(Fluid) Adding a Person

To create a person record, use the Add a Person component (PERSONAL_DATA_FL). Use the CI_PERSONAL_DATA component interface to load data into the table for this component.

The following videos provide an overview and demonstration of how to use the fluid Person Data modification feature:

Video: Image Highlights, PeopleSoft HCM Update Image 47: Person Data Modernization

Video: Person Data Modernization

These topics provide an overview of identification assignment, the Add Person, Modify Person, or organizational relationship component layouts, and discuss how to add a person in fluid.

Page/Section Name

Definition Name


Add Person Tile

HC_HR_PERS_ADD_FL_GBL (this is the cref for the tile)

Create a new Person Data record without adding an organizational instance.

Add Person Page


Perform a search for duplicate employee/person IDs (with the ability to view or modify existing person records) and add a person record without a job organizational relationship.

Request Details Page


Enter a person's ID or employment record number.

Person Data Page


Enter personal details, contact information, and regional information about a person in fluid.

Person Data Page - Person Details Section


(See the Person Data page)

Enter name and other biographical information.

Name Page


View how the system pages will show the display, formal, and full name.

Name Page


Update or add name information and view or add attachments to support the change.

Biographical Details Page


Record details about a person's education level, marital status, gender and orientation details, and add supporting attachments.

<Gender Field Label> Values Page


View gender field value descriptions

National ID Page



Enter national ID information for a person and add supporting attachments.

Person Data Page - Contact Information Section


(See the Person Data page)

Enter or edit a person's contact information.

Add (or Edit) Address Page

Add Another Address Page

Edit Address Page



Add or manage addresses for a person and add supporting attachments.

Phone Number Page


Enter or edit a person's phone number information.

Email Address Page


Enter or edit a person's email information.

Person Data Page - Regional Section


(See the Person Data page)

Enter country-specific personal information.

(BRA) History Page


Add details about a person's ethnicity, blood type, education, residency, and so forth.

(CAN) Canada Self IdentificationData Page


(CAN) Enter identification information for Canada.

(USA) Work Status Page


Enter Medicare, citizenship, military information, and add supporting attachments.

Person Data Page - CheckList Section


(See the Person Data page)

Identify a checklist of tasks to perform after adding this person.

Person Data Page - <Drop Zone> Section


(See the Person Data page)

Enter information for custom steps that use drop zones embedded in your activity guide process.

Person Data Page - Validation Section


(See the Person Data page)

View error and warning messages related to the Person Data validation process, if any.

Add Person - Summary Page


View the proposed information you are adding for a person record.

Submit Confirmation Page


Confirm that a person record was successfully created. You can also initiate the process to add other personal transaction data or return to the Manage Human Resources dashboard.

Update Personal Data-Future Page


Run this process shortly after midnight to update the Personal Data component. The process will update data with new, effective information that is not currently in the component.

The Update Personal Data-Future process runs the HR_PERSDATA application engine program.

When you access the Add Person or one of the Create <Organizational Relationship> components, the system may request you enter an employee ID on the Request Details Page.

Note: The Empl ID and Empl Record fields will appear only if configured on the Person and Job Installation - Person and Organization Page to not be hidden.

There are two ways to assign IDs:

  • Automatically

    If you use automatic ID assignment, the system adds IDs sequentially as you add new people.

    The system maintains the last assigned ID on the Installation Table - Last ID Assigned Page.

    Note: If configured to hide the employee ID upon entry, the system will use the automatic method of assignment.

  • Manually

    You enter the IDs, using any system that you choose for the organization. With manual entry, you don't need to assign IDs sequentially.

    Assigning IDs manually is the only way that you can include alphabetical characters in the IDs.

Important! To avoid maintaining two different sets of IDs, it is recommended that you use only one method to assign them: either always assign them manually or always let the system assign them.

The Manage Human Resources Dashboard consists of several tiles that enable the HR administrator to add and maintain person, organizational relationships, and job data using fluid tiles and components.

Many of the Manage Human Resources tiles and pages use activity guides to provide a simplified and streamlined approach to completing a business process. These fluid tiles access components and pages that appear within the context of an Activity Guide Composer process.

**This topic discusses the Add Person, Create <Organizational Relationship>, Organizational Relationship, and Modify Person component layouts, which have a similar layout. For information on the Manage Job layout, see The Activity Guide Composer Framework for the Manage Job Component.

Note: The text "<Organizational Relationship>" is used throughout this documentation to represent "Employee", "Contingent Worker", or "Person of Interest".

Activity Guide Page Layout - Page Header (Sub-Banner)

The fluid person and organizational relationship components use a horizontal non-sequential activity guide template to render the guided process.

The top (sub-banner) shows the page (step) navigation at the top.

This example illustrates the Person Data layout in fluid and consists of the Person Data and Summary pages.

Person Data page layout

This example illustrates the Create Employee layout in fluid and consists of the Person Data, Job Data, and Summary pages.

Job Data page layout in fluid

In addition to the horizontal page steps that appear within the sub-banner, the activity guide may also display the following buttons:

Field or Control


Next button

Select this button to initiate the Validation process for a page.

This will check for entry errors or warnings. If the process does not find errors or warnings, or you choose to ignore the warning messages, the activity guide moves you to the next page in the horizontal process. For Person Data, that would be the Summary page. For the creation of an organizational relationship (employee, contingent worker, or person of interest), the process would move to the Job Data page.

Previous button

The Previous buttons appears on Job Data and Summary pages to allow you to navigate back to a previous step and make changes, as needed.

Section Navigator and Sections

The left panel displays sections within a page step. Quickly navigate to a section within the page by selecting the section in the left panel.

The Person Data page provides quick access to these page sections:

The Job Data page provides quick access to these page sections:

The Summary page shows proposed changed you have entered on these pages and allows you to submit transaction.

Delivered Templates for Person and Organizational Relationship

The PeopleSoft HCM application delivers the following templates and page steps for these tiles and pages to add or modify persons and create organizational relationships:





Pages (Steps)

Add Person Tile

Add a Person record only.

Note: You can add a relationship at a later point of time using the Organizational Relationship tile.

PERSON2 (Person)


  • Person Data

  • Summary and Review

Modify Person Tile

Modify the Person record only.

PERSON2 (Person)


  • Person Data

  • Summary and Review

Create Employee Tile

Add a new Person and Job Data record with an employee relationship in the system.


Manage Person & Org Relationship (HR_PERSONORGREL)

  • Person Data

  • Job Data

  • Review and Submit (Summary)

Create Contingent Worker Tile

Add a new person with a continent worker relationship in the system.

HRPCWRJ (Create Contingent Worker)

Manage Person & Org Relationship (HR_PERSONORGREL)

  • Person Data

  • Job Data (Employment Data)

  • Review and Submit (Summary)

Create Person of Interest Tile

Add a new Person and Job Data record with a person of interest relationship (with a job) in the system.


Manage Person & Org Relationship (HR_PERSONORGREL)

  • Person Data

  • Job Data

  • Review and Submit

(Fluid) Organizational Relationship Tile

Add an organizational relationship for a person already in the system (employee, contingent worker, or person of interest with a job).

ADDORG1 (Add Job Relationship)

Add Job Relationship (HR_JOBREL_ADD)

  • Job Data

  • Review and Submit

Note: You must be assigned the Job Data AG Administrator role to add or modify these activity guide templates.

To understand or set up templates using the Activity Guide Composer, see the Understanding the Activity Guide Composer documentation.

Administrators use the Add Person tile to create a new person record without adding an organizational instance.

Note: The following must be in place to see and access this tile and pages:

--The Fluid Person and Manage Relationship check box must be enabled on the Person and Job Installation - Person and Organization Page.

--You must be assigned the HR Admin Add Person role.


The Add Person tile is delivered as part of the fluid Manage Human Resources Dashboard.

This example illustrates the Add Person tile

Add Person tile

Select this tile to begin the process to create a new person record.

Add Person Flow in Fluid

Use the following steps to perform the fluid-based approach to quickly create and process a new person transaction:

This diagram shows the high-level functional pages and steps to add a person using the fluid pages.

Add Person Flow in Fluid
  1. Select the Add Person Tile to begin the process (Workforce Administrator home page > Manage Human Resources tile > Add Person Tile).

  2. Use the Add Person Page to perform the Search/Match process to find potential Person Data matches in the system for this person or initiate the process to add a new person record.

    When using Search/Match, one of the following will occur:

    • No Duplicate Found: the process will continue with the Add Person process and will move to either the Request Details or Person Data page, depending on your installation settings.

    • Duplicate Found: the page will display the Potential duplicates grid for you to review duplicate person information. Options are available to view and add organizational relationships for a person or view or edit existing person data. If there is no person match, select the Add Person button to continue with the Add Person process.

  3. The Request Details Page appears when the employee ID entry is configured to display.

    Enter an ID or leave the field blank to have the system automatically assign the person's ID (see Understanding Identification Assignment).

    For configuration settings, see Person and Job Installation - Person and Organization Page.

  4. Select to continue to the Add Person activity guide process.

    There are two steps in this activity guide:

  5. Submit the information to add the Person Data record.

    Note: The Add Person process does not use Approvals.

See also Fluid Add or Modify Persons, Create Organizational Relationships, and Manage Job Data Architectures.

Use the Add Person page (SRCH_PERSON_FL) to perform a search for duplicate employee/person IDs (with the ability to view or modify existing person records) and add a person record without a job organizational relationship.

Note: A person added from this page will be assigned the organizational relationship of Person of Interest - Other.


Select the Add Person Tile on the Manage Human Resources home page.

Note: You can also access this page from the Create Employee Tile, Create Contingent Worker Tile, and Create Person of Interest Tile, but the title varies to reflect the transaction you are performing.

This example illustrates the Add Person page.

Add Person page

The search uses the logic delivered by the Search/Match framework. Configuration for Search/Match is available from Set Up HCM > System Administration > Utilities > Search/Match.

Field or Control


Person Details group box

Enter key field values that may identify a person, then select the Search button to initiate the Search/Match process.

Search button

When you have entered search criteria, select this button to initiate the search match. When the process finds possible matches, the page will display the Potential duplicates grid.

When the search criteria is blank, or no potential matches are found, one of the following pages will open depending upon your Person and Job Installation - Person and Organization Page settings:

When you enter person details that do not return a match, the values you entered will be added to the Person Data page by default. For example, if you add the person's first and last name and date of birth, the corresponding fields will auto populate with these same values.

Add Person, Create Employee, Create Contingent Worker, or Create Person of Interest button

The name of the button will vary based on the tile you used to access this page.

A button to add a person or organizational relationship will appear after you have performed a search match.

Select this button to access the Person Data pages and begin the process to add the person.

Potential duplicates

This grid box appear after you have entered Personal Details field values, selected the Search button, and the process has identified possible matches in the system.

The grid displays a list of likely Person Data records in the system that may match the person you are trying to add.

Field or Control


Organizational Relationship link

Select this link to access the (Fluid) Organizational Relationship Page to view a summary of a person's organizational relationships.

You must have security access for this person to view the organizational relationship.

Edit button (Edit) button

Select this button to access the Person Data page (Modify Person component) in correction mode and make edits to a Person Data record already in the system.

You must have security access for this person to edit the personal data.

View Person Details button (View Person Details) button

Select to access the Personal Data page in view mode to verify if this is the same person.

You must have security access for this person to view personal data.

Use the Request Details page (HR_CREATE_DTL_SCF) to enter a person's ID or employment record number.

Note: Availability of this page and what it displays is determined by the Person and Job Installation - Person and Organization Page settings for hiding the employee ID or record number. When the configurations are set to hide both the employee ID and employment record number, this page will not appear.


Select one of the following buttons from the Add Person Page.

  • Search (when search match is not used)

  • Add Person

Note: You can access this same page from the Create Employee Page (Create Employee button), Create Contingent Worker Page (Create Contingent Worker button), and Create Person of Interest Page (Create Person of Interest button).

This example illustrates the Request Details page when accessed from the Add Person tile.

Request Details page from the Add Person tile

This example illustrates the Request Details page when accessed from the Create Person of Interest tile.

Request Details page when accessed from the Create Person of Interest tile

Use the Person and Job Installation - Person and Organization Page to configure if you want to hide or show the following fields.

Field or Control


Person of Interest Type

This field is available when you access the page from the Create Person of Interest tile.

Select a person of interest type that is associated with a job.

Empl ID (employee ID)

This field is available when you access the page from the Add Person or Create <Organizational Relationship> tiles when the Allow hiding of Employee ID entry check box is deselected on the setup configuration page.

(Auto ID assignment) If you are adding a new person and are using system-assigned IDs, the field displays the value NEW and assigns the ID after you save the Person Data record.

(Manual ID entry) Enter an ID. The Person Data page displays the value you entered in the banner when you access the page.

Empl Record (employment record)

This field is available when you access the page from the Create <Organizational Relationship> tiles when the Allow hiding of Employee Record entry check box is deselected on the setup configuration page.

Leave blank to have the system automatically enter the next sequential employment record number, or you can enter your own number.

Use the Person Data page (PERSONAL_DATA_FL) to enter personal details, contact information, and regional information about a person in fluid.


This example illustrates the Person Data layout in Fluid.

Person Data page layout

Use the Section Navigator panel on the left or the horizontal scroll to navigate through the different sections of this page.

Viewing the Employee Header on the Person Data Pages

The header on the Person Data pages uses the Employee Header Configuration feature. This particularly applies to the page when accessed from the Modify Person tile. Depending on the configuration, the employee header fields will appear in the header or as a popup modal when you select the name link.

Note: The header does not apply to the Add Person or Create <Organizational Relationship> - Person Data headers due to the fact that the person has not yet been added in the system. However, the confirmation pages and Job Data pages will display the employee header with the defined configurable header.

This example illustrates the standard header for the Modify Person page in Fluid.

Example of the standard header in Person Data

This example illustrates the popup header for the Modify Person pages in Fluid.

Example of the popup header in Person Data

For more information on defining header fields and layout, see (Fluid) Managing Employee Headers.

Use the Person Details section of the Person Data page (PERSONAL_DATA_FL) to enter name and other biographical information.


Navigate to the Person Details section on the Person Data Page in fluid.

This example illustrates the Person Details section of the Person Data page (1 of 2).

Person Data Page - Person Details Section (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the Person Details section of the Person Data page (2 of 2).

Person Data Page - Person Details Section (2 of 2)


Use this subsection to enter information about a person's name.

Note: The name fields and the layout of the Name section is determined by the Name Format Type configuration (see Setting Up Additional Name Information). Therefore, if you change the name format type, the fields listed may change.

If you entered a person's name on the Add Person Page, the page will auto populate the corresponding name fields with that information, but you can overwrite those here.

Field or Control


Format Type

Select the name format. This value controls the name field and layout configuration in the name section.

View Name link

Select to view how the pages and reports will show the display, formal, and full name throughout the system.

Using Formal and Display Name Groups

As delivered, the page displays the person's formal name (the legal name that will be used for official purposes) and the display name (the person's preferred or chosen name and the name that will appear on many of the transaction pages throughout the system). Select the View Name link to view those values.

When Use Formal and Display Name Groups functionality is enabled on the Name Format Types - Name Format Type Page, the Name section will show the formal and display field names by sections.

This example illustrates the Person Details section of the Person Data page when Use Formal and Display Name Groups is enabled for the format name type.

Person Data Page - Person Details Section when Use Formal and Display Name Groups is enabled

This video provides an overview of the preferred name feature:

Video: Image Highlights, PeopleSoft HCM Update Image 49: Preferred Name

For more information on page field configuration and Formal and Display Name Groups, see the documentation for Setting Up Additional Name Information, Name Format Types component.

Modifying an existing Person Data record

When you are modifying a person, this section displays a grid showing historical rows. Select the Add (+) button to enter a new name row, or the View (>) button to edit or delete a name row using the Name Page.

This example illustrates the Person Details section of the Person Data page when you are modifying a person.

Person Details section in Modify Person

Note: You cannot delete the initial name row.

(Name) Attachments

The Attachment subsection is available when the Name check box is selected in the Person Data section on the Person and Job Installation - Person and Organization Page.

Use the Attachments subsection to provide additional documentation to support a person's name.

Field or Control


Add Attachment button

Select this button to open the File Attachment page and upload a file. After you have selected and uploaded the file, select Done to return to this page.

Attachments link and Description

Displays the uploaded file as an active link in the Attachments field. Enter a description of the file. The page will also display who uploaded the file and the date and time it was uploaded.

The following video provides an overview and demonstration of the Fluid Attachment framework:

Video: PeopleSoft Fluid HCM Attachments

Personal Information

Field or Control


Date of Birth

If you entered a Date of Birth value on the Add Person Page, the page will auto populate this field with that information, but you can overwrite it here.

Enter the person's date of birth. If you leave this field blank, a warning message appears during the validation process.

Note: Although the birth date isn't required for the Administer Workforce business process, the system uses it to calculate a person's age in some benefit and payroll tasks. It also calculates dates, such as the U.K. expected retirement date, based on the person's age.

Birth Country

Select a country. Based on the selected country, the system might display additional fields, such as Birth State, Province, County, Prefecture, and so forth.

Birth Location

Enter a birth location, usually a city, town, or village.

(BRA) If the selected birth country is BRA (Brazil), this field becomes a prompt field for cities.

Date of Death

This field does not appear during the hiring process. Use this field when updating a person's records.

Waive Data Protection

European community employment and personal privacy legislation specifies that personnel information can't be passed across countries in the European Union without authorization from the employee.

Swipe to Yes if you obtain the employee's consent to share personal data with users in other European Union member nations.

Biographic Details

Field or Control


Add Biographical Details or Add Biographical Details button button

Select to access the Biographical Details Page and add details about a person's education level, marital status, gender and orientation details, and add supporting attachments.

If you do not enter biographical details, the system will save the default values of unknown or not indicated for this person when you move to the next page in the activity guide process.

Effective Date, Gender, Highest Education Level, and Marital Status

These fields appears when Enable Gender Identity is deselected on the Installation Table - HCM Options Pageand you have added information on the Biographical Details page.

Effective Date, Current Sex, Pronoun, Gender Identity, Highest Education Level, and Marital Status

These fields appears when Enable Gender Identity is selected on the Installation Table - HCM Options Pageand you have added information on the Biographical Details page.

View Biographical Details button (View Biographical Details) button

This button is available when you have added information on the Biographical Details page. Select to access the Biographical Details page and view further details or make changes.

National ID

Field or Control


Add National ID or Add National ID button button

Select to open the National ID Page and enter details about the national identification number.

If you do not enter nation ID information, the system will save the default values for this person when you select Next and move to the next page.

Country, National ID Type, National ID, and Primary ID

Displays these fields when you have added information on the National ID page.

View National ID button (View National ID) button

This button is available when you have added information on the National ID page. Select to access the National ID page and view further details or make changes.

Use the Name page (HR_NM_EDIT_SCF) to enter name change information and view or add attachments to support the change.

Note: This page is available when you are modifying a person's data.


Select to add (+) or view (>) a name row in the Names sub-section of the Person Data Page - Person Details Section of this activity guide.

This example illustrates the Name page.

Name page

This example illustrates the Name page when Use Formal and Display Name Groups is enabled for the name format type.

Name page when Use Formal and Display Name Groups is enabled

The fields on this page vary depending on the value in the Name Format field.

For more information on page field configuration and Formal and Display Name Groups, see the documentation for Setting Up Additional Name Information, Name Format Types component.


This subsection is available when the Name check box is selected in the Person Data section on the Person and Job Installation - Person and Organization Page.

Use this section to manage attachments by uploading, deleting, or updating attachments.

This example illustrates the Attachments section of the Name page when the administrator adds an attachment.

Name page, Attachment section when an attachment is added from the administrator

This example illustrates the Attachments section of the Name page when the employee uploads an attachment from self service.

Name page - Attachment from self service

Field or Control


Add Attachment

Select this button to access the File Attachment page and upload files.

This button is not available when viewing an attachment that was uploaded by the employee on the Name (Detail) Page in self service unless in Correct History mode.


Select the link to download and view the attachment. Enter a description, or the field will use the attachment file name as the description upon saving the page, which you can overwrite.

Delete icon button

Select this button to remove an attachment from the Name page.

This button is not available when viewing an attachment that was uploaded by the employee on the Name (Detail) Page in self service unless in Correct History mode.

The following video provides an overview and demonstration of the Fluid Attachment framework:

Video: PeopleSoft Fluid HCM Attachments

Use the Biographical Details page (HR_BIO_PD_SCF) to record details about a person's education level, marital status, gender and orientation details, and add supporting attachments.


Select the Add Biographical Details, + add, or the View Biographical Details (>) button on the Person Data Page - Person Details Section.

This example illustrates the Biographical Details page.

Biographical Details page

When you are adding a person for the first time, the effective date must be equal to the current name effective date.

Field or Control


Highest Education Level

Select the person's highest level of education.

Note: (JPN) For Japanese education-level age-related pay calculations, a form of seniority pay, these values are linked to an education-level age basis as of hire.

Marital Status and As of

Select the person's marital status. Values are: Civil Partner, Common Law, DissDeclLost Civil Partner, Dissolved Civil Partnership, Divorced, Head of Household, Married, Separated, Single, Surviving Civil Partner, Unknown, and Widowed. Enter the effective of date for this marital status in the As of field.

PeopleSoft Payroll doesn't use the marital status that is entered on this page for tax calculations. For U.S. employees, you enter that information in Maintain Payroll Data on the Federal, State, and Local Tax pages. Taxes for Canadian employees are based on net claim amount, which varies depending on the employee status.

Note: Laws in the Netherlands require tracking effective-dated marital status information for employees.

Language Code

Select the person's native or preferred language. Although tracking official or preferred languages is required in some countries in PeopleSoft Human Resources, the system also uses the preferred language when you communicate with people with a relationship to the organization. For example, PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Germany and Switzerland use the language code to print paychecks in the payee's preferred language. Other types of communication also use this as the default language for written communication.

Note: Don't use this field to record the organization's official language or to rate a worker's proficiency in speaking, reading, or writing various languages. Use the Location Table to track the organization's official language. Use the Languages table to record a worker's language proficiency.

The Language Code field prompts from the LANG_CD table, which concerns the person's native or preferred language, and not from the LANGUAGE_CD table, which contains the languages into which the application can be translated.

Alternate ID

Use this field to record a second type of ID for a person.

Full-Time Student

Set to Yes if the person is a full-time student.


This field appears in this section when Enable Gender Identity is not enabled on the Installation Table. When this feature is enabled, the page will display the Gender and Orientation Details section where you will record gender information.

Select the person’s gender. By default, the value is set to Unknown.

Note: (BRA) You must specify the person’s gender (Male or Female) for eSocial reporting to work properly.

Gender and Orientation Details

Note: This section appears when Enable Gender Identity is selected on the Installation Table - HCM Options Page. This allows administrators and employees to track gender identity details in Personal Data. This functionality is delivered turned off.

When you or a manager approves a gender update from an employee, the system will insert a new Biographical Details effective dated row. However, if you do not allow the employee to update and submit gender details, you need to insert a new effective dated row here to retain historical information. See also Pending Approvals - Gender Identity Change Page.

Gender details are specific to an individual and a person can choose to identify all gender details or just a few. Employees can update their own details on the fluid self service Personal Details - Gender Details Page when they have been assigned the Fluid Dashboard - Person Dtls role and granted access to update the fields. Employees must also be part of a regulatory region that is configured for gender identity (see configuration on the Gender Details Page).

Note: Unless otherwise noted, the values for these fields are defined on the setup Gender Details Page.

Field or Control


Regulatory Region

Enter a region that is configured for gender identification.The valid values for the remaining fields are based on the regulatory region you enter here.

Important! The regulatory region for gender details should align with the regulatory region assigned to a person's primary job on the Work Location Page.

The employee self service Gender Identity Page and Gender Details Page use the regulatory region from Job Data to manage gender details. If this region varies from that in Job Data, the Gender Identity page will display the current information from this section. However, the employee will not be able to edit information that is tied to a regulatory region different from that stored in Job Data. Instead, the page will display an + (Add) button for the employee to enter gender details using the regulatory region associated with the employee's primary job.

Current Sex (label name may vary)

This is the only required field in the Gender and Orientation Details section.

Select the person’s current sex. By default, the value is set to Unknown. Valid values come from the translate table and are not tied to region.

Note: This field label is configurable on the Gender Configuration Page. Current Sex is the new label delivered by default, but this value can also be overwritten.

<><gender field label> List Information icon <gender field label> Information icon

Select this icon to access the <Gender Field Label> Values Page and view descriptions of values for gender-related fields. This displays the values entered by region on the configuration Gender Details Page.

Birth Sex

Enter the sex assigned at birth.


Select the pronouns this person prefers to be called.

Note: When you enter this information, and the system is configured to show pronouns, the pronouns will display next to the employee's name on the Company Directory - Profile pages in fluid (see Using the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface for the Company Directory).

To configure the Company Directory to display pronouns in fluid, see the Chart and Profile Settings - Profile Content Page.

Sexual Orientation

Enter this individuals inherent attraction to a sexual partner of a certain gender.

Gender Identity

Enter the person's inner sense or self perception of being male, female, a blend of both or neither. One's gender identity can be the same or different from their sex assigned at birth or current sex.

These videos provide an overview of the gender identity functionality:

Video: Image Highlights, PeoleSoft HCM Update Image 41: Gender Identity and Expression

Video: PeopleSoft Gender Identity and Expression

Considerations when Entering Gender and Orientation Details

Since gender information is driven by region and an administrator's security access, there are situations that will impact what gender fields you can access.

Assuming all setup has been done to support recording gender details, consider the following scenarios in regards to the regulatory region assigned to the employee on the Job Data - Work Location Page and your security access:

  • You have row level and global security access to a region configured for gender identification (for example, USA). You can:

    • Search for employees in the USA regulatory region.

    • See and select USA as a regulatory region within Biographical History: Gender and Orientation Details section of Personal Data.

    • See the gender identity fields for the USA region.

    • See the modified Gender label as Current Sex, if applicable.

  • You have row level and global security access to a region configured for gender identification and one not configured for gender identification (for example, USA and MYS respectively). You can:

    • Search for employees in the USA and MYS regions.

    • See the gender identity fields for USA employees and see the modified Gender label as Current Sex, if applicable.

    • NOT see the gender identity fields for MYS employees, or see the modified Gender label as Current Sex, if configured as such.

  • You have row level security for USA (which is configured for gender identification) and MYS (which is not configured for gender identification), but you have global security for MYS only. You can:

    • Search for employees in the USA and MYS regions.

    • NOT see the gender identity fields for USA employees in person data, or see the modified Gender label as Current Sex, due to global security.

    • NOT see the gender identity fields for MYS employees in personal data, or see the modified Gender label as Current Sex, due to MYS not being a gender configured region.

(Biographical Details) Attachments

This section is available when the Biographical check box is selected in the Person Data section on the Person and Job Installation - Person and Organization Page.

Use the Attachments section to provide additional documentation to support a person's biographical information.

This example illustrates the Attachments section of the Biological Details page when the administrator adds an attachment.

Biographical Details page, Attachment section when an attachment is added from the administrator

This example illustrates the Attachments section of the Biological Details page when the employee uploads an attachment from self service.

Biographical Details page - Attachment from self service

Field or Control


Add Attachment button

Select this button to open the File Attachment page and upload a file. After you have selected and uploaded the file, select Done to return to this page.

This button is not available when viewing an attachment that was uploaded by the employee on the Gender Details Page in self service unless in Correct History mode.

Attachments link and Description

Displays the uploaded file as an active link in the Attachments field. Enter a description of the file. The page will also display who uploaded the file and the date and time it was uploaded.

Delete icon button

Select this button to remove an attachment from the Biological Details page.

This button is not available when viewing an attachment that was uploaded by the employee on the Gender Details Page in self service unless in Correct History mode.

Use the <Gender Field Label> Values page (HR_GENDER_DTL_SCF) to view gender field value descriptions.

Note: The page title and information correlates to the gender field label, such as Birth Sex Values page or Pronoun Values page.


Select the <><gender field label> List Information icon (Information) icon for a gender field on the Biographical Details Page.

This example illustrates the Birth Sex Values page. Other <Gender Field Label> Values pages display similar information.

(Fluid) Birth Sex Values page

Page content will vary by gender field type and the configuration of the Gender Details Page for the region.

Use the National ID page (HR_NID_PD_SCF or HR_NID_PD_VW_SCF) to enter national ID information for a person and add supporting attachments.


Select the Add National ID, + add, or View National ID (>) button on the Person Data Page - Person Details Section.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the National ID page.

National ID page

National ID

Field or Control



Select the country that issued the worker's national ID.

National ID Type

The system enters the value that you establish for this country on the National ID Type Table page. You can override this default.

Add new rows to enter one or more ID types for a person.

Note: (BRA) Changes made to a Brazilian person's CTPS - Work Card and PIS national ID types will be recorded on the National ID History page.

National ID

Enter the worker's national ID number. The system checks the format of the entry against the default format that you enter on the National ID Type Table page.

(GBR) For the U.K. the normal format of two letters followed by six digits and then one letter for National Insurance identification appears by default. Other options that are dependent on employee status are available.

(GBR) When you enter a national insurance number, the system uses the NID Prefix GBR page to check that you have entered a valid national insurance prefix. You can't save this page if you have entered an invalid national insurance prefix.

Primary ID

Set to Yes if the national ID is the person's primary ID. If this is the only data row for this person, the system selects it as Yes by default. You can deselect it.

Tax Ref

(SGP) Set to Yes if the worker's national registration ID is used as the person's employer tax reference number. This field is for information only.

National ID Expiry Date

(CAN) Enter the expiration date for this national ID.

Consider the following country specific national ID information:

  • (CAN) Verifying Social Insurance Numbers for Canadian Employees

    Invoke a modulus 10-check digit formula to verify an employee's social insurance number (SIN), if needed. The formula follows federal standards for using the ninth digit in an employee SIN to verify the number.

    If you enter an employee SIN that doesn't match the check digit that is calculated by the formula, an error message appears.

  • (NLD) Verifying Social Security IDs for Dutch Employees

    The Dutch national ID is commonly called the SoFi (Social/Fiscal) number. You can invoke the 11-check digit formula to verify a Dutch employee's SoFi number. The 11-check formula is a mathematical formula that evaluates the entry for the employee's social security ID and verifies that the result of the calculation is 11, to determine whether the national insurance/social security ID has a valid format.

  • (USA) Reporting to Government Agencies When the Social Security Number Is Unknown

    When the social security number (SSN) is missing, the system enters the default number that is defined on the National ID Type table, usually all 9s. However, reports and files that are created by PeopleSoft Payroll for North America for submission to government agencies, such as the IRS or Social Security Administration, convert missing or unknown SSNs to the specific format that is required by the government agency. For example, a missing or unknown SSN is reported to the IRS using all zeros on the W-2 file.

(National ID) Attachments

This section is available when the National ID check box is selected in the Person Data section on the Person and Job Installation - Person and Organization Page.

Use the Attachments section to provide additional documentation to support a person's national ID information.

Field or Control


Add Attachment button

Select this button to open the File Attachment page and upload a file. After you have selected and uploaded the file, select Done to return to this page.

Attachments link and Description

Displays the uploaded file as an active link in the Attachments field. Enter a description of the file. The page will also display who uploaded the file and the date and time it was uploaded.

Use the Contact Information section of the Person Data page (PERSONAL_DATA_FL) to enter or edit a person's contact information.


Navigate to the Contact Information section on the Person Data Page in fluid.

This example illustrates the Contact Information section of the Person Data page.

Person Data Page - Contact Information Section

Use this section to enter or view address, phone, and email information for the person. After you have added these details, the corresponding subsection will display a grid showing a summary of the information.


Field or Control


Display History

This option is available when you access and existing record from the Modify Person Tile or access and existing person record.

Set to Yes to display all historical address rows.

Set to No to show only the current row for each address type.

Add Address or Add Address button button

Select to open the Add (or Edit) Address Page and enter address details for this person.

Address Type, Effective Date, and Address

Displays these fields when you have added information on the Address page.

Add/Edit button (Add/Edit address) button

This button is available when you have added information on the Address page.

Select to access the Edit Address page and view additional details or make changes.


Field or Control


Add Phone or Add button button

Select to open the Phone Number Page and enter phone numbers for this person.

Type, Number, Extension, and Preferred

Displays these fields when you have added information on the Phone Number page.

If this is the only phone number row for this person, the system selects it as the preferred number by default. You can deselect it on the Phone Number page.

Add/Edit button (Edit) button

This button is available when you have added information on the Phone Number page.

Select to access this page and view or make changes to the number.


Field or Control


Add Email or Email button button

Select to open the Email Address Page and enter details about an address.

Country, National ID Type, National ID, and Primary ID

Displays these fields when you have added information on the Email Address page.

If this is the only email row for this person, the system selects it as the preferred email by default. You can deselect it on the Email Address page.

Add/Edit button (Edit) button

This button is available when you have added information on the Email Address page.

Select to access the National ID page and view or make changes.

Use the Add (or Edit) Address page (HR_ADD_ADDRESS_SCF or HR_ADDRESS_SCF) to add or manage addresses for a person.

Note: This page title will also display as the Add Another Address or Edit Address page, depending on how you access the page.


Navigate to the Contact Information section on the Person Data Page in fluid and select the Add Address button, Add (+) button, or Add/Edit address (>) button.

This example illustrates the Add Address page.

Add (Edit) Address Page

Note: The page layout and options vary depending on the value in the Country field.

Field or Control


Address Type

Select the type of address you are adding. The system automatically displays Home for the first address that you enter.

Note: Payroll for North America requires the person to have one address with type Home to successfully calculate taxes. You must set up each Puerto Rico employee's home address with country code USA and state code PR for proper tax reporting.

You can add multiple address types, such as home, mailing, or preferred.

Delete button

This button is available when you are accessing an existing address row added by the administrator.

Note: When entering certain country addresses, use the Address Search link in the Address Detail section of the page to locate valid cities based on other information on the page.

Note: Laws in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Japan require maintaining effective-dated address information for employees.

(Address) Attachments

This section is available when the Address check box is selected in the Person Data section on the Person and Job Installation - Person and Organization Page.

Use the Attachments section to provide additional documentation to support a person's address information.

This example illustrates the Attachments section of the Address page when the administrator adds an attachment.

Address page - Attachment from administrator

This example illustrates the Attachments section of the Address page when the employee uploads an attachment from self service.

Address page - Attachment from self service

Field or Control


Add Attachment button

Select this button to open the File Attachment page and upload a file. After you have selected and uploaded the file, select Done to return to this page.

This button is not available when viewing an attachment that was uploaded by the employee on the <Type> Address (Detail) Page in self service unless in Correct History mode.

Attachments link and Description

Displays the uploaded file as an active link in the Attachments field. Enter a description of the file. The page will also display who uploaded the file and the date and time it was uploaded.

Delete icon button

Select this button to remove an attachment from the Address page.

This button is not available when viewing an attachment that was uploaded by the employee on the <Type> Address (Detail) Page in self service unless in Correct History mode.

Use the Phone Number page (HR_ADD_PHONE_SCF) to enter or edit a person's phone number information.


Navigate to the Contact Information section on the Person Data Page in fluid and select the Add Phone button, Add (+) button, or Edit (>) button for the phone.

This example illustrates the Phone Number page.

Phone Number Page

Field or Control


Phone Type

Select the phone type, such as Business, Home, or Mobile.

Number and Extension

Enter the phone number.

The system formats the number based on the standard phone number format. For 10 digit phone numbers the format is 000/000-0000 and for 7 digit phone numbers the format is 000-0000. The system also supports alphanumeric characters and the punctuations $, -, /, (, and ) when entering telephone numbers.


Set to Yes if the number is the person's primary phone contact. If this is the only data row for this person, the system selects it as Yes by default. You can deselect it.

Use the Email Address page (HR_PERS_EMAIL_SCF) to enter or edit a person's email information.


Navigate to the Contact Information section on the Person Data Page in fluid and select the Add Email button, Add (+) button, or Edit (>) button for the email.

This example illustrates the Email Address page.

Email Address Page

Field or Control


Email Type and Email Address

Select an email type and enter the employee's email address.


Set to Yes if it is the person's primary email contact. If this is the only data row for this person, the system selects it as Yes by default. You can deselect it.

Use the Regional section of the Person Data page (PERSONAL_DATA_FL) to enter country-specific personal information.

Note: Subsections that appear within this section are controlled by user permission lists.


Navigate to the Regional section on the Person Data Page in fluid.

This example illustrates the Regional section of the Person Data page (1 of 12). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Person Data page - Regional section (1 of 12)

This example illustrates the Regional section of the Person Data page (2 of 12). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Person Data page - Regional section (2 of 12)

This example illustrates the Regional section of the Person Data page (3 of 12). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Person Data page - Regional section (3 of 12)

This example illustrates the Regional section of the Person Data page (4 of 12). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Person Data page - Regional section (4 of 12)

This example illustrates the Regional section of the Person Data page (5 of 12). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Person Data page - Regional section (5 of 12)

This example illustrates the Regional section of the Person Data page (6 of 12). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Person Data page - Regional section (6 of 12)

This example illustrates the Regional section of the Person Data page (7 of 12). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Person Data page - Regional section (7 of 12)

This example illustrates the Regional section of the Person Data page (8 of 12). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Person Data page - Regional section (8 of 12)

This example illustrates the Regional section of the Person Data page (9 of 12). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Person Data page - Regional section (9 of 12)

This example illustrates the Regional section of the Person Data page (10 of 12). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Person Data page - Regional section (10 of 12)

This example illustrates the Regional section of the Person Data page (11 of 12). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Person Data page - Regional section (11 of 12)

This example illustrates the Regional section of the Person Data page (12 of 12). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Person Data page - Regional section (12 of 12)

Local country laws that require employers to verify a person's nationality and eligibility to work in that country might require information that you enter here. Much of the data that you enter is required for regulatory reporting in PeopleSoft Human Resources.

Comment Elements Across Countries

Field or Control


Regulatory Region and Ethnic Group

Select an ethnic group. You set up ethnic groups on the Ethnic Groups page.

(AUS) Affirmative action reports and the ATSI (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) code come from this page.

(GBR) Values are based on U.K. equal opportunity ethnic categories.

(USA) Values are based on U.S. Federal Equal Employment Opportunities ethnic categories. Use ethnic group information to compile the establishment's affirmative action plan and to generate several equal employment opportunity (EEO) reports.

Regulatory Region and Religion

Enter the person's religion.

In (MYS) Malaysia, (THA) Thailand, and (SGP) Singapore, you use the Ethnic Group and Religion fields for eligibility and calculation of festive advances.

Smoker and As of

Indicate if the person is a smoker and enter the date on which the person started smoking. A person's smoker status affects benefits eligibility and rate determination in PeopleSoft Human Resources (HR) Manage Base Benefits and is required for regulatory reporting.

Military Status

Enter the person's military status.

Note: Employees can enter and update their own military status in self service, on the Veteran Status Page.

(AUS) Australia

See the Comment Elements Across Countries section on this page discussion.

(BRA) Brazil

Information entered in this section is used in eSocial reporting.

Field or Control



Issued By

Enter the Registro Geral (RG) or Registro Nacional de Estrangeiros (RNE) issuing entity. This information is required if you enter the individual's general registry or foreigner ID number on the National ID Page.

Issued Date and State

Enter this information, which is required if you enter the individual's general registry or foreigner ID number.

Expiration Date

Enter the expiration date for the listed entity.


Issued By

Enter the Registro de Identidade Civil (RIC) issuing entity. This information is required if you enter the individual's civil registry number on the National ID Page.

Issued Date and RIC State

Enter this information, which is required if you enter the individual's RIC number.

Expiration Date

Enter the expiration date for the listed entity.



Enter the work card number.

Issued Date

Enter the work card's issued date. This information is required if a Carteira de Trabalho e Previdência Social (CTPS) number is provided.


Enter the political subdivision of the CTPS issuing agency. This information is required if a CTPS number is provided.

Expiration Date

Enter the expiration date for the listed entity.

(Voter Data)

Zone, Section, City, and State

Enter this information, which is required if a voter registration card is provided.

(Military Data)

Series, Region, and Category

Enter this information, which is required if a reserve certificate is provided.


Enter the political subdivision of the issued reserve certificate. This information is required if a reserve certificate is provided.

Cert Type (certificate type)

Enter the type of military service. Values are: Aeronautic, Army, Marine, or Other. This information is required if a reserve certificate is provided.


Issued Date

Enter the date of issuance at PIS / PASEP. This information is required if the PIS/PASEP number is provided on the National ID Page.

(Class Entity Registration)

Issued By

Enter the class entity registration issuing entity. This information is required if you enter the individual's class entity number on the National ID Page.

Issued Date and State

Enter this information, which is required if you enter the individual's class entity number.

Expiration Date

Enter the expiration date for the listed entity.


Add History or Add button button

Add/Edit button (Edit) button

Select an add button to access the (BRA) History Page and add historical details about a person's ethnicity, blood type, education, residency, and so forth.

The Edit > button is available when you have added information on the Brazilian History page. Select to access the History page and view additional details or make changes.

Effective Date, Regulatory Region, Ethnic Group, Country of Nationality, and Residence Period

Displays these fields when you have added information on the Brazilian History page.

(CAN) Canada

Field or Control


Self Identification Data link

Select this link to access the (CAN) Canada Self IdentificationData Page, where you enter ethnic background information for the person.

This link is visible only to users with access to the Canada Self IdentificationData page. To secure this page and protect the confidentiality of the ethnicity data, you can use the delivered permission list HCCPHR40CA and the delivered role HR Admin CAN Confdl Data.

Bilingualism Code

Record the appropriate code for the person. If the Official Languages Act applies to the organization, use the bilingualism code as part of the Official Languages reports (PER102CN and PER108CAN) that you submit to the government.

Health Care Number and Health Care Province

Enter a number and select the health care province.

(CHE) Switzerland

Field or Control



Minors who are age 18 or younger or people with mental illness must have a parent or guardian sign employment contracts on their behalf.

Enter the name of the parent or guardian who is authorized to act for this employee.

Place of Origin

Enter a place of origin. Every Swiss person has at least one place of origin, usually determined by the father or husband's birthplace.

Main Origin

Swipe to Yes if the place of origin in the Place of Origin field is the person's main place of origin. (A person can have more than one place of origin.)

(CHN) China

Also see the Comment Elements Across Countries section within this page discussion.

Field or Control


Hukou Type and Hukou Location

Enter the person's Hukou type and locatoin.

Working Life Start Date

Enter the date on which the person first began to work.

Working & Living Status

Enter the status of the worker's working and living permit. Values are: Expired, Granted, and Renewed.

Issue Date

Enter the date on which the working and living permit was issued.

Renew Date

Enter the date on which the working and living permit was renewed.

Expiration Date

Enter the date on which the working and living permit expires.

Political Status

Enter the person's political status.

Native Place

Enter the town or city or area that a person is from, especially the one in which they were born and lived while young.

(DEU) Germany

Also see the Comment Elements Across Countries section within this page discussion.

Field or Control


HR Responsible ID

Select the ID of the human resources representative responsible for this person.

Expected Military Date

If the person hasn't already completed military service, enter the date when service is expected to begin.

Nationality Date

Enter the effective date of the person's nationality status. If the employee is a native citizen of the country, enter the person's birth date. If the person is a naturalized citizen, enter the date on which the person became a citizen.

Nationality Key and Nationality

Enter the person's nationality by selecting a nationality key code.

German labor laws require recording an employee's nationality to determine if the employee is eligible to work in certain industries, particularly those that are related to technology or defense. Use the nationality code to determine the employee's eligibility to work in a regulated industry based on the employee's country's participation in OECD or the European Union. You can maintain information about whether each nationality code participates in the OECD and European Union.

Note: Duevo-compliant nationality codes are established by the Duevo Directive and are provided by the PeopleSoft system.

(DEU) German Public Sector

This section is available when German Public Sector is selected on the Installation Table.

The system uses this information when performing validations using the disability processing rules defined for the job group/service class information. The maximum age for hiring a person identified as disabled is different than for a person who is not identified as disabled for certain employee categories and service class group combinations.

The disability selection here displays on the Job Data-German Public Sector Page and is also maintained in the Disabilities component.

Field or Control



Select if the person is disabled.

(ESP) Spain

Also see the Comment Elements Across Countries section within this page discussion.

Field or Control


Social Security Affiliation Dt (social security affiliation date)

Enter the date when the person is assigned a Spanish social security number.

(FRA) France

Also see the Comment Elements Across Countries section within this page discussion.

Field or Control


Previous Employment Situation

Select the previous employment code for this person.

Target Education Level

Indicate the target education level for this person.

Date of First Entry in France

Leave blank if the person is a native-born French citizen. If the person is foreign-born, enter the date on which the person first arrived in France. This data is used to maintain work visa information for foreign workers who are employed in France.

CPAM ID (Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie ID)

Enter the code of the CPAM ID that is assigned to the person. CPAM depends on the person's home address. The CPAM is the social security body that compensates persons for illness and work accidents.

(GBR) United Kingdom

Also see the Comment Elements Across Countries section within this page discussion.

Field or Control


Expected Retirement Date

The system calculates and displays this value, based on the system date and the birth date that you enter on this page. This field is for information only; you can't change it.

A person's expected retirement date is based on the birth date that you enter on the Name/Location page. For men in the U.K., the expected retirement date is always the 65th birthday. For women, it is the 60th birthday. The British government is introducing measures to raise the state pension age for women. The retirement age for women will gradually increase to 65 years between 2010 and 2020. This table shows the expected retirement dates for women in the U.K.:

Birth Date

Expected Retirement Age

Before April 6, 1950.

60 years.

After April 6, 1950 and before April 6, 1955.

Retirement date is delayed one month for each month that the woman is born after April 6, 1950.

After April 6, 1955.

65 years.

The calculation that the system uses to determine the retirement age of U.K. employees is stored in FUNCLIB_HR_UK.EXP_RETIRE_DT.FieldFormula.

Community Background (NI)

The system displays the following fields only if you're logged in as an authorized user. Northern Ireland law requires that only a designated monitoring officer see community background data for employees. The system includes a special user class (UKNIPNLS) and user ID (UKNI) for you to use to enforce these rules.

Field or Control


Community Background

Select the person's community background: Protestant, Catholic, or Undetermined/Other.

Arrived by Direct Question

Select if you determine the person's community background by asking the employee directly.

Determination Date

Enter the date on which you determine the person's community background category.

The data that you enter about a Northern Ireland worker's community background is required under the Fair Employment Act. Employers must include this information in the Northern Ireland report (UKNI001) that they submit to the administrative body that monitors employment in Northern Ireland. This report provides an annual summary of the state of the workforce for a particular employer and breaks down employees and applicants for employment into their respective community background categories.

(IND) India

Also see the Comment Elements Across Countries section within this page discussion.

Field or Control


Blood Type

Select the person's blood type or select Unknown. When the blood type is entered on this page at the time that an employee is hired, a component interface updates the employee's blood type on the physical exam record. Thereafter, this field is disabled and displays by default the blood type data from the physical exam record.


Select the person's caste.

(ITA) Italy

Field or Control


Military Status Italy and Type of Service

Select the status and type of service that the person performed in the military.

Function or Rank

Enter the function or rank that was held by the person in the military.

Military End Date

Indicate the date on which the person's military service ended, if applicable.

(JPN) Japan

Also see the Comment Elements Across Countries section within this page discussion.

Field or Control


Honseki Prefecture

Select the family prefecture, or place of registration. Tracking a person's Honseki Prefecture is a matter of custom.

(MEX) Mexico

Field or Control


AFORE (Retirement Funds Institution Code Mexico)

Enter the AFORE for the employee. Values include: Banamex, Bancomer, Dresdner, GNP, Garante, ING, Inbursa, Principal, Santander, Tepeyac, XXI, and Zurich.

Med Region Code (medical region code)

Enter the three-character code for the medical region where the person resides.

(MYS) Malaysia, (NZL) New Zealand, (SGP) Singapore, and (THA) Thailand

Also see the Comment Elements Across Countries section within this page discussion.

In Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand, you use the Ethnic Group and Religion fields for eligibility and calculation of festive advances.

(USA) United States

Also see the Comment Elements Across Countries section within this page discussion.

Field or Control


Ethnic Group

Enter one of more ethnic groups for a person.

Values are based on U.S. Federal Equal Employment Opportunities ethnic categories. Use ethnic group information to compile the establishment's affirmative action plan and to generate several equal employment opportunity (EEO) reports. Ethnicity is also used when populating the Employee table during the Refresh Employees Table process.

The Refresh Employees Table process (PER099) uses this information.

See Understanding the Process of Refreshing the Employees Table.


Set to Yes if this is the primary ethnicity for a person, if applicable.

Add Work Status, Add button button

Add/Edit button (Edit) button

Select the add button to access the (USA) Work Status Page and add medicare, citizenship, and military information.

The Edit > button is available when you have added information on the Work Status page. Select to access the Work Status page and view additional details or make changes.

Effective Date, Date Entitled to Medicare, Eligible to Work in U.S,, Military Status, and Discharge Date

Displays these fields when you have added information on the Work Status page.

(FPS) French Public Sector

The information that you enter here is mandatory for including an employee in the French Public Sector security system.

Field or Control


Supporting Document Required

Select to track supporting documents. The system inserts a row in the Supporting Documents group box. The row is identified by the person ID, the action code, and the effective date and enables you to verify that the person provided the required documents.

For more information, see product documentation for PeopleTools: Process Scheduler and PeopleTools: Global Technology.

Use the Brazilian History page (HR_PERS_BRA_SCF) to add details about a person's ethnicity, blood type, education, residency, and so forth.


Select the Add History, + (Add), or > (Edit) button under the Brazil - History subsection of the Person Data Page - Regional Section.

This example illustrates the Brazilian History page.

(BRA) History Page

Field or Control


Regulatory Region and Ethnic Group

Enter the regulatory region for the person.

When you enter BRA as the regulatory region for a Brazilian employee, the system performs a number of validations, one of which checks for the presence of the ethnic group value. Specify the ethnic group when the regulatory region is set to BRA; this information is used in several Global Payroll for Brazil reports, including the RAIS and eSocial reports. Do not select Unknown as the ethnic group.

Blood Type

Select the person's blood type or select Unknown.

Country of Nationality

Select the nationality for the person from the Country table (COUNTRY_TBL). RAIS nationality codes were used previously.

Educational Level

Select the education level for the person.

Arrival Date and Naturalization Date

Enter the dates the person arrived in Brazil and the naturalization date, if applicable.

Residence Period

Specify whether the residence period of the person is Determined or Undetermined. Used in eSocial reporting, this value is required for individuals who were not born in Brazil.

If the value is not specified for a non-Brazilian-born employee, the system generates a mapping error.

See Also Monitoring eSocial Events.

Immigration Condition

This field appears when you select a residence period.

Select the immigration condition for the person. The list of values is different based on the selected residence period. Possible values include:

Asylum Seeker - This value applies to the Determined residence period only.

Benefited - Mercosur Countries

Benefited - Treaty BRA & POR

Brazilian's Family

Dependent of Diplomat/Consular - This value applies to the Determined residence period only.

Other Conditions

Refugee - This value applies to the Undetermined residence period only.

Brazilian Spouse and Brazilian Children

Swipe to Yes if this person has a Brazilian spouse or children.

Use the Canadian Self IdentificationData page (CAN_SLF_ID_DATA_FL) to enter identification information for Canada.


Select the Self Identification Data link under the Canada subsection of the Person Data Page - Regional Section.

This example illustrates the Canadian Self IdentificationData page.

(CAN) Canada Self IdentificationData page

Field or Control


Visible Minority

Indicate if the person's ethnic background is apparent based on physical appearance.

Aboriginal Person

Indicate if the person is a Canadian aboriginal person.

Use the United States Work Status page (PERSON_USA_SCF) to enter Medicare, citizenship, military information, and add supporting attachments.


Select the Add Work Status button, + (Add), or > (Edit) buttons within the USA subsection of the Person Data Page - Regional Section.

This example illustrates the Work Status page.

(USA) Work Status page


Field or Control


Date Entitled to Medicare

(Optional) Enter the date on which this person is entitled to receive Medicare coverage.

Citizenship (Proof 1) and Citizenship (Proof 2)

Enter two forms of ID (for example, passport and Social Security card) to prove U.S. citizenship (required by U.S. law).

Eligible to Work in U.S.

Indicate if the person is eligible to work in the U.S.


Field or Control


Military Status

Shows the military status option selected by the employee on the Veteran Status Page.

The default values is a blank field.

Military Discharge Date

Displays the military discharge date entered by the employee in the Military Discharge Date field on the Veterans Status self-identification page (or edited on the Military Discharge Date page).

This date is used by the VETS-100 report to determine which veterans qualify for the Newly Separated Veteran designation.

Edit Discharge Date

Select to access the Military Discharge Date page where you can edit the employee’s military discharge date.

(Work Status) Attachments

This section is available when the Veteran check box is selected in the Person data section on the Person and Job Installation - Person and Organization Page.

Use the Attachments section to provide additional documentation to support a person's veteran information.

Field or Control


Add Attachment button

Select this button to open the File Attachment page and upload a file. After you have selected and uploaded the file, select Done to return to this page.

Attachments link and Description

Displays the uploaded file as an active link in the Attachments field. Enter a description of the file. The page will also display who uploaded the file and the date and time it was uploaded.

Use the CheckList section of the Person Data page (PERSONAL_DATA_FL) to identify a checklist of tasks to perform after adding this person.


Navigate to the CheckList section on the Person Data Page in fluid.

This example illustrates the Checklist section of the Person Data page.

Person Data page - CheckList section

Field or Control


Select Checklist Code

Select a checklist that you want to associate with the person. The administrator can then use the Person Checklist Page to perform all the required administrative tasks for a person. The person checklist is available as a link from the Submit Confirmation Page after you save this record.

Valid checklists are defined on the Checklist Page.

Use the drop zone section of the Person Data page (PERSONAL_DATA_FL) in fluid to enter data for custom steps that use drop zones embedded in your activity guide process.

Note: The HCM system delivers four Drop Zone pages that you can configure to add information specific to your organization. See Understanding Drop Zones.

If you do not want to use the delivered Drop Zone sections in the activity guide, turn it off using Page and Field Configurator (Understanding Page and Field Configurator).


Navigate to a <Drop Zone> section or page of Person Data in fluid.

This video provides an overview of Drop Zones:

Video: PeopleSoft Drop Zones on Fluid and Classic Plus Pages

Use the Validation section of the Person Data page (PERSONAL_DATA_FL) to view error and warning messages related to the Person Data validation process, if any.

Note: When there are no validation errors or warnings, the process will not show this section. The activity guide process will move to the next step.


Select the Next > button on the Person Data Page in fluid.

This example illustrates the Validation section of the Person Data page.

Person Data Page - Validation Page

Field or Control


Next button button

Select to run the validation process.

Validation Messages

When the validation process encounters errors or warnings, the page will indicate one of the following messages:

  • Validation failed, indicating Error messages are present.

    You must fix Errors before you can proceed with the person submission process. Access the section that contains the information about the error message, fix the error, and select the Next button to run the validation process again.

  • Validation Successful with warnings, which appears when only Warning messages are present.

    You can still submit the information with warnings.

Field or Control


Proceed with warning check box

This check box appears when there are warning messages only.

Select this check box when you have warning messages that you want to ignore.

Use the Add Person - Summary page (PERSONAL_DATA4_FL) to view the proposed information you are adding for a person record.


Select the Next > button on the Person Data Page in fluid, provided there are no validation errors or you have chosen to proceed with the warnings.

This example illustrates the Add Person - Summary page.

Add Person - Summary page

Displays the proposed values you will submit.

Field or Control


Previous button

Select this button to correct or add additional information before you submit.

Submit button

Select this button to submit and save the information to the system.

Use the Submit Confirmation page (PERSON_DATA_SUB_FL) to confirm that a person record was successfully created. You can also initiate the process to add other personal transaction data or return to the Manage Human Resources Dashboard.


This example illustrates the Submit Confirmation page.

Submit Confirmation Page

This page uses the Employee Header Configuration feature. For more information on defining header fields and layout, see (Fluid) Managing Employee Headers.