Managing vEthernet

A virtual Ethernet (vEthernet) is an IaaS object representing an OSI Layer 2 network, defined by a VLAN ID, switch pair name and e-port. vEthernets serve the purpose to isolate networks for instances run by different departments or business units (tenants).

add vethernet

This command enables you to add a virtual Ethernet to the network.


You can only add IPoIB vEthernets. To add EoIB vEthernet, contact your Oracle Cloud Administrator.


oracle-compute add vethernet name description type id [--switchports] [--svcnet]

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
name A unique hierarchical name for vEthernet. For example, /mytenant/public/EoIB.

Object names can contain only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and periods. Object names are case-sensitive.

description A description for a vEthernet.
type Type of vEthernet (supported types: vlan, eoib, ipoib).


Tenant User can only add vEthernet type ipoib.
id Unique identifier for this vEthernet (VLAN ID for eoib/vlan type). Set this parameter to 0 for vEthernet type ipoib.
--switchports (Optional) Dictionary containing two switch names as keys each mapped to a list containing a single eport (HA pairs). For example, {"switchname1":["eport1"],"switchname2":["eport1"]}.

This field is only applicable for type eoib.

--svcnet (Optional) Service network to use for this vEthernet


$ oracle-compute -u /mytenant/user1 add vethernet /mytenant/public/testnet1 "My Tenant Private Net 1" ipoib 0 
uri                                             name                     description              type  id  switchports svcnet  
https://api/vethernet/mytenant/public/testnet1  /mytenant/public/testnet1 My Tenant Private Net 1  ipoib 0   None        None

delete vethernet

This command enables you to delete a virtual Ethernet.


You can only delete IPoIB vEthernets.


oracle-compute delete vethernet name

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
name A unique hierarchical name for the vEthernet. For example, /mytenant/public/myvethernet.


$ oracle-compute delete vethernet /mytenant/public/myvethernet

update vethernet

This command enables you to update information for a specific virtual Ethernet.


You can only update IPoIB vEthernets.


oracle-compute update vethernet name [--description]

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
name Unique hierarchical name for the vEthernet. For example, /mytenant/public/myvethernet.
--description (Optional)A description for a vEthernet


$ oracle-compute update vethernet /mytenant/public/myvEthernet --description "Private Tenant Network"

Sample Output

$ oracle-compute update vethernet /mytenant/public/myvEthernet --description "Private Tenant Network" -Fname,description
name                                description
/demo/public/Private-Tenant-Network Private Tenant Network

Retrieve vEthernet Details

You can retrieve vEthernet details by using the CLI.

discover vethernet

This command enables you to discover virtual Ethernets configured in a specific container.


oracle-compute discover vethernet container

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
container Hierarchical name-space for vEthernets


$ oracle-compute discover vethernet /oracle/public

Sample Output

$ oracle-compute discover vethernet /oracle/public

get vethernet

This command enables you to retrieve information for a specific virtual Ethernet.


oracle-compute get vethernet name

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
name Name of the vEthernet


$ oracle-compute get vethernet /mytenant/public/veth-ipoib

Sample Output

 $ oracle-compute get vethernet /mytenant/public/veth-ipoib -Fname,description,type,svcnet
name                                description         type          svcnet
/mytenant/public/veth-ipoib         description         ipoib         None

list vethernet

This command enables you to retrieve information for the configured virtual Ethernet in a specific container or subcontainer.


oracle-compute list vethernet container [--type]

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
container Hierarchical name-space for the virtual Ethernet.
--type (Optional) Type of vEthernet.


Output of this command is filtered based on the values provided for this parameter.


$ oracle-compute list vethernet /oracle/public

Sample Output

 $  oracle-compute list vethernet /oracle/public -F name,description,svcnet,type,id
name                                type   id  svcnet
/oracle/public/IPoIB-virt-admin-c2  ipoib  0   oracle/public/IPoIB-virt-admin-c2
/oracle/public/default              vlan   0   None