Upgrading to Oracle Exalytics Release 2.2

To upgrade to Oracle Exalytics Release 2.2 from Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1, perform the following steps:

Step 1: Run the Oracle Exalytics Base Image Release 2.2 Upgrade Script

Run the upgrade script to upgrade Oracle Exalytics base image to


If you are upgrading to Oracle Exalytics Release 2.2 from Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 (Base Image, the script installs new rpms without affecting your existing installation.

Before the upgrade, ensure that all yum channels are disabled, and the /etc/yum.conf file does not cause restriction on updates.

To check if all yum channels are disabled, run the command # yum repolist, and see if the output of the yum repository lists repolist:0.

To run the Oracle Exalytics Base Image Upgrade Script:

  1. Stop and backup all Oracle Business Intelligence, Oracle TimesTen, and (if installed) Enterprise Performance Management services.

    For information on stopping Oracle Business Intelligence services, see "Starting and Stopping Oracle Business Intelligence" in System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

    For information on starting and stopping Oracle TimesTen services, see "Working with the TimesTen Data Manager Daemon" in .

    For more information on starting and stopping Enterprise Performance Management services, see "Chapter 12, Starting and Stopping EPM System Products" in Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide at the following locations:

    Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide Release at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E40248_01/epm.1112/epm_install.pdf.

    Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide Release at http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E57185_01/EPMIS/toc.htm.

  2. Navigate to My Oracle Support and download the required patch number:

    Patchset Upgrade Utility for Exalytics Base Image for Linux x86-64: Patch number 26419001. The patch contains the p26419001_20002_Linux-x86-64_el6.zip file.

  3. Unzip the patch file into a temporary (/tmp) directory.

  4. Navigate to the temporary directory.

    The zipped file contains the nodeupdate.sh located in the directory with the patch ID for upgrade and the bug number for compute node (For the release it is /tmp/26419001/26419001/).

  5. To validate the patch for the Exalytics Machine, enter the following command:

    # ./nodeupdate.sh -v

  6. To apply the patch and upgrade the Oracle Exalytics base image, enter the following command:

    # ./nodeupdate.sh -a

    After the patch is successfully applied, restart the Exalytics Machine using Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM).

  7. Optional: View the log files at /var/log/exalytics/update- and /var/log/exalytics/exalytics.log.

  8. Restart the Oracle Business Intelligence, Oracle TimesTen, and Enterprise Performance Management services.

  9. To confirm the base image, enter the following command as a root user:

    # /opt/exalytics/bin/exalytics_imageinfo

    The output looks similar to the following:

    Image version :
    Creation timestamp : Wed 10 Jan 2018 04:53:35 PM EST
    Kernel version : 4.1.12-94.5.9.el6uek.x86_64
    RPM versions:


    Even though the build numbers may be different than the ones listed above, ensure that the updated kernel version is the same as the one displayed above.

Step 2: (Optional) Configure ASR

To configure ASR:

Step 3: (Optional) Configure Exalytics Host for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Discovery

To configure Exalytics Host for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Discovery:

  • If you installed Oracle Exalytics Release 2.2 on a new machine with Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (EMCC) deployed, then perform the following steps to configure EMCC to identify the Exalytics host.

    1. Confirm that a SP System Identifier is set for the Exalytics Machine by performing the following steps:

      • Log on to Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM).

      • Expand System Information.

      • Select Summary.

      Confirm that a SP System Identifier is displayed.

    2. Log on to ILOM and in the left pane of the ILOM, expand ILOM Administration, then select Identification. Ensure that the SP System Identifier value is populated with a unique value, such as "Oracle Exalytics AK00026925".

    3. Log on to the Exalytics Machine.

    4. Execute the command chmod +x exalytics_configure_for_emcc.sh to grant execute permissions.

    5. Execute the following command as a root user to create the file:


    6. Review the output and ensure that the contents of the /var/exalytics/info/em-context.info file correctly displays the system identifier for the Oracle Exalytics machine. The system identifier should be identical to the system identifier you saw in Step (b) of this procedure.

  • If you upgraded to Oracle Exalytics Release 2.2 from Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 with Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (EMCC) deployed, then complete the following step to verify that EMCC identifies the Exalytics host:

    • Review the contents of the /var/exalytics/info/em-context.info file and ensure that it correctly displays the system identifier for the Oracle Exalytics machine.

      The system identifier should be identical to the system identifier displayed in the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) in Step (a) above.