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Defining Order Capture Business Projects

This section provides an overview of business project definition and discusses how to set up and view Order Capture business projects.

Note: This section supplements the general PeopleSoft CRM documentation, which explains how to set up business projects for all PeopleSoft CRM applications. Because Order Capture delivers a centralized Capture Type Workbench, the method to set up business projects differs slightly from other PeopleSoft CRM applications.

Order, quote, and maintenance business projects, like other business projects, are broken down into phases, tasks, and transition rules. Tasks are the basic unit of work in a business project. Phases represent groups of tasks. When you create phases, tasks, and transition rules, you define the central element of the business project. Transition rules establish the conditions by which the business project moves from one phase to the next.

Field or Control



Phases encapsulate one or more related tasks and constitute the main steps of the business project. Phases are always performed sequentially. For each phase in a business project, you define its possible target phases and the conditions under which each target is appropriate. These conditions are called transition rules.

Order Capture business projects contain several phases. For example, the order business project (CORE_ORDER_BP) has eight main phases, but the quote business project (CORE_QUOTE_BP) has only two phases. These specific phases are explained below.


When you set up a phase, you define the sequence of tasks in the phase. Tasks are single actions that directly correspond to an Application Engine program or Data Mover script. A new task begins when all preceding tasks in a phase are complete.

Tasks within a single phase can be performed either in parallel or in sequence. To define tasks in parallel, you assign each task the same sequence number. Sequence numbers for several tasks in Order Capture business projects have the same sequence number and are, therefore, performed simultaneously.

Note: To view sequence numbers, access the Capture Type Workbench, Business Projects page.

See Type Definition - Business Process Conditions Workbench Page.

Transition Rules

Transition rules determine the transition from one phase to the next, based on the success or failure of tasks within the phase. The outcome of a task can be:

  • Cancelled.

  • Complete - Success.

  • Complete - Failed.

Out-of-the-box, PeopleSoft delivers hardcoded conditions to determine the triggering action that first launches the business project. These hardcoded conditions can be overridden by defining your own condition. This is done from the Capture Type Workbench: select Set Up CRM, then select Product Related, then select Order Capture, then select Capture Type Workbench, in the Business Process Conditions page.

Click on the Edit button to edit the condition. You then use the AAF condition builder, selecting AAF Terms defined for Order Capture, and the proper operators and values.

When defining the Event Name within the Capture Type Workbench, the system is expecting certain names, and if an unrecognized name is used, it will assume that the Business Project tied to that event should always be run, depending on the condition defined. When no condition is defined for an unrecognized event name, the business project will always be run when an order is submitted.

Access the Business Process Conditions page in Capture Type Workbench: select Set Up CRM, then select Product Related, then select Order Capture, then select Capture Type Workbench. Select a capture type and click the Business Process Conditions link on the Type Definition Workbench page that appears.

Here you can perform the following tasks on the Business Process Conditions page:

  • Add business project events that are triggered for the Order or Quote.

  • Enable or disable delivered business projects.

  • Alter the sequence of the business project events so that they are triggered sequentially or in parallel.

  • Allow multiple instances of the business project.

    This task is recommended for Order Maintenance but not for Order or Quote.

See Understanding Business Projects.