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Setting Up the Chat Framework

The chat framework that you need to set up includes these items whose definitions are maintained in PeopleTools:

Note: You can use PeopleSoft CRM group worklist definitions to create queues and agents.

This framework is not unique to chat; it is also used by the email response management system (ERMS). You can find more detailed information about setting up this framework in this documentation discussion of multichannel architecture.

Here is the high-level guideline for setting up chat in the PeopleSoft CRM system:

  1. Define a REN server.

  2. Define a REN server cluster.

    After configuration is complete, restart the REN server. Ensure that the server is up and running by performing a ping test.

  3. Define a cluster.

  4. Define a queue.

    Define a queue in one of two ways: through PeopleTools (the Queue component) or through CRM (the Group Worklist page). Ensure that the queue server is running.

  5. Define an MCF agent.

    Define and configure an agent using the Agent Configuration component. After the agent setup is complete and is associated with a queue, ensure that the agent can log on to the Multichannel Toolbar and the queue.

  6. Set up a chat profile.

  7. Set up the agent pop-up page setting.

  8. Set up chat-enabled self-service pages.

  9. Specify self-service pages that can be pushed to a customer's workstation.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: PeopleSoft MultiChannel Framework.