Managing vNET Reservations

A vNET Reservation enables the user to reserve an IP address for an instance.

add vnetreservation

This command enables you to add a new vNET Reservation.


oracle-compute add vnetreservation name vnet [--ip]

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
name A unique hierarchical name for vNET Reservation . For example, /mytenant/public/myvnetreservation

Object names can contain only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and periods. Object names are case-sensitive.

vnet vNET name from where the IP address will be reserved
--ip (Optional) IP address allocated for this IP entry. By default, a random IP address will be taken from the vNET IP range. If an IP address is specified, then the API will attempt to allocate the specified address from the vNET pool.


$ oracle-compute add vnetreservation /mytenant/public/res1 /mytenant/public/IPoIB --ip

delete vnetreservation

This command enables you to delete a specific vNET Reservation


oracle-compute delete vnetreservation name

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
name Unique hierarchical name for the vNET Reservation. For example, /mytenant/public/myvnetreservation


$ oracle-compute delete vnetreservation /mytenant/public/res1

Retrieve vNET Reservation Details

You can retrieve vNET Reservation details by using the CLI.

discover vnetreservation

This command enables you to discover all the vNET Reservations listed in a specific container or subcontainer.


oracle-compute discover vnetreservation container

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
container Hierarchical name-space for vNET Reservation.


$ oracle-compute discover vnetreservation /mytenant/public/

Sample Output

$ oracle-compute discover vnetreservation /mytenant/public/


get vnetreservation

This command enables you to retrieve information for a specific vNET Reservation.


oracle-compute get vnetreservation name

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
name A unique hierarchical name for vNET Reservation. For example, /mytenant/public/myreservation


$ oracle-compute get vnetreservation /mytenant/public/myreserve

Sample Output

$ oracle-compute get vnetreservation /mytenant/public/myreserve -Fname,vnet,ip,used
name                          vnet                       ip              used
/mytenant/public/myreserve  /mytenant/public/vnet_1  False

list vnetreservation

This command enables you to retrieve information for all the vNET Reservations in a specific container.


oracle-compute list vnetreservation name [--ip] [--quota]

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
name A unique hierarchical name for vNET Reservation . For example, /mytenant/public/myvnetreservation
--ip (Optional) IP address allocated for the reservation
--quota (Optional) The quota against which this reservation is created


$ oracle-compute list vnetreservation /mytenant/public

Sample Output

$ oracle-compute list  vnetreservation /mytenant/public -Fname,vnet,ip,used
name                               vnet                   ip           used
/mytenant/public/myreserve       /mytenant/public/vnet_ False
/mytenant/public/mysecondreserve /mytenant/public/vnet_ False$