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Setting Up Service Order Escalation Notifications

This section provides an overview of service order escalation notifications and discusses how to set up escalation notifications.

Workflow rules for service order escalations notify the creator of the service order (the person whose user ID is listed in the Entered By field on the service order) when the service order has not been processed within a set period. Escalation messages are triggered when a specific condition is not met at a system-defined point in the time period that is defined by the customer preferred start or end time on the service order, if available; otherwise, the system uses the committed start or end time on the service order.

As delivered, the system offers the following workflow rules for service order escalation notifications. These rules are triggered automatically if the described conditions are met.

Note: You can use the Run Time Delay setup page to send multiple notifications at intervals that are determined at run time.

Service Order Not Started Workflow

The system schedules a process to check the service order timelog at two time points equal to 100 percent and 120 percent of the required processing period, defined by the service order creation date and the customer preferred dates (if they are available) or the committed dates on the service order. If there is no timelog entry, the system sends a message to the service order creator.

Using the Run Time Delay setup page, however, you can use terms to represent the number of minutes for which the system should delay a notification. The Select Term link takes you to a term search page. Selecting a term causes the AAF notification process to use the term instead of a record/field definition. The term contains a number, which represents the number of minutes for which the system should delay the notification.

Note: Make sure that you select a numeric term that represents the delay minutes. The system makes all terms available for selection - strings, dates, an so on. Do not pick a non-numeric term. Also, there is no rescheduling functionality available in AAF.

Service Order Not Assigned Workflow

The system schedules a process to check the service order assignment at three time points equal to 20 percent, 50 percent, and 100 percent of the required processing period, defined by the service order creation date and the customer preferred dates, if they are available, or the committed dates on the service order. If no technician is assigned to the line, the system sends a message to the service order creator.

Service Order Not Completed Workflow

The system schedules a process to check the service order activity status at two time points equal to 80 percent and 100 percent of the required processing period, defined by the service order creation date and the customer preferred dates, if they are available, or the committed dates on the service order. If the service order status is not set to Completed, Closed, or Canceled at either point, the system sends a message to the service order creator.

Service Order Response Time Exceeded Workflow

When the service order status is set to closed, the system compares the earliest date and time in the time log with the customer preferred time (if it exists); otherwise the system uses the committed time. If the earliest date and time found in the timelog is later than the committed (or customer preferred) start date and time, the system sends a message to the service order creator.

Service Order Restore Time Exceeded Workflow

This rule is identical to the Service Order Response Time Exceeded workflow definition, except that it uses the latest date and time in the timelog.

To set up service order escalation workflow:

  1. Activate the AAF Policy.

    Select select Enterprise Components, then select Active Analytics Framework, then select Policies, then select Manage Policies.

  2. Define notification routing preferences for the people who enter service orders.

    On the Workflow page under select PeopleTools, then select Security, then select User Profiles, indicate whether the person is a worklist user, an email user, or both. If you select both the Worklist User and Email User check boxes, two notices, an email and a worklist entry, are sent each time a workflow process is triggered for that person.

  3. Define valid email addresses for the people who receive email notifications.

    Note: Worker's person IDs are associated with user IDs on the User Profile page under Workforce, Worker or on the ID page under select PeopleTools, then select Security, then select User Profiles. For workflow notifications to function properly, each person in the system should be linked to only one user ID.