Viewing Service Networks

Service networks (servicenets) are created in the system to provide shared services across multiple tenants. The shared services include access to storage, networks, and other engineered systems. An example of an external service provider is an Oracle ZFS storage appliance that provides storage shared across tenants. A dedicated InfiniBand partition is allocated for a servicenet, and no two servicenets share the partition.
The networks can be of type EoIB or IPoIB. The Oracle Cloud Administrator creates and manages these servicenets. In order to view a service network, a tenant must be granted access to the servicenet's underlying vNet by the Oracle Cloud Administrator. This is done with the use of vNet access.
  • IPoIB Service Networks: The IPoIB servicenet is used for communication between service consumers and service providers. The servicenet is constructed over InfiniBand inside the system, between engineered Systems, or external ZFS appliance interconnected using InfiniBand.

  • EoIB Service Networks: The EoIB servicenet is used for communication with a service provider or service consumer located outside the system over Ethernet through NM2 Gateways.

discover servicenet

This command enables you to discover a list of service networks defined within a container.


oracle-compute discover servicenet container

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
container Hierarchical name-space for service networks


$ oracle-compute discover servicenet /oracle/public

Sample Output

$ oracle-compute discover servicenet /oracle/public

get servicenet

This command enables you to retrieve information for a specific service network.


oracle-compute get servicenet name

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
name Name of the service network. For example, /oracle/public/mysvcnet


$ oracle-compute get servicenet /cloud/public/IPoIB-default

Sample Output

$ oracle-compute get servicenet /cloud/public/IPoIB-default -F name,pkey,type,description
name                         pkey     type    description
/cloud/public/IPoIB-default  0x7fff   ipoib   Infrastructure service network: cloud/public/IPoIB-default

list servicenet

This command enables you to retrieve information for all the service networks within a specific container.


oracle-compute list servicenet container

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
container Hierarchical name-space for service networks


$ oracle-compute list servicenet /

Sample Output

$ oracle-compute list servicenet / -F name,pkey,type,description
name                                         pkey        type       description
/cloud/public/IPoIB-default                  0x7fff      ipoib      Infrastructure service network: cloud/public/IPoIB-default
/oracle/public/IPoIB-virt-admin              0x1402      ipoib      Infrastructure service network: oracle/public/IPoIB-virt-admin
/cloud/public/IPoIB-ldap-internal            0x1405      ipoib      IPoIB-ldap-internal
/cloud/public/IPoIB-service-manager          0x1404      ipoib      IPoIB-service
/cloud/public/IPoIB-management               0x1ffe      ipoib      Infrastructure service network: cloud/public/IPoIB-management
/cloud/public/IPoIB-instance-storage         0x1401      ipoib      Infrastructure service network: cloud/public/IPoIB-instance-storage
/cloud/public/IPoIB-load-balancer            0x140b      ipoib      IPoIB-load-balancer
/cloud/public/EoIB-vlan3072                  0x1416      eoib
/cloud/public/IPoIB-storage                  0x1400      ipoib      Infrastructure service network: cloud/public/IPoIB-storage
/cloud/public/EoIB-management                0x1403      eoib       Infrastructure service network: cloud/public/EoIB-management
/cloud/public/EoIB-OMS                       0x1406      eoib       EoIB-OMS