Configuring FTP Adapter Trigger Configure File Read Properties

Enter the FTP Adapter trigger file read parameters.

What You Can Do from the FTP Adapter Configure File Read Page

You can configure the following parameters on the invoke FTP Adapter Configure File Read page.

  • Select the transfer mode for the files (ASCII or binary).
  • Specify the directory path from which to transfer (read) files.
  • Select the pattern name for files to transfer.
  • Specify the maximum number of files to transfer.
  • Specify the chunk size.
  • Specify the processing delay.
  • Optionally select to delete the file from the directory from which it was read after the transfer is successful.

What You See on the FTP Adapter Configure File Read Page

The following table describes the key information on the FTP Adapter Configure File Read page.

Element Description

Select a Transfer Mode

Select the transfer mode:

  • ASCII: Transfers special control characters to format the data.

  • Binary: Transfers raw bytes of the file data.

Specify an Input Directory

Specify the directory path from which to read the files to transfer (for example, /Oracle/input/file/).

Specify a File Name Pattern

Specify the pattern of file names to transfer from the input directory. Use the pattern inside %%. For example, Oracle%SEQ%ICS.txt creates files in sequence, such as Oracle1ICS.txt, Oracle2ICS.txt, and so on. For a list of supported file patterns, click the information icon.

Maximum Files

Specify the maximum number of files to be processed in one scheduled call. If the schedule is every hour, then every hour the maximum number of files must be processed. For information about scheduling, see Scheduling Integration Runs.

Chunk Size

Enter the portion of the file to transfer in MBs. This action enables you to break up the transfer of very large files into smaller (chunked) portions.

Processing Delay

Specify the delay in seconds. After a file is created, the value specified indicates how long to wait to process the file. For example, if a file is created at 11:02:30 and a processing delay of 60 seconds is provided, the file is not picked up until 11:03:30 for processing.

If you specify a processing delay value of greater than zero, select your FTP server time zone from the FTP Server Time Zone dropdown list in the Connection Properties dialog. This is because the server checks the difference in the time stamp of the file. If you do not select a time zone, the default value is that of the Oracle Integration Cloud Service server. This can delay the processing of files for up to 12 hours. For more information, see Configuring Connection Properties.

Delete Files After Successful Retrieval

Select to delete the file from the directory from which it was read after the transfer is successful. If the transfer is initially unsuccessful and the transfer is resubmitted, the source file is deleted after the resubmitted transfer is successful.