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Reorganizing a Territory Tree

This topic discusses how to:

Page Name

Definition Name


Reorg Territories Page


Follow the steps to reorganize territories on a tree.

Tree Manager Page


View or make changes to a territory tree.

Reorg Leads Page


Review and adjust the system's reassignment of leads in the new structure.

Lead Reorganization - Current Team Page


Review a lead's current team before reorganization.

Lead Reorganization - New Team Page


Review and adjust a lead's new territory team after reorganization, and select the primary representatives.

Reorg Opportunities (reorganize opportunities) Page


Review and adjust the system's reassignment of opportunities in the new structure.

Opportunity Reorganization - Current Team Page


Review an opportunity's current team before reorganization.

Opportunity Reorganization - New Team Page


Review and adjust an opportunity's new territory team after reorganization, and select the primary representatives.

Reorg Accounts (reorganize accounts) Page


Review and adjust the system's reassignment of accounts in the new structure.

Account Reorganization - Current Team Page


Review an account's current team before reorganization.

Account Reorganization - New Team Page


Review and adjust an opportunity's new territory team after reorganization, and select the primary representatives.

Submit Reorg Page


Follow the steps for submitting a territory tree reorganization.

Sales User Page


View or adjust each sales user's territory accessibility after reorganizing a tree.

Sales Access Update Page


Run the Update Sales Access process to update security.

Reorganize Sales Activities Page


View a list of submitted territory reorganizations and enter search parameters.

Use the Reorg Territories (reorganize territories) page (RSF_TR_REORG) to follow the steps to reorganize territories on a tree.

Image: Reorg Territories page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Reorg Territories page.

Reorg Territories page

Note: The links and buttons on this page become available dynamically as you complete the steps.

STEP 1: Select Current Tree

Field or Control


Current Tree Name

Select the tree to clone.

If the sales user is assigned to a single tree, the system displays the name of that tree and makes the field unavailable.

If the sales user is assigned to multiple trees, the tree name is available and the trees to which that user is assigned are available so that the user can select a tree.

Note: Sales users can clone or reorganize only trees to which they are assigned. Sales users can also reorganize only the leads and opportunities of the sales representatives that they can view on the territory tree.

For example, a sales administrator for the Europe tree can reorganize only the Europe tree, and that administrator can view only the European leads and opportunities on the reorganization worksheets.

See Visibility Page.

STEP 2: Select New Tree/Date

Field or Control


New Tree Name

Enter or select the name for the tree that you are creating.

If you have access to multiple trees, you can select from those tree names or enter a new tree name.

New Effective Date

Enter the date on which the new tree becomes effective. The system enters the current date as the effective date, which you can override.

You can enter a future effective date to allow yourself time to reorganize the tree, review the worksheets, and adjust the leads and opportunity assignments for sales representatives to which you have visibility on the new tree.

Create New Tree as Copy of Current Tree

Click to clone the tree specified in the Current Tree Name field in the STEP 1: Select Current Tree group box and name it according to the name specified in the New Tree Name field.

The system copies the tree and makes the View and Restructure Territory Tree link available in the STEP 3: Create and Edit Tree group box.

STEP 3: Create and Edit Tree

Field or Control


View and Restructure Territory Tree

Click to access the Tree Manager page, where you can create new nodes, delete nodes, and make other changes to the cloned tree.

Note: If you delete nodes, be sure to clean up the residual territory data.

See Delete Territory Page.

STEP 4: Generate Worksheets

Run the Tree Reorganization process (RSF_TR_REORG).

Note: Before generating the worksheets, you must specify assignment groups for all accounts that are affected by the reorganization.

Field or Control


Generate Reorganization Worksheets

This button is available only after you complete the previous step.

Click to reassign all of your leads and opportunities for the specified new tree and territory definitions, based on the assignment criteria configuration.

Worksheets enable you to view how the system reassigned the leads and opportunities based on the criteria. Worksheets also enable you to adjust the assignments, if necessary.

Refresh Status

Click to refresh the status display.

Monitor Process

Click to access the Process List page, where you can identify the status of the reorganization worksheet generation process to determine when it is completed.

When it is completed, the next step is available.

STEP 5: Review Worksheets

Field or Control


Review Reorganization Worksheets

Click to review the worksheets that are generated by using the STEP 4: Generate Worksheets group box. You must review the lead, opportunity, and account reorganization worksheets in order. The Next button on each worksheet is programmed to move you to the next worksheet.

Use the Reorg Leads (reorganize leads) page (RSF_TR_REORG_LEAD) to review and adjust the system's reassignment of leads in the new structure.

Note: This example shows the Reorg Leads page. The Reorg Opportunities and Reorg Account pages are similar in appearance and usage.

Image: Reorg Leads page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Reorg Leads page.

Reorg Leads page

Review the results of the system's reassignment of leads, opportunities or accounts in the new tree structure. Select new representatives to assign the items, if necessary.

Field or Control



Select each reassignment that you want to accept.

Current Team

Click to access the Lead Reorganization - Current Team, Opportunity Reorganization - Current Team, or Account Reorganization - Current Team page, where you can view the current team for the lead, opportunity, or account before reorganization. Viewing this page enables you to determine the changes that are required.

New Team

Click to access the Lead Reorganization - New Team, Opportunity Reorganization - New Team, or Account Reorganization - New Team page, where you can view the new team for the lead, opportunity, or account after reorganization. Viewing this page enables you to identify the sales representatives to add to the sales team. You can also use these pages to select the primary representative.

Click OK for the system to update the new primary representative from this page to the leads, opportunities, or accounts.


Click to access the Submit Reorg page, where you can click Submit Reorganization to complete the reassignments.


You can filter the search criteria to limit the information that appears on each worksheet. The delivered Configurable Search feature for territory tree reorganization enables you to filter searches based on the Current Rep, Current Territory, New Rep, New Territory, and Lead or Opportunity fields. Filtering a search based on these fields provides a focused set of leads and opportunities to review.

The Current Rep and Current Territory prompt values are based on the current tree. The Current Rep prompt values list the representatives who report directly to the manager or administrator responsible for processing reorganization. The New Rep and New Territory prompt values are based on the new tree. The New Rep prompt values enable a manager to assign leads and opportunities to representatives who might not be direct reports of that particular manager.

Use the Lead Reorganization - New Team page (RSF_TR_REORG_LETM) to review and adjust a lead's new territory team after reorganization, and select the primary representatives.

Image: Lead Reorganization - New Team page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Lead Reorganization - New Team page.

Lead Reorganization - New Team page

The Lead, Opportunity, and Account Reorganization - Current Team pages have a similar format to the New Team pages, but they are read-only.

Field or Control



Select a check box for each member that you want to retain on the new team after the reorganization.


Select to specify the primary sales representative for each territory. This column appears on the Lead Reorganization - Current Team, Lead Reorganization - New Team, Opportunity Reorganization - Current Team, and Opportunity Reorganization - New Team pages.


Select to specify the account owner or owners. This column appears on the Account Reorganization - Current Team and Account Reorganization - New Team page.

Use the Submit Reorg (submit reorganization) page (RSF_TR_SUBMIT) to follow the steps for submitting a territory tree reorganization.

Image: Submit Reorg page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Submit Reorg page.

Submit Reorg page

STEP 6: Submit Worksheets

Field or Control


Submit Reorganization

Click to apply the reorganizations from the worksheet to the leads, opportunities, and accounts by updating the new territory and sales representatives.

STEP 7: Review Visibility

Field or Control


Look Up Sales User

Click to access the Sales User page for each sales user affected by the reorganization. View or adjust the user's territory visibility settings.

STEP 8: Update Security Access

Field or Control


Update Security Access

Click to access the Sales Access Update page, where you can run the process to apply the changes and update the security settings.

Use the Reorganize Sales Activities page (RSF_TR_REO_SRCH) to view a list of submitted territory reorganizations and enter search parameters.

Image: Reorganize Sales Activities page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Reorganize Sales Activities page.

Reorganize Sales Activities page

The reorganization ID is one of the search criteria for the reorganizations that are listed on this page. Because you might test a variety of structures while planning a reorganization, the system stores the structures under unique IDs. If you exclude the reorganization ID from a search or saved search, the resulting data sets might include information from any of the reorganization structures stored in the system. Always include the reorganization ID in the selected criteria on the Personalize Search page for this search.