Understanding Inspections

PeopleSoft Purchasing offers an inspection component that provides detailed inspection instructions that have been established by your item administrator. One set of inspection instructions can be used for multiple items. When you use the Inspection page, these instructions are pulled into the receipt for your reference.

To be eligible for inspection, an item on the receipt line must be defined as requiring inspection. You can select the Inspection Required check box on the following pages:

  • Item Categories - Category Definition 2.

  • Purchasing Attributes - Purchasing Controls.

  • Purchasing Business Unit Attributes.

  • Requisition Line Details.

  • PO Line Details (purchase order line details).

The item receipt does not have to be related to a purchase order to be eligible for inspection.

Performing inspections by using the PeopleSoft Purchasing Inspect Receipts component maps closely to a business process where receiving is done in one stage, followed by a separate inspection process. Implementing a separate inspection process by using the inspection component in conjunction with PeopleSoft Inventory enables you to track the receipt of inventoried items in an inspection location.

To indicate that your organization is using a two-step receive-then-inspect business process, select the Separate Inspection check box on the Purchasing Definition - Business Unit Options page.

When this check box is selected, the Inspect Qty (inspect quantity) field on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page is unavailable for entry, and inspection must be done by using the inspection component.

If the Separate Inspection check box is clear, the Inspect Qty field on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page is available for entry. Inspection is done and verified at that point, but it can still be performed by using the inspection component.

The default inspection location identified for an item is used as the putaway location at the time of receipt, unless an overriding inspection location is specified on the Inventory Putaway Information page.

The quantity accepted upon receipt appears by default as the received quantity, and the accepted quantity in the stocking unit of measurement (UOM) is moved to the designated inspection location by using the Receipt Push Inventory multiprocess job (RECV_01). If the goods are moved to an inspection location other than their original inspection destination, the inspection location can be updated in the system to reflect the true location to which the goods were moved.

The separate inspection process is then used to inspect the items that are now in the inspection location. Any goods that pass inspection are moved from the original inspection location to the default final putaway location. This default final putaway location can be changed to another noninspection location. The move from inspection to final putaway location is described in more detail later in this topic.

If items are rejected during inspection at the inspection location, there is a tight integration with the Return to Vendor process, and return transactions are generated automatically.

Inspecting and Moving Goods to Their Final Putaway Locations

To perform separate inspections and move goods to their final putaway locations:

  1. Create a receipt by using the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

  2. Run the Receipt Push Inventory multiprocess job.

    This step is necessary if the receipt is inventory-related. This process moves goods into the default inspection location unless you defined different default locations when you created the receipt.

  3. Perform inspections by using the Inspect Receipts component.

    Access the Inspection & Putaway Information page to change (if necessary) the default final putaway location.

  4. To perform manual bin-to-bin transfers, click the Manual Bin to Bin Transfer link on the Inspection page.

    This provides access to the Transfers page, where you can choose to move the item from the inspection location manually to its final putaway location.

  5. To perform Auto Bin to Bin transfers (a batch process), ensure that the Auto Bin to Bin option is selected for the Inventory putaway locations.

    This process stages the item information into the Data Collection tables (BCT_DTL). To verify that the information has populated the table and is ready to be picked up by the batch process, access the Transaction Maintenance page. The final step of the Auto Bin to Bin process is to run the Inventory Transfer process (INPTTRFR). This process moves your inventory from the inspection location to the final putaway location.

    Note: To run the Inventory Transfer process, you must define values for the following fields on the Data Collection Setup page, even if bar coding is not being used: Transaction Number and History Options. If barcode processing is not used, there is no need to provide a value for the File Suffix field.