46 Using the JVM Diagnostics Self Service Portal

This chapter explains how to access the JVM Diagnostics self service portal. It covers the following:

46.1 Using the JVM Diagnostics Cloud Self Service Portal

The JVM Diagnostics Cloud Self Service Portal allows self service users to view and monitor the JVMs allocated to them. To view this page, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Enterprise Manager as a user with the EM_SSA_USER role. The All Cloud Services page appears.
  2. Click the JVM Diagnostics Cloud Services link. The page contains the following regions:
    • Usage: This region shows the total number of JVMs allocated to the self service user. It also shows the number of available JVMs, and active and deactivated JVMs.

    • Getting Started: This region contains links to conceptual topics.

    • My JVM Diagnostics: This region lists the JVMs which are being monitored through JVMDaaS. The list includes both activated and deactivated JVMs.

      Activated JVMs are ones which are being monitored. Deactivated JVMs are ones on which you have deployed the JVMD agent but preferred not to monitor the JVMD agent at this time.

      The following actions can be performed:

      • Download Agent: Before you can monitor the JVM, click Download Agent to download the JVM Diagnostics Agent .war file and deploy it on the Application Server that is to be monitored.


        The quota assigned to the self service user must be greater than 0.

      • Remove: Select a JVM and click Remove.


        Before you remove the JVM, you must undeploy the JVM Diagnostics Agent from your application server. If it is not undeployed, the JVM Diagnostics Agent will reconnect and start monitoring the JVM again.

      • Activate: After the .war file has been deployed, select a JVM and click Activate to start monitoring it.

      • Deactivate: Select a JVM and click Deactivate to stop monitoring the JVM.

      • Click the Name link to drill down to the Java Virtual Machine Home page. The Java Virtual Machine Home page provides a summary view of the JVM and displays the real time thread states. Click the My JVM Diagnostics link to return to the JVM Diagnostics Cloud Service page.

46.2 JVM Home Page

The JVM Home page displays the following details:

  • Summary: Shows details of the JVM such as the JVM Pool to which it belongs, the host, JVM version, vendor, heap size, agent optimization level, and agent log level details.

  • Realtime Thread States: Shows the state of the various threads in the JVM in the color coded columns. The current activity of the JVM including CPU usage, memory, number of threads waiting for a database response, network response, or number of threads waiting for synchronization lock, and number of idle threads are displayed. Click on a JVM to view the list of threads in the JVM and the details of each thread.

  • Active Threads: The number of active threads in the JVM in the last 24 hours.

  • Top Requests: Shows the top requests over the last 24 hours.

From this page, you can navigate to the following pages:

  • JVM Performance Diagnostics: Shows the performance diagnostics data for the JVM.

  • Live Thread Analysis: Shows the real time JVM data for the selected JVM.

  • Cloud Self Service Portal: Takes you back the JVM Diagnostics Cloud Self Service Portal.

  • Thread Snapshots: Provides details of the selected thread. Details can include: resource usage, thread states, call stack information, and so on.

  • Heap Snapshots: Provides a snapshot of JVM memory which includes a view of all objects in the JVM along with the references between those objects.

  • Class Histogram: Displays a list of saved histograms with details such as date on which the snapshot was taken, Snap ID, Timestamp, JVM Name and Version, and Description.

  • JFR Snapshot: Provides information on the inner workings of the JVM as well as on the Java program running in the JVM.

  • Memory Diagnostics: Provides the details regarding current memory pool usages and the garbage collections statistics.

  • Java Workload Explorer: Provides a detailed view of all performance statistics associated with the JVM target.