4 Creating ServiceNow Tickets

This chapter described how to create tickets - both automatically and manually.

This chapter covers the following topics:

4.1 Automatically Creating a Ticket

To automatically create a ticket in ServiceNow, you need to create a rule that specifies the event or incident condition on which the ticket should be created. In this rule, you also specify the ticket template to be used with ServiceNow connector.

To create a rule to automatically create a ticket in ServiceNow:

  1. From the Enterprise Manager Setup menu, select Incidents, and then select Incident Rules.
  2. Click Create Rule Set.

    The Create Rule Set page appears, as shown in Figure 4-1:

    Figure 4-1 Create Rule Set

    Create Rule Set screen shot example.
  3. Enter a Name and Description.
  4. In the Targets tab, specify the targets for which you want tickets to be generated for events/incidents that Enterprise Manager detects.
  5. Click the Rules tab.
  6. While configuring the above rule in the Add Actions page:
    • For events:

      Enable the Create Incident check box. This makes the Create Ticket option visible. Now enable the Create Ticket check box, which displays lists to select the Connector Type, Connector Name, and Template Name as shown in Figure 4-2:

      Figure 4-2 Add Actions for Events

      Add Actions

    • For incidents:

      Enable the Create Ticket check box, which displays lists to select the Connector Type, Connector Name, and Template Name as shown in Figure 4-3:

      Figure 4-3 Add Actions for Incidents

      Add Actions

  7. The following process occurs after you create the rule for your incidents:
    • A request is sent to the ServiceNow Ticketing Connector when an incident is created due to an event that matches your rule.

    • The ticket is created in ServiceNow as an incident.

    • In Enterprise Manager, the incident annotation is updated. A comment is added to the Incident Details page of the incident to indicate that a ticket was created or updated, along with the ticket ID, status, and ticket URL.

    A ticket is updated if there is an existing active ticket for an incident.

After the incident has been sent to ServiceNow, you can view it in the ServiceNow console, as shown in Figure 4-4 and Figure 4-5:

Figure 4-4 Incident Details in ServiceNow

Incident Details in ServiceNow

Figure 4-5 ServiceNow Activity

ServiceNow Activity

To view the incident in Enterprise Manager, click the link in the Comments section. You will be asked to log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager. After logging in, the Oracle Enterprise Manager event information is displayed (Figure 4-6):

Figure 4-6 Enterprise Manager Event Information

Enterprise Manager Event Information

You can change the incident information sent to ServiceNow, or you can change the mappings between the Enterprise Manager incident and the ServiceNow incident by modifying the ticketing templates.

4.2 Manually Creating a Ticket

Perform the following steps to manually create a ticket:

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Monitoring, then select Incident Manager.

    The Incident Manager page appears, showing all open incidents (Figure 4-7):

    Figure 4-7 Incident Manager: All Open Incidents

    Incident Manager: All Open Incidents screen shot example.

  2. Select an incident for which you would like to create a ServiceNow ticket.
  3. In the Tracking section, click More, then select Create Ticket (Figure 4-8):

    Figure 4-8 Create Ticket

    Create Ticket screen shot example.

  4. In the Create Ticket pop-up window, select the ServiceNow Ticketing Connector and a ticket template from the Template Name drop-down menu, then click OK.

    Figure 4-9 Create Ticket Pop-up Window

    Create Ticket pop-up window example.


If you do not see the desired template, you can add one using the emctl register_template connector command. See Creating a New Custom Template for details.

4.3 Postcreation Advisory Information

If you have successfully created the ticket, the ticket ID appears in the Last Comment column in the Event Details for the incident and in the Ticket ID column. If the Web Console Settings are configured and enabled, the ticket ID appears as a link to the ticket page in ServiceNow (Figure 4-10):

Figure 4-10 Ticket ID Link

Ticket ID Link screen shot example.

Tickets that were created manually are automatically updated whenever a status change occurs in Enterprise Manager.