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Viewing Provider Group Calendars

This section provides an overview on provider group calendars.

Page Name

Definition Name


Daily Provider Group Calendar of <Name> Page


View the calendars of your provider group for a single day.

Weekly Provider Group Calendar of <Name> Page


View the calendars of your provider group for a single week.

Monthly Provider Group Calendar of <Name> Page


View the calendars of your provider group for a single month.

By using provider group calendars, members of a provider group can view the tasks and calendar for their group. The only tasks listed on the calendar are those that are assigned to the provider group (and whose task types are configured to display on the calendar).

See Understanding Task Management.

Use the Daily Provider Group Calendar of <Name> page (RB_TSK_CALENDAR) to view the calendars of your provider group for a single day.

Image: Daily Provider Group Calendar of <Name> page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Daily Provider Group Calendar of <Name> page.

Daily Provider Group Calendar page

Use the Weekly Provider Group Calendar of <Name> page (RB_TSK_CALENDAR) to view the calendars of your provider group for a single week.

Image: Weekly Provider Group Calendarvof <Name> page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Weekly Provider Group Calendar of <Name> page.

Weekly Provider Group Calendar page

Use the Monthly Provider Group Calendar of <Name> page (RB_TSK_CALENDAR) to view the calendars of your provider group for a single month.

Image: Monthly Provider Group Calendar of <Name> page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Monthly Provider Group Calendar of <Name> page.

Monthly Provider Group Calendar page