Viewing vNET Access

Virtual network access (vNET Access) allows sharing of vNETs between tenants. View the vNET Access objects in your own tenancy to determine what vNETs you have permission to use when configuring virtual machines. Tenant users and administrators can fetch the vNET Access information to determine the vNETs that they can use.

discover vnetaccess

This command enables you to discover a list of vNET Access entities configured in a specific container.


oracle-compute discover vnetaccess container

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
container Hierarchical name-space for vNET Access


$ oracle-compute discover vnetaccess /mytenant/public

Sample Output

$ oracle-compute discover vnetaccess /mytenant/public

get vnetaccess

This command enables you to retrieve information for a specific vNET access entity.


oracle-compute get vnetaccess name

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
name Unique hierarchical name for the virtual network access. For example, /cloud/public/myvnetworkaccess


$ oracle-compute get vnetaccess /mytenant/public/EoIB-OMS-c2

Sample Output

uri                                                name                         vnet                       provider
https://api/vnetaccess/mytenant/public/EoIB-OMS   /mytenant/public/EoIB-OMS-c2  /cloud/public/EoIB-OMS-c2  False

list vnetaccess

This command enables you list information for all the vNet Access entities in a container.


oracle-compute list vnetaccess container [--vnet]

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
container Hierarchical name-space for vNET Access
--vnet (Optional) Name of the associated virtual network


$ oracle-compute list vnetaccess /mytenant/public

Sample Output

 $ oracle-compute list vnetaccess /mytenant/public -F name,vnet,provider
name                                        vnet                                      provider
/mytenant/public/EoIB-OMS-c2                /cloud/public/EoIB-OMS-c2                 False
/mytenant/public/EoIB-management-c2         /cloud/public/EoIB-management-c2          True
/mytenant/public/IPoIB-instance-storage-c2  /cloud/public/IPoIB-instance-storage-c2   False
/mytenant/public/IPoIB-load-balancer-c2     /cloud/public/IPoIB-load-balancer-c2      False
/mytenant/public/IPoIB-management-c2        /cloud/public/IPoIB-management-c2         False
/mytenant/public/IPoIB-service-manager-c2   /cloud/public/IPoIB-service-manager-c2    True
/mytenant/public/IPoIB-virt-admin-c2        /oracle/public/IPoIB-virt-admin-c2        True