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Viewing Call Reports for a Lead or Opportunity

This topic discusses how to view call reports for a lead or opportunity.

Page Name

Definition Name


Lead - Call Reports Page or Opportunity - Call Reports Page


View and add call reports for a lead.

Opportunity - Call Reports

Lead - Call Reports Page or Opportunity - Call Reports Page


View and add call reports for an opportunity.

Use the Lead - Call Reports page (RSF_CALL_RPTS) to view and add call reports for a lead.

Use the Opportunity - Call Reports page (RSF_CALL_RPTS) to view and add call reports for an opportunity.

Note: The Call Report pages for leads and opportunities are the same. The following example shows the Opportunity - Call Reports page.

Image: Opportunity - Call Reports page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Opportunity - Call Reports page.

Opportunity - Call Reports page

Click the link for an existing call report to view and modify the call report detail, or click the Add Call Report button to create new call reports.