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Defining Company Information

To define company information, use the Company (RD_COMPANY_2) component.

These topics discuss how to:

Page Name

Definition Name


Company Search Page


Access an existing company.

Company - Summary: Summary Page


View summary information about the company.

Company - Summary: Details Page


Maintain general information about the company.

Company - Purchasing Options


Maintain the company's purchasing information.

Company - Tax Exempt Certificate Page


Maintain the company's tax exempt information.

Company - Account Team


Manage the account team that is assigned to the company.

Company - Tasks Page


Manage sales team tasks for a company.

Company - Call Reports Page


View a list of call reports for which the company contacts are named as participants.

Company - Billing Accounts


View a list of billing accounts for the company.

Company - Notes Page


Maintain notes and attachments for the company.

Company - Contact Info Page


Manage company contacts, addresses, and sites.

Company - Relationships Page


Maintain company relationship information.

Company - More Info Page


Maintain company profile data.

Company - Attributes


Maintain company attributes.

Use the Company Search page (RD_COMPANY_GSRCH) to access an existing company.

The appearance, behavior, and personalization options for this page are controlled by the search definition for the Company component.

See Understanding the Configurable Search.

Use the Company - Summary: Summary page (RD_COMPANY_SUMMARY) to view summary information about the company.

Image: Company - Summary: Summary page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Company - Summary: Summary page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Company - Company: Summary page (1 of 2)

Image: Company - Summary: Summary page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Company - Summary: Summary page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Company - Summary: Summary page (2 of 2)

Note: When you click any link (for example, the Details link) on this page that takes you to the Contact Info page but the system finds out that you have no permissions to access the page based on your user login, it aborts the page transfer and generates an error message, explaining the possible cause of the error.

Use the Company - Summary: Details page (RD_COMPANY_DETAILS) to maintain general information about the company.

Image: Company - Summary: Details page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Company - Summary: Details page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Company - Summary: Details page (1 of 2)

Image: Company - Summary: Details page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Company - Summary: Details page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Company - Summary: Details page (2 of 2)

Company Details

Field or Control


Company Name

Enter the company name. By default, the name that you enter here is the primary name for the company. Click the More Names link to add additional names or designate another name as primary.

See Updating Name Information.

Customer Type

Select a customer category for use in reports. You can modify the translate values, User 1 to User 4, to reflect categories that make sense for customer tracking. For example, User 1 might represent manufacturing customers, User 2 might represent retail customers, and so on.


Enter the customer's business type.

Location Type

Select a description of the company location. Values are Branch, Division, Headquarters, Single Location, and Subsidiary.

Parent Company

Enter the name of the parent company. You must establish parent companies in the system before associating them with subsidiaries. When you save the component, the system automatically creates a relationship between the two company business objects.

Website URL icon button

Click to transfer to the website that is specified in the Website URL field.

Corporate Hierarchy

Click to access a hierarchical tree view of selected relationships that are specified for the company in the Corporate Hierarchy component.


Select one of these options to indicate the channels for which the company requests stoppage of all unsolicited communications from the business.

Contact Info

Enter contact information for the company.

See Address Book Page.

Status and Currency Data

Field or Control


Customer Status

Select Active or Inactive.

Customer Since

Enter the date that the company becomes a customer of your business.

Note: If you integrate with PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions or PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management, you cannot modify the customer status information and the Customer Since date in PeopleSoft CRM.

Currency Code

Select the code that specifies the currency that you use for a monetary transaction with this company.

Currency Type

Select the exchange rate type that is used to calculate monetary transaction amounts in alternate currencies.

Credit Rating Value

Enter the company's credit rating, if it's known.

Segment Code

Select the company's business segment for marketing purposes.


Displays the customer's key performance indicator value that is determined by Performance Management.

See Customers and Business Contacts.

Purchasing Options

Indicate which purchasing tasks are valid for the company.

See Understanding Purchasing Options.

Field or Control


Sold To Customer, Bill To Customer, and Ship To Customer

Select if the company can make purchases, receive invoices, or receive shipments.

Use the Company - Account Team page (RD_ACCOUNT_TEAM) to manage the account team that is assigned to the company.

See Company - Account Team Page

Use the Company - Tasks page (RD_TASK_LIST) to manage sales team tasks for a company.

Use the Company - Call Reports page (RD_CALLRPT_LST_TXN) to view a list of call reports for which the company contacts are named as participants.

Note: The system only displays call reports that have information associated with the displayed company.

Use the Company - Notes page (RD_COMPANY_NOTE_2) to maintain notes and attachments for the company.

Use the Company - Contact Info page (RD_COMP_ADDR_BOOK) to manage company contacts, addresses, and sites.

See Maintaining Contact Information for Business Objects.

Use the Company - Relationships page (RD_COMPANY_REL) to maintain company relationship information.

See Understanding the Relationship Viewer.

Use the Company - More Info page (RD_PROFILE) to maintain company profile data.

See Understanding Profiles.

Use the Company - Tax Exempt Certificate page (RD_TAX_EXEMPT_COMP) to maintain the company's tax exempt information.

Image: Company - Tax Exempt Certificate page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Company - Tax Exempt Certificate page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Company - Tax Exempt Certificate page

Field or Control


Exemption Certificateand Issuing Authority

Enter the details for the tax exempt certificate such as exemption certificate number and issuing authority. Record multiple tax exemption certificates for each customer and select an authority type to classify the issuing authority. For each exemption certificate, enter an effective date, status, issued date, and expiration date.

Authority Type

Enter the authority type for the associated tax exempt certificate. Values are Europe, Federal, Local, Other, State, and Transport.

Status as of Effective Date

Enter the status for the certificate. Values are Active and Inactive.

Tax Exempt Category

Select the exemption category for which the customer qualifies with this purchase:

  • Blanket

    Exemption category exists for all purchases of this type.

  • Single Purchase

    Exemption category exists for the specified purchase only.

  • Other

    A user-defined exemption category.

Exemption License

Select to denote that a tax-exempt license is issued to the customer.

Add Certificate Data

Select the Add Certificate Databutton to add tax additional certificates.