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Viewing Chat Logs and Reports

To view chat details, use the Chat Detail (RB_CHAT_DETAIL) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Chat Log Page


View chat transcripts and related transactions.

Chat Details Page


View system information about the chat session.

Use the Chat Log page (RB_CHAT_LOG) to view chat transcripts and related transactions.

Image: Chat Log page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Chat Log page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Chat Log page

Related Transactions

This grid displays CRM application objects that are associated with the selected chat session (if applicable). These objects are subinteractions of the chat interaction.

Chat Log

This area records the dialog between the agent and chat requester. The time that corresponds to each line in the conversation changes based on the time zone that is selected on the toolbar. The right column displays the content of the dialog. Customer's name appears in red and agent's name appears in black.

Use the Chat Details page (RB_CHAT_DETAIL) to view system information about the chat session.

Image: Chat Details page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Chat Details page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Chat Details page

Detail Summary

Field or Control



Displays the unique identification number of the chat request.

View System Chat Detail

Click to access the Chat Log component in PeopleTools in a new browser window.

Initial Queue and Final Queue

Displays the first queue to which the chat session was submitted and the last one to which it belonged. These values are different if the chat request was reassigned.

Source Page

Displays the self-service page where the chat was initiated.

Question and Subject

Displays the question (if available) and subject that was entered by the customer in the chat request.

Agent Name

Displays the agent who was last assigned to the chat request.

Interaction Category

This section displays information of interaction category that is associated with this chat session. If more than one entry is available, they are listed chronologically (the most recent appears first). You can click the Refresh toolbar button to refresh the list as needed. If the category information does not exist, the No Interaction Category message is displayed.

Field or Control



Displays the category of the chat session.