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Understanding the Use of Active Analytics Framework in HCM-CRM Integration

This section discusses:

Use of AAF to Evaluate Policies and Invoke Actions in HCM

The system uses the AAF components to build policies. At runtime, applications send requests to the AAF decision engine to evaluate all the policies pertaining to a trigger point. For policies whose conditions are evaluated as true, their associated actions are invoked. The AAF set up in HCM is used to trigger policies upon update of personal data or job data, and carry out an action (publish EIP message), which in turn automatically creates an HR HelpDesk case in CRM. See Understanding Automatic Case Creation For HCM Updates

Note: PeopleSoft delivers the Active Analytics Framework, trigger points and policies as disabled; make sure you enable them to use the AAF setup. For more details, see Understanding CRM Delivered Active Analytics Framework Objects

Understanding Context

The AAF Contexts are used by the conditions and actions to retrieve or calculate the data. Currently, we have two HCM-specific online AAF contexts:

  • Person Data

  • Job Data

The AAF contexts are built using the HCM Component Interfaces - CI_PERSONAL_DATA and CI_JOB_DATA.

Understanding Trigger Points

The trigger points are events that invoke the AAF decision engine from the HCM components - Personal Data (PERSONAL_DATA) or Job Data (JOB_DATA). Currently, the system delivers these HCM-specific trigger points:

  • After the job data is updated

  • After the person data is updated

The trigger points are of type SavePostChange and catch the person or job data updates in HCM.

Understanding Action Type

Currently, we have one HCM-specific action type (HHD - Create Cases), which helps the AAF framework decide the action configuration and action execution to be used. Actions of this type publishes a message using the Create Case EIP. The message contains information needed to create an HR HelpDesk case for the corresponding HR data update, such as business unit, quick code, case problem description, and employees for whom and by whom the case is created. The CRM system subscribes to the Create Case EIP message published from HCM to create a case. When the message is processed, the business unit and quick code will be used to pre-populate the case with default field values from the quick code definition. See Create Case Configuration Page

Understanding Term and Subject Area

HCM currently delivers about 60 terms that resides in folder structures called subject areas. For organizational purposes, subject areas act as folders where terms are filed. System-delivered subject areas are:

  • Person: There are 18 terms available in this subject area. The system resolves the terms from the Personal Data component buffer.

  • Job: There are around 41 terms available in this subject area.

The contexts can be of two types:

  • Context Variable: System resolves the term from the Job Data component buffer. If the term referred to is not present in the Job Data component buffer, the system will retrieve data from database Implementation.

  • Implementation: System resolves the term from database. This implementation relay on the EMPLID from the current Personal Data component buffer.

Understanding Term Implementation

A Term Implementation is used to retrieve, derive or compute the Person or Job data when the term referred to is not present in the component buffer. Currently, we have two term implementations delivered in HCM:

  • HHD:Person Info

  • HHD:Job Info

Understanding Policies

The policies we define in HCM are a combination of trigger points, conditions (by using terms), and actions, to execute the Auto Case Creation EIP request. The table below lists some examples of the system-delivered policies that are available in HCM against the set ID SHARE:



Trigger Point

Action Type

HRHD: Name is changed

IF Person Name is changed And Regulatory Region equals United States

After the person data is updated

HHD - Create Cases

HRHD: Location is changed

IF Location is changed And Business Unit equals Global Business Institute BU And HR Status equals Active

After the job data is updated

HHD - Create Cases

HRHD: Early Retirement Requested

IF Action equals Retirement And Reason equals Early Retirement And HR Status equals Active

After the job data is updated

HHD - Create Cases

Note: The above list of policies are some of the system-delivered policies. You can modify these policies, or create new ones as per your requirements.