Before You Begin Setting Up Oracle Integration Cloud Service

During Oracle Public Cloud Machine installation, Oracle engineers work with you to set up and create a database instance for Oracle Cloud Machine. To provision Oracle Integration Cloud Service, an additional schema must be provisioned in the same database.

Installing an External Database

The external database that is required for Oracle Public Cloud Machine is also used as the database for Oracle Integration Cloud Service (as described in the Customer Deployment Guide). The Oracle Public Cloud Machine installation process includes configuring the cloud infrastructure and PaaS services.

For Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance user provisioning, you must create the required schema and tablespace in the database. This database information is needed when you create a new Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance.

Creating the Database Schema and Tablespace

After the Oracle Public Cloud Machine Configuration Utility (ECU) has been executed, you must create the schema and tablespace in the external database.
  1. In SQL*Plus, connect to the database AS SYSDBA:
  2. Create the schema and tablespace in the Oracle database using the following commands. For this example, ics_pod is the user created. Enter values appropriate to your environment.
    create bigfile tablespace ics_pod datafile 'ics_pod.dbf' size 10G;
    create user ics_pod identified by password default tablespace ics_pod;


    The database schema password must be of minimum of 10 characters, and can contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores (_).