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PeopleSoft Online Marketing Integrations

PeopleSoft Online Marketing integrates with PeopleSoft Marketing.

We discuss integration considerations in the implementation topics of this documentation.

Supplemental information about third-party application integrations is located on the My Oracle Support website.

PeopleSoft Marketing

You can create PeopleSoft Online Marketing dialogs using PeopleSoft Marketing, and you can share audience and profile information between Marketing and Online Marketing. Also, if both Marketing and Online Marketing are purchased, you can create Marketing programs that track costs and establish teams and tasks. Costs from traditional campaigns and dialogs can be rolled up into a single Marketing program.

See PeopleSoft Marketing.

PeopleSoft Workforce Communications

You can create survey dialogs for use with PeopleSoft Workforce Communications. Using Online Marketing, initiatives that require automated, one-way or two-way online communications between HR and the workforce can be implemented using dialogs.

See PeopleSoft Workforce Communications .

PeopleSoft Event Management

PeopleSoft Online Marketing enables the email and web communications required for inviting attendees to events, as well as event reminder and follow-up communications and actions, and the online registration capabilities. Online Marketing is recommended to enable the full business process for Event Management.

See PeopleSoft Event Management .

PeopleSoft CRM for Higher Education

PeopleSoft Online Marketing adds custom actions in the Dialog Designer that allow you to further automate dialogs and convert dialog response to actions, delivering a personalized follow-up experience for each dialog recipient. New actions include the ability to send an SMS message, create a lead, and send print correspondence.

You can also design online dialogs that allow you to target particular audiences. You can pre-fill information such as the constituent’s name and email address, saving the constituent time when filling out the survey. Based on how the constituent responds, you can include different associated actions. For example, if the student checked off that they were not satisfied with the level of advising and mentoring they are receiving, that can trigger an action like an alert to the head of advising. Other actions can display dynamic content based on their response. For example, if the student indicates that he would like some help with study skills, you can then display info about a study skill seminar on the next web page or send an email with an invitation to the seminar. You can also capture text responses.

See PeopleSoft CRM for Higher Education .