Tracking Requisition Changes

This topic provides an overview of requisition change tracking.

Page Name

Definition Name


Change Template Page


Define requisition change templates.

Reason Codes Page


Define reason codes.

Procurement Change Reason Codes Page


Define Business Unit specific options for Services Procurement, including reason code usage for change tracking

Procurement Change Reason Codes Page

Edit Requisition Page


Change requisitions.

Confirmation Page


Enter a reason code and comment for making requisition changes that are being tracked.

View Requisition Change Tracking History Page


View requisition change tracking history.

You can change requisitions and track the history of those changes using the Change Request feature. The feature enables you to determine the fields for which the system tracks changes. The PeopleSoft system uses a common Change Request component for purchase orders, PeopleSoft Purchasing requisitions, PeopleSoft eProcurement and Services Procurement requisitions, and contracts.

For Services Procurement change templates, the system loads the appropriate records so that you can select to:

  • Track individual fields for changes.

  • Reapprove requisitions when a specific field has changed.

PeopleSoft Services Procurement change tracking set up depends on other whether other PeopleSoft applications are installed on the PeopleSoft system. .

For more information about records and fields available for tracking, see the PeopleSoft Source-to-Settle Common Information documentation.

See Understanding Change Template.

For more information about setting up change requests with PeopleSoft Services Procurement with eProcurement, see the PeopleSoft eProcurement documentation .

See Understanding Requisition Changes and Change Requests.

Use the Change Template page (CHNG_ORD_TEMPLATE) to define requisition change templates.


Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, General Setup, Change Template

You use the Change Template page to define fields against which you want to track changes. You can define change templates for requisitions, purchase orders, and contracts. You can also define changes for sourced requisition fields that were initiated from the PeopleSoft Services Procurement application. To define a change template:

  1. Select a change template type.

    Change template types are the record collections from which you select fields to include in change tracking. PeopleSoft provides predefined change template types for purchase orders, contracts, and requisitions. As an example of template type contents, when you select a requisition template type, it contains records for which you can track changes, such as requisition header, line, and schedule fields. Template types can have multiple change templates associated with them.

  2. Enter a change template ID.

    You use change templates to create a set of fields that are eligible for change tracking based on the records for the template type that you select. When this change template is selected to record changes for PeopleSoft Services Procurement, the system track changes to the fields. Depending on product installations, the change template is defined at the business unit level for Purchasing when PeopleSoft eProcurement and Service Procurement are installed. The change template is defined on the Service Procurement Definition page when Services Procurement only is installed.

  3. Select a record.

    When you select a value in the Record field, the system displays all the fields within that are available for change tracking.

  4. Use the Record Fields group box to define the fields for which you want to track changes.

  5. After you save the record, you can select another record

Field or Control


Copy Template

Select an existing change template that you want to copy to create a new template. The template type that you are creating must match the template type from which you want to copy information. When you select a value, the system replaces existing record and field values with values from the copied template. You can then make changes to the new template.

You can also copy a template into an existing template. The system removes the existing data and replaces it with the copied template.


Select a record for which you want to define fields for change tracking. If PeopleSoft Service Procurement only is installed, both eProcurement and Services Procurement records are available.

Note: If you select the REQ_COMMENTS record, the only field available for change tracking is Status. The system tracks deleted comments only and saves the comment key to the corresponding change track table and inactivates the comment in REQ_COMMENTS table.

Track Change

Select the check box that corresponds to the field for which you want to track changes. You can go through each record and select change tracking fields. After making your selections, click the Save button to store the update.

Field ValueandDescription

Displays the field value and description. The fields that appear in this field belong to the record that you selected in the Record field.


Select to indicate that if the corresponding field is updated, then the change will initiate a reapprove process for the requisition. If any field in the change template is marked for reapproval and changed in the pending or approved requisition, then the requisition is resubmitted to the Approval Workflow Engine.

You cannot re-approve a requisition from the Manage Sourcing page. For Services Procurement fields that are marked for change tracking and re-approval on the change template, if the field is modified by the service coordinator using the Review and Sourcing component, then the system tracks the updated field but does not resubmit the requisition for re-approval.

Update PO (update purchase order)

This setting is not applicable for Services Procurement and is not editable for Services Procurement records. If PeopleSoft Services Procurement only is installed, this check box is not available.

Label Type

Select a label type. The system uses the label type to determine how this field appears on the Change Template page. Values include:

Custom: Indicates a field label that you specify. When you select Custom, the Label Text field appears where you can enter the custom label for the field. To save the custom label, the Track Changes check box must be selected.

Page: Indicates that a field label is taken from another page. When you select Page, the Page Name field becomes available for entry. Enter the page object name from which you want to take the field label.

Rec Long (record long): Indicates that a field label is taken from the long version of record field text defined for the field.

Rec Short (record short): Indicates that a field label is taken from the short version of the record field text that is defined for the field.

Page Name

Select a page name from which to take a field label. This field appears when you select Page in the Label Type field.

Label Text

Enter the text that you want to use for the field custom name label.

Use the Reason Codes page (SPB_REASONCD_BU) to define reason codes.


Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, General Setup, Business Unit Setup, Services Procurement Defn

Select the Reason Code Setup tab.

This page contains a listing of reason codes that you can maintain for Services Procurement. You can also use the page to define the reason code for procurement changes so that the code is available for selection as a PeopleSoft Services Procurement change reason. Services Procurement uses the purchasing record BU_OPT_PM_RSN to store the reason code setup for change tracking.

Use these steps to make reason codes available for use with Services Procurement:

  1. Click the Change Reason Code link at the bottom of the Reason Code Setup page.

  2. Select the SetID and click the Search button to access the Purchasing Options page.

  3. Click theChange Reason Codeslink.

    The Procurement Change Reason Codes page appears.

  4. Select a reason code in the Default Reason Code field.

    You can also make track change mandatory and require comments for changes using this page.

  5. Click the OK button and then click Save on the Processing Options page.

    After you define the reason code, Service Procurement retrieves the tracking change reason code setup from the Purchasing Processing Option component and displays it as display-only row of data in the Reason Code Setup page. You cannot edit this reason code using this page. You must return to the Purchasing page to make changes to the code

See Procurement Change Reason Codes Page.

Use the Edit Requisition page (PV_REQ_FORM) to change requisitions.


Services Procurement, Manage Requisitions

Click Edit in the Select Action field.

You create requisition changes in PeopleSoft Services Procurement using the Edit Requisitions page.

Note: You cannot edit sourced requisitions using the Edit Requisition or Manage Requisitions page. If the service coordinator edits the sourced requisition from the Manage Sourcing page, then the system tracks the changes based on the change request template assigned to the business unit. However, the system does not submit the requisition for reapproval for any changes made on the requisition from the Manage Sourcing page even if the modified field is setup for reapproval on the change template.

After you complete the changes, click the Go to submit requisition button. When in use with PeopleSoft eProcurement, Services Procurement passes the tracked change and reason code to eProcurement. When fields are tracked, such as for line, competencies, or bid factors, then the change tracking and reason code setting is set so that eProcurement can trigger the reason code logic when you click the Save and submit button.

Note: If the Service Coordinator field is set for tracking, changes initiated from the Replace Coordinator or Replace VMS Coordinator pages will also be tracked.

Note: When the Replace Service Coordinator utility is used to change the assigned service coordinator for requisitions, the change tracking rules are followed. Thus, the change tracking template is checked to determine whether the Service Coordinator field is being tracked, and if so a change tracking record is created.

Use the View Requisition Change Tracking History page (PV_CHNG_TRK_HIST) to view requisition change tracking history.


Services Procurement, Define Services Procurement, General Setup, Change Tracking History

The Requisition Change History feature provides an audit trail of changes that were made to a PeopleSoft Services Procurement requisition. The history shows all the changes made to the service requisition information sections including header changes, line changes, distribution changes, competencies, bid factors, and preferred supplier changes. Informational messages on the page indicate when there have been no changes to an information section.

You can search for requisitions to view based on business unit, requisition ID ranges, requesters, and date range. After you enter the criteria and click the Search button, the system populates the page with requisitions that match the criteria. Search results are returned by descending requisition ID. To view changes for each information section, click the Expand section button.

Field or Control


Req ID (requisition ID) and Requisition Name

Displays the requisition and its name. Click the Req ID link to view the requisition.

Requester Name

Displays who created the requisition.

Modified By

Displays the user ID of the person who last updated the requisition

Last Changed

Displays the date and time of the change.

Change Batch

Click to access the ePro Requisition Batch Changes page where you can view the change order number and revision date for the batch job.

Filter Criteria

Click to access the Change Tracking Filter Criteria page where you can search for changes based on, for example, reason codes or requisition line changed fields. These criteria are applied against grid contents.

Click the Expand Section button to view requisition changes. The system displays a message that indicates the records to which no change have been made. To view changes made to each record, click the Expand Section button for each section.

The sections display basic information about the changes, such as the batch and line, change type, and the change value. The reason code used for the change also appears.

Use the Confirmation page (SP_REASONCD_DTL) to enter a reason code and comment for making requisition changes that are being tracked.


Click the Go To Submit Requisition button on the Edit Requisition page.

You use this page to select a reason code for making the requisition change. You can define a default value for the reason code using the Procurement Change Reason Codes page. The code can be used for change request in the PeopleSoft Services Procurement business unit. In addition, the Description field for the default reason code (entered on the Reason Codes page) is used as the default comment on the change requests. To access the Procurement Change Reason Codes page, select Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Purchasing, Purchasing Options. Then click the Change Reason Code link at the bottom of the page.

Field or Control


Reason Code

Select a code. You can use the default code or override it with another code.


Enter a reason for the requisition change. If a default value for the change has been defined, it appears. You can override the value.

Click the Filter Criteria link on the View Requisition Change Tracking History page)

Use this page to reduce the number of search results in each grid for specific reason codes, batch order changes and individual fields. After you populate the grids on the View Requisition Change Tracking History page with the search results, you can, for example, use the filter criteria on this page to reduce the number of requisition fields returned for the View Requisition Change Tracking History grids. You can select a value in each field to include in the search results.

Field or Control


Reason Code

Select a specific reason code for which you want to view tracking history. If you make other change selections on this page, they will be limited to those that were made using this reason code.

Change Order Number

Select a specific change order number for which you want to view tracking history. If you make other change selections on this page, they will be limited to those that were made using this change order number.

Requisition Header

Select a header field for which you want to view changes for a requisition. The fields that are available for selection are those fields that are eligible for use with tracked changes. Fields must first be selected for change tracking using the change template. Then, when changes have been made to the field for the selected requisition, the field appears in the search results when you click the Search button.

Requisition Line

Select a requisition line field for which you want to view changes for a requisition. The fields that are available for selection are those fields that are eligible for use with tracked changes.

Requisition Schedule

Select a requisition schedule field for which you want to view changes for a requisition. The fields that are available for selection are those fields that are eligible for use with tracked changes.


Click to filter the search results to the criteria that you defined. The system returns to the View Requisition Change Tracking History page with the results of the search.


Click to remove all previous selections on this page.


Click to return to the View Requisition Change Tracking History page.