6 Working with KPI Overviews and Alert Lists

This chapter describes the use of the KPI overview facility. It explains how you can control the appearance of reported KPIs, and drill-down through them for more information about their underlying status and generated alerts. The use of KPI correlation and alert lists is also explained. You must have at least Overview access level permission to view this tab. User access level permissions are described in Understanding User Account Roles and Permissions.

6.1 KPI Overviews

The KPIs visible to you within the KPI overview facility depend on your authorized information scope (as described in Managing the Scope of Authorized Data Within Modules). You can review the status of your authorized KPIs by clicking the KPI overview tab. This provides a snapshot of them in a format that is both intuitive and insightful. An example is shown in Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1 Example KPI Overview

KPI Overview

The overview provides a ready summary of the current status of the KPIs within each category. If you have Full access level permission, you can configure these categories to reflect your organization's specific requirements, with each category containing relevant performance indicators. For example, you could have separate categories for such things as availability issues, performance, visitor traffic, and other specific aspects of your organization's operations.

You can also click New KPI within the toolbar to create additional KPIs. The procedure for creating KPIs is described in Defining KPIs and SLAs.

Using the Search Categories field:

  • The user can search for specific KPI categories by this toolbar.

  • The search supports the Wildcard(*) characters. This wildcard stands for 0 or more characters.

  • If you leave the textbox empty then all KPI categories are displayed.

  • Press enter key or Search button to perform the searching.

6.1.1 Viewing KPI Overviews

To see the defined categories, select the KPI Overview tab, and then Overview. The Overview category is a special viewing category that provides the highest level view of your authorized KPIs. It provides both an instant summary of all the other KPI categories, and access to their individual KPIs by drilling-down through the displayed information.

To view a specific KPI category, click the required category. Alternatively, right click it, and select either Open or Open in a new window from the context menu. This last option is especially useful for viewing the graphs in a full-screen display, or for viewing several KPI categories at the same time through resized and aligned windows.

6.1.2 Presentation Style

Two types of KPI overview presentation are available namely meter and graphs. Figure 6-1 is an example of a meter overview. This style provides an analog meter view of the selected KPIs. For a more detailed representation, with information about the KPI over the last 90 minutes, a graph style is available. An example is shown in Figure 6-2.

Figure 6-2 Example Graphic Overview

In this presentation, the vertical axis is automatically scaled to an appropriate range in order to provide optimal viewing. To select your preferred presentation style, select the Presentation style option from the KPI overview menu, and the preferred style.

6.1.3 Zooming In and Out

Within the graph presentation style, you can zoom in and out to view the displayed graphs over shorter or longer periods of time. Depending on the historical information that is available, you can zoom out to hourly and daily levels. The graph style automatically changes from a bar chart to a line chart. An example is shown in Figure 6-3.

Figure 6-3 Zooming in on a KPI

Description of Figure 6-3 follows
Description of "Figure 6-3 Zooming in on a KPI"

6.1.4 KPIs and Targets

You can select the Include KPIs without targets option from the KPI overview menu to include or exclude KPIs without defined targets from the currently displayed category. Any targets that have been set for a KPI are shown in the graph presentation, with the minimum target running from the 0-reference line up to the set minimum target, and the maximum target running from the top of the KPI graph down to the set maximum target. An example is shown in Figure 6-3.

In addition, the following color scheme is used within graphs to provide information about targets:

  • Blue: the KPI does not have any set targets.

  • Green: the KPI was within a set target for the currently selected period.

  • Red: the KPI was outside its set target for the currently selected period.

An example is shown in Figure 6-4.

Figure 6-4 Color Coding in Graphs

Description of Figure 6-4 follows
Description of "Figure 6-4 Color Coding in Graphs"

6.1.5 Working with Incomplete Data

Data gathered during monitoring is first written to log files stored on the Collector system. These files are then processed by the Reporter system to track KPIs. If, for any reason, one or more of these log files arrive too late for the Reporter system to process, the KPI overview indicates that the KPI is based on incomplete data. An example is shown in Figure 6-5.

Figure 6-5 KPI Based on Incomplete Data

Description of Figure 6-5 follows
Description of "Figure 6-5 KPI Based on Incomplete Data"

The periods that are based on incomplete data are indicated with a dotted border. In addition, mouse over text provides information about the level of missing data.

6.1.6 Drilling-Down Through Overviews

An overview is a summary of the KPIs within a category, and within each overview, you can drill-down into further information about the underlying KPIs by right clicking the KPI title and using the menu shown in Figure 6-6.

Figure 6-6 Drilling-down in Overviews

The options shown in Table 6-1 are available.

Table 6-1 KPI Context Menu Options

Option Description


Allows you to compare the behavior of the selected KPI over a given period with other KPIs and performance metrics. This is explained in Comparing KPI Behavior.


Allows you to modify the definition of the KPI. The settings are explained in Defining KPIs and SLAs.


Allows you to view the definition of the KPI. You cannot modify KPI definitions by this option.


Allows you to rename or move the selected KPI to another category.


Allows you to copy the selected KPI. This is useful when you want to use an existing KPI as the basis for a new one. See Copying Existing KPIs for more information.

Add to dashboard

Adds the currently selected KPI to a specified dashboard. This facility is described in Working With Dashboards.

View alert history

Opens a window highlighting the alerts that have been generated for the selected KPI. This is explained in Working with Alert Logs.

6.1.7 Working with Alert Logs

Click the required KPI, or select View alert history option from the menu, to open a window detailing the alert notifications that have been generated for the KPI. An example is shown in Figure 6-7.

Figure 6-7 Example Alert Log

Information about specific alerts is available by clicking the appropriate alert. This provides information such as the persons notified in the alert and notification methods. It is based on the underlying alert profile, described in Defining Alert Schedules.

6.2 Comparing KPI Behavior

The KPI correlation facility allows you to compare the behavior of a selected KPI over a given period with other KPIs and performance metrics during that same period. In this way, you can gain insight into performance issues, identify any related symptoms, and their possible causes. The specific KPIs included in the comparison depend on the access type definitions of the currently defined KPIs, and the applications, suites, and services which you are authorized to view as part of your user profile.

To use this facility, select a KPI from the Correlation structure, or select a KPI from the Overview structure and select Correlate from the context menu shown in Figure 6-6. A screen similar to the one shown in Figure 6-8 appears.

Figure 6-8 KPI Correlation

Use the Backward and Forward controls to change the displayed history, and then the graph overlay controls to specify the required period. This can range between 1 to 6 hours. Click Apply range to view the matched metrics.

The KPIs tab lists all currently defined KPIs whose behavior for the specified period matches that of the selected KPI. The other tabs (such as All pages and Slow URLs) list the metrics within their associated Data Browser groups that match the KPI's behavior for the selected period. The availability of these tabs depends on the selected KPI, and the installed suite packages. If the KPI's underlying metric is available in a Data Browser group (for example, Failed pages), than that group is available as a tab in the KPI correlation panel.

The period you specify is preserved when you select a new KPI. To specify a new period, click Reset period selection, use the time selection controls described above to specify the new required period, and click a tab to view the matches found.

As explained in Working with Incomplete Data, reported periods that are based on incomplete data are shown with a dotted border. However, unlike KPI overviews, mouse over text indicating the level of missing data is not available.

Drilling-Down Into Found Matches

As explained earlier, matches found for the selected KPI are reported in the appropriate Data Browser group tabs. Each match found must have a correlation of at least 90% for it to be reported. An example is shown in Figure 6-9.

Figure 6-9 Example All Pages Listing

You can click the Browse icon to the right of the matched metric to open the Data Browser (described in Working With the Data Browser) to explore the underlying data. If no correlations are found for a metric, this is also reported.

6.3 Working With Alert Lists

You can select KPI overview and then Alerts to view a complete list of all the alerts generated when KPIs moved outside their required ranges. For example, the number of visitors to your Home page fell to less than 100 per hour. An example is shown in Figure 6-10.

Figure 6-10 Example Alert List

The icons shown in the left-hand side of alert list are explained in Figure 6-11.

Figure 6-11 Alert List Icons

6.3.1 Filtering Alerts

You can use the controls above the alerts list to limit the displayed list. You can filter on a specific KPI, month, day, or hour. This is shown in Figure 6-12.

Note the list of metrics available in the KPI menu depends on the metrics specified for the KPIs for which alerts have been generated.

6.3.2 Viewing Alerts

You can click an alert in the displayed list to view its details. An example is shown in Figure 6-13.

This shows that the alert concerns the number of failed page views. The KPI has a range of 0 - 10 page views per minute, but this has reached 14.20. The Text message, SNMP, and E-mail tabs list the users who were notified and the contact information used. Following notification, the appropriate staff members can start to research possible causes for the drop in client traffic.

You can click the Analyze tab to view more information about the KPI associated with the selected KPI. An example is shown in Figure 6-14.

Figure 6-14 Alert Analyze Tab

Description of Figure 6-14 follows
Description of "Figure 6-14 Alert Analyze Tab"

Use the Go command button to compare the behavior of the alert's associated KPI with other KPIs and performance metrics. The use of this facility is explained in Comparing KPI Behavior. Use the Data browser menu to open the Data browser the KPI's filters pre-selected within the selected group.