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Understanding a Sample Event Wire Implementation

This section discusses:

In this scenario, a merchant wants to send a 5 USD discount coupon offer to a specific target audience and to record information about any purchases made at the e-commerce site. When a purchase occurs, the customer’s profile is updated with the date and amount of the purchase, and the customer receives a follow-up email containing the order ID and a 10 USD coupon to be applied to their next purchase.

To achieve this Event Wire implementation, you could create a dialog with the following components:

  • An internal audience that includes everyone who has previously purchased products (perhaps with the name People Who Purchased).

  • A Date/Time trigger and a broadcast email for the 5 USD discount offer.

  • A Standalone page that redirects the respondent to the external system.

    The redirect also indicates the Landing page URL to be used by Event Wire.

  • An External Event Trigger and a Landing page where the external system submits data to the dialog.

    This page contains profile attributes for the Email Address, Order ID, Date of Purchase, and Amount of Purchase.

  • A follow-up email to offer a 10 USD discount coupon.

Creating this dialog is the same as creating any other dialog except that the web pages are used in the dialog (redirecting the respondent to an external system and accepting data from the external system).

In our scenario, you need to create two web documents: a Standalone page that redirects the respondent to the external system and a Landing page that receives data from the external system.

The redirect document includes the redirect command specifying the URL of the external system and the Landing page URL to be used by the external system when making its call to Event Wire. In this example, there is no additional profile information being passed to the external system. The Landing page URL must be saved by the external system so that it can be passed to Event Wire when the customer makes a purchase.

The Landing page where the external system submits data to the dialog is not seen by the customer. If you want the customer to enter additional information directly in the dialog (such as to fill out a survey), you can create a subsequent page to be displayed to the customer.

See Creating and Working with Web Documents.

See Enabling the External System to Obtain the Landing Page URL.

Before this dialog can be deployed, the technical implementer must program the external system to handle the data that is passed to it (in this example, the Landing page URL) and to pass to Event Wire the Landing page URL, Order ID, Date of Purchase, and Amount of Purchase.

The call that is placed from the external system to Event Wire determines whether any dialog pages will appear to the customer.

After designing this dialog, you need to test it to ensure that it performs as intended. You (or the technical implementer) should then check that the external system is placing the calls to Event Wire correctly.

After ensuring that the external system is working properly with Event Wire, you are ready to go live with the dialog.