals from the Buyer’s Workbench by adding a row in the Notifications with Participant of “User List”, User List of ‘PO_Req Approval Reminder’, Email and Worklist check box enabled, and Template Name of ‘PO Approval Reminder’ if using Header Level reminders or “PO Approval Reminder Line” if using Line level reminders. 

Set Up the Notification and Escalation Manager

The Notification and Escalation Manager (NEM) is a mechanism used to process notifications and escalations on a specified interval. For example, escalations are used when an approver has not responded within a specified time period to a transaction that is pending approval. You can specify the time period (timeout) and you can specify alternate approvers to whom to notify and escalate the approval for further action. Timeout options are defined on the Approval Path Definition page.

To set up the NEM, use the following pages: Event Types, Setup Event, Event Status, and Schedule JobSet Definitions.

See "Using the Notification and Escalation Manager," PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2: Approval Framework.

Determining the Maximum Rows for the Approval Monitor and Other Pages

On the Installation Options- Purchasing page, enter the maximum number of lines to be displayed at one time in the Review/Edit Approvers section of the workflow approval components. Additional lines can be accessed by using the chunking options at the top of the section, including; using the Next Item button, Last Item button, or entering a range of lines and clicking the Retrieve button. Use the PO Approval Monitor field to define the maximum number of purchase order lines. Use the Requisition Approval Monitor field to define the maximum number of requisition lines. The default value for these fields is 5.

See Installation Options - Purchasing Page.

Activate Workflow

Activate the approval framework for requisitions and purchase orders by using the:

  • Purchasing Definition-PO Change Options page. Use the Purchasing business unit to activate the approval framework for purchase orders in PeopleSoft Purchasing. Select the PO Workflow Approval Required check box to enable purchase order approval within the business unit. Select this check box to replace the PeopleTools workflow technology (virtual approver) in PeopleSoft Purchasing with the approval framework. If you enable the approval framework for the Purchasing business unit, then it is enabled for eProcurement also. Once you have selected the PO Workflow Approval Required check box, use the PO Create Exceptions group box and PO Change Request Exceptions group box to identify sources that do not require approval. The Change Template entered on this page is used by PeopleSoft Purchasing, eProcurement, and Services Procurement to determine which field changes to the original purchase order will launch the approval framework for PO re-approval. Select the Resubmit Workflow for Quantity and Price Decrease check box to require approval of a PO changes with a decrease in item quantity or price.

  • Purchasing Definition-Req Change Options page. Use the Purchasing business unit to turn on the approval framework for requisitions in both PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft eProcurement. Select the Workflow Approval Required check box to enable requisition approval within the business unit. By selecting this check box the PeopleTools workflow technology (virtual approver) in PeopleSoft Purchasing is replaced by the approval framework. If you enable the approval framework for the Purchasing business unit, then it is enabled for eProcurement also. The Change Template entered on this page is used by PeopleSoft Purchasing, eProcurement, and Services Procurement to determine which field changes to the original requisition will launch the approval framework for requisition re-approval. Select the Resubmit Workflow for Quantity and Price Decrease check box to require approval of a requisition changes with a decrease in item quantity or price.

See Establishing Change Options and Approval Rules.

The email collaboration framework allows applications to send, receive, and process emails with interactive content. It can be used to send email approvals for requisitions or purchase orders. You can send an HTML form to a user, and they do not need to log into their system to perform tasks.

These steps describe the flow of email collaboration:

  1. A system event triggers PeopleSoft PeopleCode, which creates a collaborative email and sends it to a user.

  2. The user who receives the email takes appropriate action and clicks Submit.

  3. The user's submission is sent to an email account that is designated for holding responses.

  4. An application engine program runs on a configured interval, polling the repository for new emails. It processes the emails and publishes them as service operation messages.

  5. The service operation runs, allowing the implementing application to process the data in a known and supported format.

To set up email approvals:

  1. On the Register Transactions page, complete the Notification Options section to include email notifications. Be sure to select the Use Email Approvals check box. Update the Register Transactions page for the process IDs of Requisition and PurchaseOrder.

    See "Defining the Approval Transaction Registry," PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2: Approval Framework.

  2. On the Configure Transactions page, complete the Notification Options section. Select the Sent Email Approvals to All check box or add a user list in the Email Approval User List field. Update the Configure Transactions page for the process IDs of Requisition and PurchaseOrder.

    See "Configuring Approval Transactions," PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2: Approval Framework.

  3. Design the format of the email to be sent using the Form Element Designer page, Form Layout Designer page, and Field Mapping page within the Email Collaboration menu (Enterprise Components, Approvals, Email Collaboration). For directions, see the Using Email Collaboration topic of the Enterprise Components: PeopleSoft Approval Framework 9.2.

    See "Using Email Collaboration," PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2: Approval Framework.

  4. Use the Node Properties page to modify the PT_EMC_GETMAIL node to enable email collaboration. For directions, see the Using Email Collaboration topic of the Enterprise Components: PeopleSoft Approval Framework 9.2 .

  5. Set up the PO_EMAIL_PO_APPROVAL and PV_EMAIL_REQ_APPROVAL service operations within PeopleSoft Integration Broker and Enterprise Components. The Purchase Order Approval (PO_EMAIL_PO_APPROVAL) service operation is used for collaborative emails for purchase orders and the Requisition Approval (PV_EMAIL_REQ_APPROVAL) service operation is used for collaborative emails for requisitions. For directions in activating a service operation, see the Implementing Integrations topic of the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Integration 9.2 .

  6. Schedule the PeopleSoft Application Engine program EOAWEMC to run on a regular basis. For directions, see the Using Email Collaboration topic of the Enterprise Components: PeopleSoft Approval Framework 9.2.

PeopleSoft delivers service operations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker with a default status of Inactive. You must activate each service operation before attempting to send or receive data from a third-party source. Use the information in this table and refer to the setup instructions in the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Integrations 9.2, "Implementing Integrations" topic, Setting Up Service Operations section.

Service Operation

Direction and Type


Chunking Available?

Integrates With






External XML






External XML

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Integration Broker Administration