Configuring REST Adapter Response Properties

Enter the REST Adapter response payload details for the endpoint.

What You Can Do from the REST Adapter Response Page

You can configure the following response payload details on the trigger or invoke REST Adapter Response page.

  • Specify the schema or JSON sample response payload file location.
  • Select the type of payload for the endpoint to receive.

What You See on the REST Adapter Response Page

The following table describes the key information on the REST Adapter Response page.

Element Description

Select the request payload file

Select the type of response payload file to use. The response payload body must be defined by the XSD element that defines the structure of this representation.
  • XML Schema

  • JSON Sample (Creates a sample JSON file.)

Schema Location

Click Browse to select the response schema file to use.


Select the element that defines the payload structure. This field is not displayed until you import the response payload file. Once you browse for and select the schema file, it displays a combination box that selects the root element by default.

Select the type of payload you want the endpoint to receive

Select the payload type you want the endpoint to receive.
  • None: Select if no payload type is required.

  • XML: Displays the payload in XML format.

  • JSON: Displays the payload in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.

  • URL-encoded: Displays the payload in URL-encoded format.

  • Other Media Type: Select to display the payload in another format (for example, application/ You can only specify media types that end with +json or +xml. The following media types are supported implicitly and cannot be configured. At runtime, the request media type is in the form of an http Content-Type header. The expected response media type is specified through an Accept header. Any service can be accessed through either of these media types.
    • Application/XML

    • Application/JSON