35 PDB Upgrade using Fleet Maintenance

This chapter covers the PDB Upgrade using Fleet Maintenance feature. It contains the following sections:

35.1 Introduction

Fleet Maintenance provides solution for upgrading PDBs provisioned on Enterprise Manager DBaaS cloud. This solution implements an out of place upgrade of a PDB by relocating the target PDB to a Container Database at a higher version and other existing PDBs running in the container are not impacted.

35.2 Pre-requisites

  • Create a successor pluggable database pool containing CDBs at a higher version to which the target PDB will be relocated as part of upgrade. For example, if you want to upgrade PDB version to, create a successor PDB pool with CDBs at DB version

  • Create a successor service template which is configured to provision in the successor pool.

  • Oracle Application Express version on the source CDB hosting the target PDB and CDBs in the successor pool must be same.

  • PDB pool must have privileged credentials configured.

  • Update implication of request settings to the discovered instance.

35.3 Pre-Configuration for Upgrade

This section provides details on pre-configuration details for upgrade:

Configure a successor pool running following command:

$ emcli db_cloud_maintenance -performOperation -purpose="ATTACH_POOL" -pool_name="<Pluggable Database Pool name hosting the target PDB>" -pool_type="pdbaas_pool" -name="Attach successor pool" -description="Attach pool" -destPool="<EM Target name of the successor Pluggable Database Pool >" -destPoolType="pdbaas_pool"

Configure a successor service template running following command:

$ emcli db_cloud_maintenance -performOperation -purpose="ATTACH_ST" -stName="<Name of the service template associated with PDB target to be upgraded>" -name="Attach successor ST"  -description="Attach ST" -destST="<Name of the successor service template"

35.4 Upgrading PDB

This section provides details on upgrading PDB using EMCLI command:

$ emcli db_cloud_maintenance -performOperation -purpose="UPGRADE_PDB" -pool_name="<Pluggable Database Pool name hosting the target PDB>" -pool_type="pdbaas_pool" -name="Upgrade PDB to new CDB" -target_type=oracle_pdb -description="Relocates the PDB"  -target_list="<EM Target name of the PDB to be upgraded>" -input_file="data:<absolute path to input file> " –destCDB=<EM Target name of the destination CDB>

Optional Parameter:

destCDB=<EM Target name of the target CDB to which PDB target is relocated as part of upgrade process.>

Input file Parameters:

WORKLOADS=<Workload size name from the successor service template to be associated with upgraded PDB>
USE_SAME_STORAGE_LOCATION=Y #Optional parameter to be used only with –destCDB, when PDB is to be upgraded without moving the datafiles.