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Defining Schedules for Provider Groups

Schedule information determines when the provider group is available for assignment.

Page Name

Definition Name


Schedule Page


Define the hours of operation for a specific provider group.

Use the Schedule page (RF_PROVGRP_TIME) to define the hours of operation for a specific provider group.

Image: Schedule page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Schedule page.

Schedule page

To define hours of operation for a provider group:

  1. Specify the appropriate time zone.

    The time periods that you define in Hours of Operation group box appear in the time zone that you select.

  2. Specify the appropriate holiday schedule, if applicable.

    If the date that an assignment search is performed corresponds to a holiday for a provider group, the system indicates that the provider group is unavailable for assignment. Define holiday schedules by using the Holiday Schedule page under select Set Up CRM, then select Common Definitions, then select Calendars and Schedules.

    Note: You can update workers' calendars with specified holiday schedules by running the Load Holiday process (RF_HOLIDAY).

  3. Select the days of the week that the provider group is open for business transactions.

    If the date that an assignment search is performed corresponds to a day that a provider group is not open for business transactions, the system indicates that the provider group is unavailable for assignment.

  4. For each day of the week, specify the hours of operation.

    Enter start and end times for each work period in the day. You can enter multiple work periods to represent lunch breaks, shifts, and so forth. Establish default values for this page on the Installation - Calendar Options page under select Set Up CRM, then select Install, then select Installation Options.