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Understanding Interactive Reports

Interactive reports are a dynamic, interactive, high-level implementation of PeopleTools Analytic Calculation Engine (ACE). These reports do not require an analytic logic server or a separate database to store data. You can save results by exporting them to Microsoft Excel, or you can print them.

With interactive reports, you can view transactional data in multidimensional online reports. To determine how information is displayed, drag dimension options onto the report grid. Data can be further filtered by selecting a single value for any dimension option.

For example, using the Campaign Performance Forecast Analysis interactive report, you can analyze campaign performance for all campaigns, for a single campaign, for all campaigns and all activities, for a single campaign and all activities, or for a single campaign and a single activity, among other options. Some interactive reports also enable you to perform what-if scenarios.

While interactive reports are interactive, the communication between interactive reports and the PeopleSoft CRM database is one-way. The changes that you make on an interactive report do not affect data in the database. Interactive reports appear in separate windows. You cannot transfer from an interactive report to a component to access data. In PeopleSoft Marketing, user roles and access profiles control access to forecasts and thereby to interactive reports.

PeopleSoft marketing applications provides seven interactive reports:

The following Interactive Reports use the Marketing Center hierarchy:

  • Dialog Performance Forecast Report.

  • Dialog Survey Report.

See Understanding Interactive Reports.