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Defining Group Assignment Criteria and Competencies

This topic discusses how to define group assignment criteria and competencies.

Page Name

Definition Name


Assign Group Criteria Page


Define the criteria that you use to match a provider group to a case or service order.

Group Competencies Page


Associate a provider group with a list of competencies and define the provider group's level of proficiency for each competency.

Use the Assign Group Criteria page (RF_PRV_GRP_CRIT) to define the criteria that you use to match a provider group to a case or service order.

Image: Assign Group Criteria page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assign Group Criteria page (1 of 2).

Assign Group Criteria page (1 of 2)

Image: Assign Group Criteria page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assign Group Criteria page (2 of 2).

Assign Group Criteria page (2 of 2)

When an assignment search is performed from a case or service order, the assignment engine calculates a point value for each criteria value on the service order or case that the provider group matches, based on the weight, or relative importance of the match. The sum of the point values becomes the provider group's fit score. Failure to match a criterion does not exclude the provider group from the list of suggested assignment candidates, but it lowers the provider group's total fit score.

For help desk cases, the assignment engine matches values for department, location, product, and product group. For service orders and support cases, the assignment engine matches values for customer, site, region, product, and product group. For Service Center for Higher Education cases, the assignment engine can match values on a combination of these parameters.

Enter each region, customer, product, product group, location, department, and role that the provider group supports.


Region information can be derived from information that is on the service order or case. At least one region is required.


If the provider group can support a customer at any site, enter the customer and leave the Site field blank. You can also select a site without specifying a customer.


Enter the setID and the name of the product and the group's proficiency level for supporting the product. Available values for the Proficiency field depend on the product rating model that you specify for the setID on the Assignment Setup page of the Assignment Engine Setup component under select Set Up CRM, then select Common Definitions, then select Codes and Auto Numbering, then select Assignment Weighting Factors.

Product Group

Enter the product group that the provider group supports.

Person Type

Select the person type that the provider group supports. IT and HR Help Desk use the person type of the person on the case to assign provider groups and agents to cases based on the person's relationship to the organization. The available person types are Contingent Worker, Employee, and Person of Interest; . When assigning HR Help Desk cases, the Person of Interest person type is not considered.


Enter the location that the provider group supports.


Enter the department that the provider group supports.

Security Role

Enter the role that the provider group supports.

Note: Change management is the only product that uses role criteria for assignments.

Use the Group Competencies page (RF_PRVGRP_COMP) to associate a provider group with a list of competencies and define the provider group's level of proficiency for each competency.

Image: Group Competencies page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Group Competencies page.

Group Competencies page

PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService can evaluate which provider group is best qualified for assignment to a service order by comparing provider group competency and proficiency with the competency and proficiency that is required for a service or service activity on a service order.

Similarly, in PeopleSoft Support and PeopleSoft HelpDesk, the system can evaluate which provider group is qualified for assignment to a case by matching the competency and proficiency that you specify on the case in the Problem Type field with the competency that is defined for the provider group.

Assigned Competencies

Field or Control



Select a competency. Establish competencies on the Competencies page of the Competencies component under select Set Up CRM, then select Common Definitions, then select Competencies.


Select the provider group's level of expertise for the competency. The rating model that you define for the competency on the Competencies page determines the available proficiency values. In PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService, PeopleSoft Support and PeopleSoft HelpDesk, the system checks a provider group's proficiency level to determine whether the provider group is qualified to perform work on a service order or case that requires the competency.