Configuring SOAP Adapter Trigger Operation Properties

Enter the port type and operation for the SOAP Adapter.

What You Can Do from the Oracle SOAP Adapter Trigger Operations Page

You can configure the following trigger operations for the Oracle SOAP Adapter. If your WSDL includes only a single service, port type, and operation, they are automatically selected. If the WSDL includes multiple services and port types, then select the ones to use in your integration.

  • Select the port type
  • Select the operation
Based on the selected values, other objects such as the request object, response object, and fault object may also be automatically displayed.

What You See on the Oracle SOAP Adapter Trigger Operations Page

The following table describes the key information on the Oracle SOAP Adapter trigger Operations page.

Element Description

Select the Port Type

Select the port type (if your WSDL includes multiple port types).

Select the Operation

Select the operation (if your WSDL includes multiple operations).