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Setting Up Business Units for PeopleSoft Sales

To set up business units for PeopleSoft Sales, use the Sales Definition (RSF_BUS_UNIT_TBL) component.

This topic discusses how to create business unit definitions for PeopleSoft Sales.

Page Name

Definition Name


Sales Definition Page


Create business unit definitions for PeopleSoft Sales.

Use the Sales Definition page (RSF_BUS_UNIT_TBL) to create business unit definitions for PeopleSoft Sales.

Image: Sales Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Sales Definition page.

Sales Definition page

Field or Control



Select the business unit's status, either Open or Closed.

Default Set ID

Select the setID to be associated with the business unit.

After you click the Create BU button, this field is no longer available.


Enter the currency to use as the business unit's default currency.

Business Unit (Order Capture)

Enter the PeopleSoft Order Capture business unit to use with the PeopleSoft Sales business unit if you have also licensed PeopleSoft Order Capture. The Order Capture business unit defined here appears by default in the quotes and orders that are generated when a lead or opportunity is converted to a quote or order.

Note: In addition to entering the Order Capture business unit, you must specify the third-party tax vendor (such as Taxware, Vertex, or WorldTax) on the Order Capture Business Unit Definition page. If you don't specify a tax vendor for the Order Capture business unit, no tax calculations can be included in quotes and orders.


By default, the Market field is set to Global. You cannot change this value.

Task Type

Select the type of task to use as the default task for the business unit. When you create a task in the Lead or Opportunity component, the system uses the default task type defined here.

Tree Name

Select the territory tree name to use as the default territory tree for the business unit.

See Understanding Territory Trees.

Create BU (create business unit)

Click this button to create the PeopleSoft Sales business unit.

Assignment Group

Select the assignment group to use as the default assignment group for the business unit. You must click the Create BU button before you can select the assignment group.

See Assign Group Page.

Lead Options

Field or Control


Allow Creating Orders From Lead

Select to enable users to create orders from leads that belong to the business unit. When this check box is deselected, users cannot create orders from leads associated with the business unit. Depending on whether your organization has a short or long sales cycle, use this check box to control whether you can use a lead to create an order without converting the lead to an opportunity.

Allow Converting Lead After Order is Placed

Select to enable users to convert leads in the business unit to opportunities, even if an order has been placed. When this check box is deselected, users cannot convert the business unit's leads to opportunities after an order is placed.