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Managing Time

This topic discusses how to log time that is spent working on cases.

Page Name

Definition Name


Manage Time Page


Log the actual period of time spent to complete a case.

Time entry links can appear under the Support or HelpDesk folder, depending on who is logged in. For example, a help desk agent will see Time under HelpDesk folder.

Use the Manage Time page (RF_TIME) to log the actual period of time spent to complete a case.

Time entry links can appear under the Support or HelpDesk folder, depending on who is logged in. For example, a help desk agent will see Time under HelpDesk folder.

Image: Manage Time page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Time page.

Manage Time page

Each case is associated with only one system generated time log (each with a unique time report ID). While you cannot manually create time logs, you can, however, add rows within an existing time log. It is useful if a task spans multiple days and you want to report work time on a daily basis.

Field or Control



Select the worker who spent the time performing the work on the case. For a case time log, the system populates this field with the name of the agent assigned to the case (if available).

Start Date and Start Time

Enter the date and time that the work began on the case. The system uses the information in the end date and time fields to calculation duration on the Summary page

End Date and End Time

Enter the date and time that the work ended on the case.


Displays the amount of time the agent entered for that specific row.

Add Time

Click to add a new row that you can use to enter additional time.

Return to Case

Click to return to the associated case


Enter any comments related to the time that you entered.