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Maintaining General Site Information

To maintain general site information, use the Site (RD_SITE_2) component.

These topics discuss how to:

Page Name

Definition Name


Search Site


Search for existing sites.

Site - Site: Primary Page


Maintain primary site information.

Site - Site: Name Page


Maintain site names.

Designate a primary site name.

Site - Site: Purchasing Info Page


Maintain purchasing information for the site.

Site - Site: Tax Exempt Certificate Page


Maintain tax exempt information for the site.

Site - Account Team


View and modify the account team that is assigned to a site.

Site - Contact Info Page


Maintain contact information for a site, including addresses, phone numbers, and email information.

Site - Contacts


Maintain site contacts.

Site - Notes Page


Add notes and attachments for the specified site.

Site - Attributes


View attributes for the site.

Use the Site - Site: Primary page (RD_SITE_MAIN_2) to maintain primary site information.

Image: Site -Site: Primary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Site -Site: Primary page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Site - Site: Primary page

Note: This example page does not show the page regions for entering contact information. Those page regions function similarly to the ones that appear on the Company component.


This page region appears when you add a site. When you subsequently access the site, you must click the Name link to edit site name information.

See Understanding Name and Address Information in CRM.

Profile Information

The fields in this page region provide basic information about the site.

Field or Control



Displays the primary name of the customer with whom the site is associated. Click the transfer button to access the customer's primary information.

Site Type

Select the site type. Site types are established on the Site Types page.

See Understanding Sites.

Site Restrictions

Enter comments about any restrictions for the site.


Select the appropriate privacy options for the site.

Purchasing Options

Select the purchasing options to enable for this site. Use the Purchasing Info page to enter detail about the selected purchasing options.

See Defining Purchasing Options for Customers.

Status and Currency Data

Field or Control


Customer Status

Select Active or Inactive.

Customer Since

Enter the date that the site became a customer for your business.

Note: If you are integrated with PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions or PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management, you cannot modify the customer status information and the customer since date in CRM.

Currency Code

Select the code that specifies the currency that you use for a monetary transaction with this site.

Currency Type

Select the exchange rate type that you use to calculate monetary transaction amounts in alternate currencies.

Segment Code

Select the site's business segment for marketing purposes.


Displays the key performance indicator value as determined by PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management.

Contact Info

The primary site address, phone, and email information appear in this page region. To view and edit detail information or additional addresses, click the More link or access the Address Book page.

See Maintaining Contact Information for Business Objects.

Use the Site - Site: Name page (RD_SITE_NAME_PG) to maintain site names. Designate a primary site name.

See Understanding Name and Address Information in CRM.

Use the Site - Site: Purchasing Info (purchasing information) page (RD_SITE_CUST_OP_2) to maintain purchasing information for the site.

See Defining Purchasing Options for Customers.

Use the Site - Site: Tax Exempt Certificate page (RD_TAX_EXEMPT_SITE) to maintain tax exempt information for the site.

See Understanding the Company Component.

Use the Site - Contact Info page (ABE_LIST) to maintain contact information for a site, including addresses, phone numbers, and email information.

See Maintaining Contact Information for Business Objects.

Use the Site - Notes page (RD_SITE_NOTE_2) to add notes and attachments for the specified site.