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PeopleSoft CRM for Higher Education Integrations

PeopleSoft CRM for Higher Education integrates with PeopleSoft Online Marketing and PeopleSoft Marketing.

We discuss integration considerations in the implementation topics of this documentation.

Supplemental information about third-party application integrations is located on the My Oracle Support website.

PeopleSoft Online Marketing

PeopleSoft Online Marketing adds custom actions in the Dialog Designer that allow you to further automate dialogs and convert dialog response to actions, delivering a personalized follow-up experience for each dialog recipient. New actions include the ability to send an SMS message, create a lead, add a person to a campaign, and send print correspondence.

You can also design online dialogs that allow you to target particular audiences. You can pre-fill information such as the constituent’s name and email address, saving the constituent time when filling out the survey. Based on how the constituent responds, you can include different associated actions. For example, if the student checked off that they were not satisfied with the level of advising and mentoring they are receiving, that can trigger an action like an alert to the head of advising. Other actions can display dynamic content based on their response. For example, if the student indicates that he would like some help with study skills, you can then display info about a study skill seminar on the next web page or send an email with an invitation to the seminar. You can also capture text responses.

PeopleSoft Marketing

PeopleSoft Marketing allows you to create dynamic audiences based on data from PeopleSoft Campus Solutions without requiring you to sync data between the two databases.

See PeopleSoft Marketing.

PeopleSoft Event Management

CRM for Higher Education integrates with PeopleSoft Event Management to help higher education institutions plan, promote, execute and analyze a wide range of virtual and in person events, from open houses, recruiting and fundraising events to speaker series, seminars and webinars, and conferences. Event Management can help you to plan and manage events as an effective channel to drive your marketing goals, while keeping costs down.

See PeopleSoft Event Management .

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions

CRM for Higher Education integrates with PeopleSoft Campus Solutions, allowing you to track the constituent life cycle status from suspect to prospect to applicant to student to alumnus in order to ensure that recruiting, retention, and alumnus communications are targeted to the right audience. Other areas of integration include:

  • The ability to push test scores to CRM for Higher Education without creating new persons in Campus Solutions.

  • The ability for prospect and test score data sent from Campus Solutions to be processed and stored in a temporary staging area for further import processing.

  • The ability to run a Search/Match process on imported data so that any potential duplicates can be identified and resolved.

  • Control table loads from Campus Solutions to CRM, sending setup information including academic structure, academic type and load, and school information to CRM for Higher Education so that prospective students can be created in CRM for Higher Education. Security constructs including institution, career, program and plan security by user ID, and test ID security are sent to CRM for Higher Education so that PeopleSoft CRM for Higher Education will respect the same security out of the box as the Campus Solutions system.

  • Incremental syncs from Campus Solutions to CRM for prospect, applicant, and student data. As changes are made in Campus Solutions to the prospect, applicant, or student, real-time messages are sent to CRM so that CRM always has the most up-to-date information about that constituent.

  • Test score publication from CRM to Campus Solutions: If CRM has captured any official or self-reported test scores, information related to the applicant, or both, that information is published to Campus Solutions.

  • Enterprise Integration Points (EIPs), including the Student Status Change EIP, which sends student information from Campus Solutions to CRM for Higher Education (including student program, plan, and status information).

See PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Application Fundamentals

See PeopleSoft Recruiting and Admissions

PeopleSoft Call Center

The Service Center for Higher Education delivers two contact centers in one: an employee and constituent IT Helpdesk and a constituent contact center across all phases of the constituent life cycle.

To make access to Campus Solutions seamless to the agent, the Service Center for Higher Education delivers predefined action links. Action links are similar in concept to favorites in your web browser, providing a list of various pages in Campus Solutions grouped by category. Over 45 action links are delivered and grouped into the categories of Campus, Admissions, Academics, Financials, and Donors/Alumni.

Service Center for Higher Education also delivers the tools needed to handle and resolve IT inquiries, from performing a password reset for a student, managing change requests, and fixing lecture hall projectors for faculty to doing on-campus computer lab repair. With embedded IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) best practices for managing incidents, problems, service requests, and other IT service processes, Oracle delivers a complete, integrated IT service and support solution.

See PeopleSoft Call Center Applications .

360 Degree View

The 360 Degree View includes a Constituent 360-Degree View, which enables a holistic, actionable view of the constituent that combines CRM and Campus Solutions data in real time and is configurable depending on the role of the user who is accessing the 360-Degree View. The 360-Degree View can be accessed from multiple transactions within CRM for Higher Education, including Event Management, Leads and Opportunities, and Support. Depending on who is accessing it, the 360-Degree View displays information relevant to that person’s role as well as securing any data (such as financial information) to which that role should not have access. The 360 Degree View also has a delivered framework so that you can choose to display data from any third-party database such as a housing system, learning management system and so on

See Application Fundamentals.

PeopleSoft Sales

In CRM for Higher Education, you can assign recruiters by zip code of the last school attended and by institution, career, program, and plan for a more specialized recruiter. The recruiter can then follow up on the lead and track the progress of the prospect through the multiple lead statuses available.

See PeopleSoft Sales.