ファイル・インポート・エージェントは、Oracle JDKバージョン8u251またはこのアプリケーションのインストール時に使用可能な最新バージョンを必要とするJavaアプリケーションです。ファイル・インポート・エージェントは、Windows、Linux、およびMacに対応しています(Oracle JDK 8およびJRE 8の動作保証済システム構成を参照してください)。
ファイル・インポート・エージェントは、Oracle Content Managementと対話して、インポート・ジョブ構成を取得し、ファイルをアップロードします。そのために、RESTful Webサービスを起動します。APIはOAuthによって保護されるため、ファイル・インポート・エージェントにはOAuthトークンが必要です。IDCSアプリケーションを使用すると、ファイル・インポート・エージェントがこれらのトークンを生成できます。
キャプチャ・コマンドライン・ユーティリティが、Oracle Content Managementインスタンスに関してどのようなインポート・ジョブが構成されているかを認識し、ファイルをこのインスタンスにアップロードできるように、Oracle Content Managementインスタンスをこのユーティリティに登録する必要があります。
Oracle Content Managementを登録し、インポート・ジョブを構成した後は、フォルダからのファイル・インポートを構成するか、リスト・ファイル・インポートを構成します。
コマンドライン・ユーティリティを使用すると、ドキュメントをOracle Content Managementリポジトリにインポートできるようにファイル・インポート・エージェントを構成できます。ファイル・インポート・エージェントを使用および管理するためのコマンドが用意されています。
------------------------ capture ------------------------ usage : capture <command> [options] Run capture <command> -h' to get the detailed help for the command. Commands: capture create-encryption-key <file> Create an encryption key to encrypt/decrypt password for servers. [alias: cek] capture register-server <name> Registers a CEC server [alias: rs] capture list-servers Lists registered servers [alias: ls] capture list-import-jobs Lists all Import Jobs from server [alias: lij] capture configure-import-job Configures import job. Set Import Folder path. Enable or disable. [alias: cij] capture trigger-import-job Forces import job processing. [alias: tij] capture refresh-config Refresh configuration from server. [alias: rc] capture list-procedures Displays capture procedures. [alias: lp] capture register-database <name> Registers external database. [alias: rd] capture deregister-database Deregister previously registered database. [alias: dd] capture list-databases Displays registered databases and tables. [alias: ld] capture register-table Registers tables in a database. [alias: rt] capture deregister-table Deregister previously registered table. [alias: dt] capture list-table-sync-jobs Lists all Asset Sync Jobs from server. [alias: ltsj] capture trigger-table-sync Force table / asset synchronization. [alias: tts] capture start Starts import agent [alias: s] capture stop Stops import agent [alias: x] capture status Shows import agent status [alias: st] capture help Shows this message [alias: h] ----------------------------- capture create-encryption-key ----------------------------- usage: create-encryption-key <file> [-h] Create an encryption key to encrypt/decrypt password for servers and save to <file>. Options: -h,--help Show help Example: capture create-encryption-key ~/.ceckey Create encryption key and save to file ~/.ceckey ------------------------ capture register-server ------------------------ usage: capture register-server <name> -e <endpoint> -u <user> -p <password> [-k <key>] [-i <idcsurl>] [-c <clientid>] [-s <clientsecret>] [-o <scope>] [-m <timeout>] [-h] Registers a CEC server. Specify -e <endpoint> for the server URL. Specify -u <user> and -p <password> for connecting to the server. Optionally specify -k <key> to encrypt the password. Optionally specify <idcsurl>, <clientid>, <clientsecret> and <scope> for integration with IDCS app. Options: -e,--endpoint <endpoint> Server endpoint -u,--user <user> User name -p,--password <password> Password -k,--key <key> The key file used to encrypt the password -i,--idcsurl <idcsurl> Oracle Identity Cloud Service Instance URL -c,--clientid <clientid> Client ID -s,--clientsecret <clientsecret> Client secret -o,--scope <scope> Scope -m,--timeout <timeout> Timeout in millisecond when try to login to the server. Defaults to 30000ms -h,--help Show help Examples: capture register-server server1 -e http://server1.com -u user1 -p password1 -i The server is a tenant on Oracle Public cloud http://idcs1.com -c clientid -s clientsecret -o https://primary-audience-and-scope capture register-server server1 -e http://server1.com -u user1 -p password1 The server is a tenant on Oracle Public cloud capture register-server server1 -e http://server1.com -u user1 -p password1 -m 60000 The timeout is set to 60 seconds capture register-server server1 -e http://server1.com -u user1 -p password1 -k ~/.mykey The password will be encrypted ------------------------ capture list-servers ------------------------ usage: capture list-servers [-u <user>] [-f <pattern>] [-h] Lists registered CEC servers. Optionally specify -u <user> and -f <pattern> to filter results based on user or server name. Options: -u,--user <user> User name -f,--pattern <pattern> String to search in server name -h,--help Show help Examples: capture list-servers Lists all registered servers capture list-servers -u user1 Lists all registered servers linked to user 'user1' capture list-servers -f demo Lists all registered servers whose name contains 'demo' ------------------------ capture list-import-jobs ------------------------ usage: capture list-import-jobs [-f] [-l] [-h] Lists all Import Jobs from server. Optionally specify -f and -l to show only folder or list file import jobs. Options: -f,--folder Display only folder import jobs -l,--listfile Display only list file import jobs -h,--help Show help Examples: capture list-import-jobs Lists all import jobs capture list-import-jobs -f Lists all folder import jobs capture list-import-jobs -l Lists all list file import jobs ----------------------------- capture configure-import-job ----------------------------- usage: capture configure-import-job -s <server> [-i <import>] [-p <path>] [-e] [-E] [-d] [-D] [-h] Configures the import job. Specify -s <server> -i <importjobid> to select the server and import job. Optionally specify -p <path> to set the import folder path. Optionally specify -d to disable import job and -e to enable import job Options: -s,--server <server> Set server name associated with import job -i,--import <import> Set Import Job Id -p,--path <path> Set Local Import Folder Path -e,--enable Enables specific import job -E,--enable-all Enables all import jobs -d,--disable Disables specific import job -D,--disable-all Disables all import job -h,--help Show help Examples: capture configure-import-job -s prod -i import_id -p /Users/user1/data/ Sets the import directory capture configure-import-job -s prod -i import_id -e Enables a specific import job capture configure-import-job -s prod -D Disables all import jobs capture configure-import-job -s prod -i import_id -d Disables a specific import job ------------------------ capture trigger-import-job ------------------------ usage: capture trigger-import-job -s <server> -i <import> [-h] Forces import job processing. Options: -s,--server <server> Set server name associated with import job -i,--import <import> Set Import Job Id -h,--help Show help Examples: capture trigger-import-job --server production --import xx-job-id-xx Forces processing of specified import job ------------------------ capture refresh-config ------------------------ usage: capture refresh-config [-s <server>] [-h] Refresh configuration from server. Optionally specify -s to only refresh config for selected server. Options: -s,--server <server> Specify the server -h,--help Show help Examples: capture refresh-config Force refresh configuration for all servers capture refresh-config -s production Force refresh configuration from specified server ------------------------ capture list-procedures ------------------------ usage: capture list-procedures -s <server> [-h] Lists capture procedures. Must specify -s <server> to select a server. Options: -s,--server <server> Specify the server -h,--help Show help Examples: capture list-procedures -s ocetest Lists all capture procedures available for current user ------------------------ capture register-database ------------------------ usage: capture register-database <name> -s <server> -w <procedure> -c <connection> -u <user> -p <password> [-a] [-h] Registers on-prem database with Capture. Specify -c <connection> for the connection URL, -u <user> and -p <password> for connecting to the server. Options: -s,--server <server> Specify the server -w,--procedure <procedure> Set procedure to be associated with database -c,--connection <connection> Database connection url -u,--user <user> Database User name -p,--password <password> Database Password -a,--attach Attach existing database -h,--help Show help Examples: capture register-database ebsdb -s server1 -w 1 -c jdbc:oracle:thin:@//host:port/service -u user1 -p pass Register ebsdb with server1 ------------------------ capture deregister-database ------------------------ usage: capture deregister-database -s <server> -w <procedure> -d <database> [-e] [-h] Deregister previously registered database. Specify -s <server>, -w <procedure> and -d <database> to select the database. Options: -s,--server <server> Specify the server -w,--procedure <procedure> Procedure associated with database -d,--database <database> Database to deregister -e,--detach Only detach -h,--help Show help Examples: capture deregister-database -s server1 -w 1 -d ebsdb Deregister VENDORS table from ebsdb database capture deregister-database -s server1 -w 1 -d ebsdb --detach Detaches ebsdb database without deregistering it ------------------------ capture list-databases ------------------------ usage: capture list-databases -s <server> [-h] Lists registered databases and tables. Must specify -s <server> to select a server. Options: -s,--server <server> Specify the server -h,--help Show help Examples: capture list-databases -s ocetest Lists all registered databased linked to server 'ocetest' ------------------------ capture register-table ------------------------ usage: capture register-table -s <server> -w <procedure> -d <database> -t <table> [-m <schema>] [-h] Registers table with Capture. Specify -s <server>, -w <procedure> and -d <database> to select the database. Options: -s,--server <server> Specify the server -w,--procedure <procedure> Specify the procedure -d,--database <database> Specify the database -t,--table <table> Table to sync -m,--schema <schema> Override schema qualifier -h,--help Show help Examples: capture register-table -s server1 -w 1 -d ebsdb -t VENDORS Register VENDORS table from ebsdb database capture register-table -s server1 -w 1 -d ebsdb -t VENDORS -m SVR Register VENDORS table from ebsdb database in SVR schema ------------------------ capture deregister-table ------------------------ usage: capture deregister-table -s <server> -w <procedure> -d <database> -t <table> [-m <schema>] [-h] Deregister table. Specify table details. Options: -s,--server <server> Specify the server -w,--procedure <procedure> Procedure associated with database -d,--database <database> Specify the database -t,--table <table> Table to sync -m,--schema <schema> Override schema qualifier -h,--help Show help Examples: capture deregister-table -s server1 -w 1 -d ebsdb -t VENDORS Deregister VENDORS table from ebsdb database ------------------------ capture list-table-sync-jobs ------------------------ usage: capture list-table-sync-jobs [-r] [-h] Lists all Asset Sync Jobs from server. Options: -r,--refresh Force refresh asset sync jobs from server -h,--help Show help Examples: capture list-table-sync-jobs Lists all asset sync jobs capture list-table-sync-jobs -r Refresh asset sync jobs from server and list them ------------------------ capture trigger-table-sync ------------------------ usage: capture trigger-table-sync -s <server> -a <asset> [-h] Force table / asset synchronization. Options: -s,--server <server> Set server name associated with table sync job -a,--asset <asset> Set Asset Sync Job Id -h,--help Show help Examples: capture trigger-table-sync -s production -i xx-123-sync-id-xx Forces processing of asset synchronization job ------------------------ capture start ------------------------ usage: capture start [-h] Starts capture agent. Options: -h,--help Show help Examples: capture start Starts capture agent if not running ------------------------ capture stop ------------------------ usage: capture stop [-h] Stops capture agent. Options: -h,--help Show help Examples: capture stop Stops capture agent if currently running ------------------------ capture status ------------------------ usage: capture status [-s <server>] [-i <import>] [-u <user>] [-m <machine>] [-l <limit>] [-d <duration>] [-c | -p] [-h] Display capture agent status and activity. Options: -s,--server <server> Set Server name -i,--import <import> Set Import Job name -u,--user <user> Set user name. Defaults to current user -m,--machine <machine> Set host name. Defaults to current hostname -l,--limit <limit> Set number of results to return. Defaults to 200 -d,--duration <duration> Set duration period in hours -c,--completed Display only completed uploads -p,--pending Display only pending uploads -h,--help Show help Examples: capture status Display capture agent status capture status -u user@example.com Show upload activity for user : user@example.com capture status -i Invoices Show upload activity for Invoices import job capture status -m myhost.example.com Show upload activity for a specific host / machine capture status -p Show uploads pending completion capture status -c Show completed uploads ------------------------ capture version ------------------------ usage: capture version [-h] Displays capture version details. Options: -h,--help Show help Example: capture version Display Capture Agent version