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Using PeopleSoft Order Capture Self-Service Pagelets

This topic discusses how customers manage their personal information and shopping orders, select websites, and search catalogs by using the following pagelets.

This table describes the pagelets used to view customer information:

Pagelet Name


For More Information

Catalog Search

Customers can search a specified catalog or all catalogs based on keywords.

See Defining Order Capture Self-Service Business Units

See Understanding Catalogs.

My Information

Customers can view the name, address, phone number, and email address that are associated with a user who is signed in to the system.

See Understanding Customer Self-Service

Shopping Cart

Displays the number of products along with the order subtotal of a customer's shopping cart. Provides the customer with a direct link to checkout.

See Defining Order Capture Self-Service Business Units

Site Selection

Guest users can select a website if multiple sites are implemented. Switches a user to the selected site.

See Understanding Customer Self-Service

Recent Orders

Customers can view recent orders by order number, order date, and status, and they can link directly to order details.

See Understanding Service Orders.

Recent Quotes

Customers can view recent quotes by quote number, quote date, and status, and they can link to quote details.

See Understanding Service Orders.