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Defining and Creating Metrics

This topic provides an overview of metrics and discusses how to define and create metrics.

Page Name

Definition Name


Metric Types Page


Define metric types.

Metric Subtypes Page


Define metric subtypes.

Metrics – Detail Page


View summary information about all existing metrics under a setID.

Performance Metric Detail Page


Define and review metrics.

Metrics are mechanisms for measuring. Some metrics are used to count, others to compare and calculate. You use metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of campaigns and activities and to trigger events.

Oracle delivers the most commonly used metrics with your PeopleSoft Marketing system. You can, however, create additional metrics when needed.

PeopleSoft Marketing is delivered with the following predefined metrics:

Metric Name


Unit of Measure


Campaign activity level

Currency amount


Campaign level

Currency amount


Roll up level

Currency amount

Cost per Lead

Campaign activity level

Currency amount

Cost per Lead

Campaign level

Currency amount

Cost per Lead

Roll up level

Currency amount

Cost per Quote

Campaign activity level

Currency amount

Cost per Quote

Campaign level

Currency amount

Cost per Quote

Roll up level

Currency amount

"Do Not Contact" Responses

Roll up level


Lead to Quote ratio

Campaign activity level


Lead to Quote ratio

Campaign level


Lead to Quote ratio

Roll up level


Number of Leads

Campaign activity level


Number of Leads

Campaign level


Number of Leads

Roll up level


Number of Opportunities

Campaign activity level


Number of Opportunities

Campaign level


Number of Opportunities

Roll up level


Number of Quotes

Campaign activity level


Number of Quotes

Campaign level


Number of Quotes

Roll up level


Number of Responses

Campaign activity level


Number of Responses

Campaign level


Number of Responses

Roll up level


Opportunity to Quote ratio

Campaign activity level


Opportunity to Quote ratio

Campaign level


Opportunity to Quote ratio

Roll up level


Order Revenue

Campaign activity level

Currency amount

Order Revenue

Campaign level

Currency amount

Order Revenue

Roll up level

Currency amount

Response Rate

Campaign activity level


Response Rate

Campaign level


Response Rate

Roll up level


Response Rate-Outbound Mktng (response rate-outbound marketing)

Campaign activity level


Revenue per Lead

Campaign activity level

Currency amount

Revenue per Lead

Campaign level

Currency amount

Revenue per Lead

Rollup level

Currency amount

Revenue per Quote

Campaign activity level

Currency amount

Revenue per Quote

Campaign level

Currency amount

Revenue per Quote

Roll up level

Currency amount

Revenue Variance

Roll up level

Currency amount

ROI (return on investment)

Campaign activity level

Currency amount

ROI (return on investment)

Campaign level

Currency amount

ROI (return on investment)

Roll up level

Currency amount

The system links metrics to your campaigns through the following pages:

  • Campaigns - Define Activities: Detail page.

  • Campaigns - Triggers page.

  • Campaigns - Performance page.

  • Audiences - Costs page.

  • Collateral - Costs page.

See Marketing Programs - Trigger Page, Marketing Programs - Performance Page, Audience - Costs Page, Marketing Programs - Activities Page, Manage Collateral - Costs Page.

Metrics that PeopleSoft delivers with your system fall within one of two metric subtypes. Each subtype falls within one of two metric types.

To define metric types, use the Metric Types (RA_UD_MET_TYPE) component.

Use the Metric Types page (RA_UD_MET_TYPE) to define metric types.

Image: Metric Types page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Metric Types page.

Metric Types page

Metric types classify the types of metrics that you create.

Field or Control


Metric Type

Enter a code that identifies the metric type. Delivered values are CMPG (Campaign level), RLUP (Rollup level), and WAVE (Campaign Activity level).


Enter a description of the general metric type.

To define metric subtypes, use the Metric Subtypes (RA_UD_MET_STYPE) component.

Use the Metric Subtypes page (RA_UD_MET_STYPE) to define metric subtypes.

Image: Metric Subtypes page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Metric Subtypes page.

Metric Subtypes page

Metric subtypes are paired with a metric type to define a metric more specifically. For example, you might define a metric type for campaigns. Within that broad metric type, you might define separate metric subtypes for financial analysis and performance analysis.

Field or Control


Metric Sub Type

Enter a code that identifies the metric subtype.


Enter a description of the metric subtype.

To view a summary of existing metrics, use the Metrics (RA_METRICS) component.

Use the Metrics - Detail page (RA_METRICS_SUMM) to view summary information about all existing metrics under a setID.

Image: Metrics - Detail page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Metrics - Detail page.

Metrics - Detail page

Metrics are grouped under a setID. Enter a setID on the Maintain Metrics page and click Search to access the Metrics - Detail page. A list of existing metrics appears.

Field or Control


Metric Name

Displays a descriptive name of the metric.

Click to access the Performance Metric Details page, where you can edit an existing metric.

Unit Of Measure

Displays the unit of measure used in the metric. Values are:

  • % (percent): Percentage of total.

  • Count: Number of the item being measured, for example, the number of leads, responses, or quotes.

  • Amount: Currency amount.

  • Units: Number of units.

Active Status

Determines whether a metric is available for use. Select Inactive to remove a metric from use. Inactive metrics are unavailable and invisible outside of the Maintain Metrics - Performance Metric Details page. When you change a metric's status back to Active (the default setting), it functions normally again.

Add Metric

Add and define additional metrics.

Use the Performance Metric Details page (RA_METRICS) to define and review metrics.

Image: Performance Metric Detail page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Performance Metric Detail page.

Performance Metric Detail page

Warning! Every metric has an associated SQL object that contains a SQL statement. The SQL statement governs the metric's calculations. SQL objects (and statements) are predefined for the metrics that Oracle delivers with your system.

To create custom metrics, you must first define the accompanying SQL objects and statements using PeopleSoft Application Designer. SQL objects designed to govern PeopleSoft Marketing metrics must have names that begin with the prefix RA_. Save such SQL objects in the PeopleTools dictionary of your PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management database.

Field or Control



Displays the setID within which the metric resides.

Metric ID

Displays the system-generated code that identifies the metric.


Enter a descriptive name for the metric.

Metric Type

Select the type of object to be analyzed. Values are:

  • Campaign Activity Level

  • Campaign Level

  • Event Level

  • Event Session Level

  • Rollup Level

Metric Sub Type

Define the nature of the analysis. Values are:

  • Performance

  • Financial

SQL Identifier (Structured Query Language identifier)

Select the unique identifier of the SQL object that contains the SQL statement that governs the metric's calculations.

Active Status

Select the metric's status: Active or Inactive.

SQL Stmt Text (Structured Query Language statement text)

Displays the SQL statement that governs the metric's calculations.