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Managing Customer Accounts

This topic discusses how to:

Page Name

Definition Name


My Accounts Page


View a list of customer accounts, and select accounts to view in detail.

Company - Account Team Page

Person (Individual Consumer) - Account Team


Assign the account team for a customer.

Use the My Accounts page (RD_ACCOUNTS) to view a list of customer accounts, and select accounts to view in detail.

Image: My Accounts page (1 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the My Accounts page (1 of 3).

My Accounts page (1 of 3)

Image: My Accounts page (2 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the My Accounts page (2 of 3).

My Accounts page (2 of 3)

Image: My Accounts page (3 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the My Accounts page (3 of 3).

My Accounts page (3 of 3)

An account is not always a customer. An account could be company, consumer, or site.

Field or Control


Basic Filter and Advanced Filter

Click the Basic Filter link to access the account list alphabetically. When you click this link, an index appears on the page, and you can click a letter to jump to the accounts that begin at that index. The default basic index is alphabetic. You can change this at system setup time.

Click the Advanced Filter link to search for accounts using search criteria. When you click this link, the Filter and Show in Results page sections appear for you to specify search criteria. You have the option of naming and saving an advanced search.

The Basic Filter and Advanced Filter links act as toggles; that is, either the basic or advanced filter criteria are accessible, but not both at the same time.

View Accounts

This field is not used.

Show in Results

Select the following check boxes to specify the accounts that the system displays when you perform a search.

Note: The check boxes available in the Show in Results section depend on how you set the configurable search options.

See Configuring Searches.

Field or Control


Accounts as Manager

Select to display accounts for which you are the manager.

Accounts as an Owner

Select to display accounts for which you are the owner.

Accounts as Team Member

Select to display accounts for which you are a team member.

Customers as Lead Team Member

Select to display customer accounts that are associated with a lead on which you are a team member.

Customers as Oppy Team Member (customers as opportunity team member)

Select to display customer accounts that are associated with an opportunity on which you are a team member.

Sites as Lead Team Member

Select to display site accounts that are associated with a lead on which you are a team member.

Sites as Oppy Team Member (sites as opportunity team member)

Select to display site accounts that are associated with an opportunity on which you are a team member.

Accounts as Temporary Assignee

Select to display accounts on which you are a temporary assignee.

View All Accounts

Select to display all accounts.

Use the Company - Account Team page (RD_ACCOUNT_TEAM) to assign the account team for a customer.

Image: Company - Account Team page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Company - Account Team page.

Company - Account Team page

Click Add Team Members to manually add sales representatives to the account team or Auto Assign Team Members to have the system automatically assign the team members using predefined assignment criteria.

You must have one of these roles to maintain account teams:

  • Account Administrator

  • Account Manager