1 Get Started with Upgrade

You can upgrade the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

This guide explains the prerequisites necessary to upgrade to Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c Release 4 (


If you use Ops Center to monitor Oracle SuperCluster, do not upgrade to Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c Release 3 ( or later. Oracle SuperCluster is supported only by a subset of Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center versions. Refer the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Certified Systems Matrix to verify if Oracle SuperCluster platform is supported by Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center version that you use.

This chapter includes the following sections:

1.1 Versions Supported for Upgrade

Before planning your upgrade, you may need to perform multiple upgrades to reach the latest version.

Read this section carefully before planning your upgrade. This section details the supported upgrade paths.

The following topics are covered:

1.1.1 Upgrading From Version 12.3

Use the following upgrade path when you are upgrading from Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12.3.0 to later versions.

If you are currently using version 12.3.0 or 12.3.1, you can upgrade directly to version 12.3.2.

Figure 1-1 Supported Upgrade Paths From Version 12.3

This diagram shows the supported upgrade paths from version 12.3

Note that when upgrading from Ops Center 12.3.3 to 12.4, the operating system can only be upgraded after upgrading Ops Center, as shown in the following diagrams:

Figure 1-2 Upgrading the Solaris OS with 12.3.3

When upgrading Ops Center 12.3.3 to 12.4, Ops Center must be upgraded before the OS can be upgraded to S11.4.

Figure 1-3 Upgrading the Solaris OS with 12.3.3 + JIDR1

When upgrading Ops Center 12.3.3 + JIDR1 to 12.4, Ops Center must be upgraded before the OS can be upgraded to S11.4.

1.1.2 Upgrading From Version 12.2

Use the following upgrade path when you are upgrading from Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12.2 to later versions.

If you are currently using version 12.2.0, 12.2.1, or 12.2.2, you can upgrade to version 12.3.0, and finally upgrade to the latest version.

Figure 1-4 Supported Upgrade Paths From Version 12.2

This diagram shows the supported upgrade paths from version 12.2

1.1.3 Upgrading From Version 12.1

Use the following upgrade path when you are upgrading from Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12.1 to later versions.

If you are currently using Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center version 12.1, you can upgrade to version 12.1.3 or 12.1.4, then upgrade to version 12.2.0, then upgrade to version 12.3.0, and finally upgrade to the latest version.

Figure 1-5 Supported Upgrade Paths From Version 12.1

This diagram shows the supported upgrade paths from version 12.1

You must upgrade in this order:

  1. If you are using version 12.1.0, 12.1.1, or 12.1.2, upgrade to version as described in Related Resources for Upgrade.

  2. Upgrade to version as described in this guide.

  3. Upgrade to version as described in this guide.

  4. Upgrade to version as described in this guide.

1.1.4 Upgrading From Version 11g

Use the following upgrade path when you are upgrading from Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 11g to later versions.

If you are currently using Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 11g, you can upgrade to version 12.1.1, then upgrade to version 12.1.4, then upgrade to version 12.2.0, then upgrade to 12.3.0, and finally upgrade to the latest version.

Figure 1-6 Supported Upgrade Paths From Version 11g

This image shows the supported upgrade paths from version 11g

You must upgrade in this order:

  1. Upgrade to version as described in Related Resources for Upgrade.

  2. Upgrade to version as described in Related Resources for Upgrade.

  3. Upgrade to version as described in this guide.

  4. Upgrade to version as described in this guide.

  5. Upgrade to version as described in this guide.

1.2 Planning the Upgrade

Upgrading to a newer version of Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center can change the system requirements and affect existing settings and data.

Take the following steps to plan your upgrade:

  • Review the pre-installation requirements and known issues. See Related Resources for Upgrade for more information on the pre-installation requirements and known issues.

  • Verify that your system meets the operating system requirements. See Related Resources for Upgrade for more information on verifying the operating system requirements.

  • Verify that your system meets the system requirements, since some system requirements have changed. See Related Resources for Upgrade for more information on verifying the system requirements.

    You can use the OCDoctor to check system requirements and identify and address some known issues. See Related Resources for Upgrade for more information on using OCDoctor.

  • Check if there are any traces from previous Enterprise Controller installation or upgrade procedure. Remove the /tmp/CVU_12. directory and /tmp/CVU_11. directory before installing or upgrading the Enterprise Controller.

  • If you made changes to the .uce.rc file, the upgrade erases your changes. Copy your changes to the .uce.rc file before beginning the upgrade.

  • If you replaced the self-signed web server certificate for the Enterprise Controller, the upgrade erases your web server configuration changes, and might erase the certificate. See Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Security for information on replacing the self-signed web server certificate. Copy the certificate to a secure temporary location before beginning the upgrade. After the upgrade, reapply your configuration changes and copy the certificate to its original location.

  • If your Enterprise Controller is installed on Oracle Solaris 11, your Oracle Solaris 11 publisher must point to an Oracle Solaris 11 repository that contains the specific version of Oracle Solaris 11 installed on the Enterprise Controller before you begin the upgrade. If not, the upgrade process does not proceed.

  • While installing or upgrading Enterprise Controllers with a colocated Oracle 12c database, set either the zfs_arc_max parameter value or the user_reserve_hint_pct parameter value in the /etc/system file or a configuration file located in the /etc/system.d directory for Oracle Solaris 11.x platforms. You can use the OC Doctor to calculate the parameter value. Once the parameter value is set, restart the system for the configuration to take effect.

    At the beginning of the installation or upgrade of an Enterprise Controller, if the parameter value is not set, then the install or the upgrade wizard provides information on the parameter value to be set and how to set the parameter value.

  • If you are upgrading to version or, and are using the embedded database, you must download installation bundles for Oracle Database version, as the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center upgrade also upgrades the embedded database. The download procedure is described in the Before You Begin section in each upgrade chapter.


    Due to improvements to vServer management, Oracle VM Server for SPARC vServer templates from version or earlier will not function in version or later and must be recreated. In addition, a user with the Cloud Administrator role must configure at least one vNet as a boot network before creating any new vServers.

  • If you are upgrading to version or later, and are using the embedded database, you must download installation bundles for Oracle Database version, as the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center upgrade also upgrades the embedded database. The download procedure is described in the Before You Begin section in each upgrade chapter.

  • Any Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center IDRs that are installed prior to upgrading are automatically removed during the upgrade. If the upgrade fails and a rollback takes place, these IDRs must be manually re-installed. When the upgrade is successful, these IDRs will no longer be needed and no further action is required. The Ops Center IDRs uninstalled are listed in the upgrade log.

  • Do not upgrade the Java version on Oracle Solaris 10 Control Domains or Logical Domains that have LDOM Manager version 3.2 or earlier installed. If you have upgraded the Java on these systems to version 1.6.0_101 or higher, downgrade to Java 1.6.0_95.

1.3 Upgrading Your Environment

There are several upgrade procedures available for a variety of environments.

Several factors will determine the procedure that is most appropriate for your environment. Table 1-1 shows the relevant chapter for you based on your environment and your preferences for the upgrade. Each chapter is a complete upgrade procedure.

Environments with a single Enterprise Controller use a separate procedure from environments with Enterprise Controller High Availability.

You can perform upgrades through the user interface or from the command line.

Table 1-1 Upgrading Your Environment

Enterprise Controller High Availability? User Interface or Command Line? Chapter


User Interface

Chapter 2, Upgrading an HA Environment Using the User Interface


Command Line

Chapter 3, Upgrading an HA Environment Using the Command Line


User Interface

Chapter 4, Upgrading a Single EC Environment Using the User Interface


Command Line

Chapter 5, Upgrading a Single EC Environment Using the Command Line

1.4 Related Resources for Upgrade

You can view the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center documents for additional information.

For more information, see these Oracle resources: