Viewing and Editing Agent Groups

You can view details about agent groups and their associated on-premises agents and edit the agent group name.

To view agent group details.
  1. In the Integration Cloud Service toolbar, click Designer.
    Description of GUID-7557A237-0437-4506-B9B6-62B88DC0C8D7-default.png follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-7557A237-0437-4506-B9B6-62B88DC0C8D7-default.png

  2. On the Designer Portal, click Agents.

  3. Click the number above the Number of Agents label to show the associated on-premises agent.
    Description of GUID-CA56DDEA-B243-4A84-A0D1-89ACEB01483D-default.png follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-CA56DDEA-B243-4A84-A0D1-89ACEB01483D-default.png

  4. Click Done when complete.

  5. If you want to edit the agent group name, click the menu icon at the far right.

  6. Select Edit.

  7. Update the name, then click OK. Changing the agent group name does not impact the association with the on-premises agent.